Automating deployment of the ONEFlux processing pipeline by BlueGreen Labs.
The interactive image is compiled without calling any additional scripts. It's sole purpose is to provide a consistent and functional environment in which the ONEFlux processing chain will run without having to deal with annoying python install. You can get access to the session by starting an interactive docker session.
# build the image (in the interactive folder)
docker build -t oneflux-interactive .
# drop into a command prompt with a functional
# ONEFlux install
docker run -ti oneflux-interactive:latest
Using the headless image you can use oneflux using a rather long but easily understood command:
# build the image (in the headless folder)
docker build -t oneflux-headless .
# process the demo data
docker run -v /your/data/:/data oneflux-headless:latest all "/data" US-ARc "US-ARc_sample_input" 2005 2006 -l fluxnet_pipeline_US-ARc.log --mcr /opt/mcr/v94/ --recint hh
Here, docker run -v /your/data/:/data test:latest
starts a docker
image instance where you mount (connect) your data location /your/data/
the virtual file system /data/
location. In the headless instance the
python script is started by default and awaits its
usual input parameters. Consequently, the remaining command as specified
are the input parameters to the standard python script. The only difference is
that you shouldn't specify your local file storage location but the virtual
docker image location /data/
To track progress more easily a streamlit GUI based wrapper is provided to the processing. Sadly, I have given up on developing this further than the state it is currently in (non-functional). Technically it should all work, yet it doesn't due to ONEFlux relying on old python 2.7 code, with no easy fix it seems. Below are the instructions to build the current image and a preview of the simple layout in Streamlit under python 3.5+. Any commits to resolve the issue by getting a functional image on python 3.5+ are welcome.
# build the image (in the headless folder)
docker build -t oneflux-app .
# start the service
docker run -p 8501:8501 -v /your/data/:/data oneflux-app:latest