The bBro-minter contract is used for minting and burning bBro tokens. This contract is set as a minter for bBro token.
"owner": "terra1...",
"whitelist": [
Updates bbro-minter contract config. Can be executed only by owner. Message params are optional.
"bbro_token": "terra1..."
Adds new minter address into whitelist. Can be executed only by owner.
"add_minter": {
"minter": "terra1..."
Removes minter from whitelist. Can be executed only by owner.
"remove_minter": {
"minter": "terra1..."
Mints specified amount for specified address. Can be executed only by whitelisted address.
"mint": {
"recipient": "terra1...",
"amount": "100"
Burns specified amount from specified address balance. Can be executed only by whitelisted address.
"burn": {
"owner": "terra1...",
"amount": "100"
Creates an offer for a new owner. Only owner can execute this function.
"propose_new_owner": {
"new_owner": "terra1...",
"expires_in_blocks": 100
Removes the existing offer for the new owner. Only owner can execute this function
"drop_ownership_proposal": {}
Used to claim(approve) new owner proposal, thus changing contract's owner. Only address proposed as a new owner can execute this function.
"claim_ownership": {}
Returns bbro-minter contract config.
"config": {}
Returns information about created ownership proposal otherwise returns not-found error.
"ownership_proposal": {}
## MigrateMsg