: you can access to all data that you define insite_params.exs
from this variable -
hold all data of current connection to server include:host
, etc. You can read more here
<h1><%= @site_params.title %></%></h1>
<h3><%= @site_params.sub_title %></%></h>
: current post struct
: list of post for current page@paginator
: a struct which hold pagination data
: current page struct
: current category struct@posts
: list of posts for current category@paginator
: a struct which hold pagination data
: list of item with category dataitem
format:%{ category: <Category>, post_count: <Integer> }
: current tag struct@posts
: list of posts for current tag@paginator
: a struct which hold pagination data
: list of item with tag dataitem
format:%{ tag: <Tag>, post_count: <Integer> }
This struct is available for every listing page via variable @paginator
. It presents pagination data for listing query.
entries: <list of item>,
page: <Integer>, # starting from 1
size: <Integer>, # number of entry per page
total_page: <Integer>,
entry_count: <Integer>, # total entry count on database
has_next?: <Boolean>,
has_prev?: <Boolean>
These functions a available in all template
partial(template_name, assigns)
render a template inpartial
partial('feature_post_widget.html', assigns)
next_page_path(Plug.Conn, Paginator)
andpreve_page_path(Plug.Conn, Paginator)
get the next/previous page path from paginatorExample:
<%= if @paginator.has_next? do %> <%= next_page_path(@conn, @paginator) %> <% end %>
compile_shortcode(html_string, assigns)
receive an input string and compile all shortcode in that string. This function is call before rendering a post to compile all shortcode in post content.Example:
<%= compile_shortcode(@post.content, assigns) %>
format_date(date, format_str)
format a date struct to a string using Timex library. Learn format directive here.Example:
format_date(@post.date, '{0M}/{0D}/{YYYY})
to format publish datemm/dd/yyyy