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Play chess with a line message bot and your friends! Inspired by fbchess.


A finite state machine that shows the operation flow of chessbot. Each position is specified as a state, and each move will trigger a transition that change the state of chessbot.

User Chat FSM

Room Chat FSM

How to Build

Build on your ubuntu machine and test via ngrok

set up environment variables

$ ngrok http 8000
$ export LINE_CHANNEL_SECRET=         [your channel secret]
$ export LINE_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN=   [your channel access token]
$ export DOMAIN=                      [ngrok url]
$ export PORT=                        8000

install dependancies and run

$ sudo apt install graphviz libgraphviz-dev pkg-config
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python src/

use "[ngrok url]/callback" as webhook settings on your line bot messaging API panel

Build on heroku

$ heroku git:remote -a [your app name]
$ heroku buildpacks:set heroku/python
$ heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku-community/apt
$ heroku config:set LINE_CHANNEL_SECRET=         [your channel secret]
$ heroku config:set LINE_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN=   [your channel access token]
$ heroku config:set DOMAIN=                      [heroku app url]
$ heroku config:set PORT=                        8000
$ git push heroku master

use "[heroku app url]/callback" as webhook settings on your line bot messaging API panel

Play With AI

Type "help" to in chat room will show commands.

Tpye "play", "play white", "play black" to play with AI.

To move pieces, use Long Algebaric Notation without using 'x' when you capture a piece. E.g., e2e4, g8f6.

Use "o-o" or "o-o-o" to castle

Pawns will be promoted to Queen after moving to side. If you want to promote a pawn to other piece type, use "=r" (Rook), "=n" (Knight), "=b" (Bishop), "=q" (Queen). E.g., "b7b8=r".
Checks are detected automatically.

Type "undo" to cancel AI's and your last move
Type "resign" to give up the game

Play Yourself or With Friends

Type "play self" to move both white and black yourself.
Type "play 2p" or "play 2p black" to create a game. Afterwards, player2 type "accept" to join the game.

Type "play 2p" or "play 2p black" to create a game. Afterwards, type "cancel" to cancel a game

Type "undo" and player2 type "y" to cancel last move.

Notice: All the chess board pictures are removed from server in the end of a game.

Credit ChessAI