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πŸ„ Proof-of-concept producer's share of the consumer's price

Effortlessly automate data processing and visualization with this cutting-edge proof-of-concept pipeline.


This GitHub repository is used as a proof-of-concept and does not aim to produce any official statistics for the federal office for agriculture.

🎯 Goal of this project

The goal of this project is to develop and test a proof-of-concept (POC) data pipeline that involves the following steps:

  1. Data querying: An R script, executed via GitHub Actions, queries the data from LINDAS using SPARQL. The Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) already uploads current market data to the Linked Data Service (LINDAS).
  2. Computation: The script calculates the producer's share of the consumer's price and performs a seasonal decomposition. The results are stored on this public GitHub repository.
  3. Visualization: The results are visualized using Datawrapper, which generates an interactive chart embedded in an HTML page.

πŸ“ The repository structure

This repository is structured as follows: /docs contains all files related to generate the demonstration sites -- both the HTML files as well as the markdown source files. /resources contains the SPARQL scripts used, sourced R functions and any other resources needed here. /results contains any data written by the R script; i.e., its output.

πŸ€– The tech stack

This project makes use of the following technologies and programming languages.

  • LINDAS: A linked data service for publishing data as knowledge graphs. It can be queries by SPARQL, a query language and protocol for linked open data on the web.
  • R: A language for statistical computing.
  • GitHub Actions: A CI/CD platform that allows to automate code execution.
  • Datawrapper: A no-code tool to create and displays interactive visualizations.

πŸ““ Process documentation

This project involves two periodically executed processes: the GitHub Actions workflow (once a week) and the Datawrapper update (once an hour). Below is a detailed description of the process, with reference to the actual step numbers from the sequence diagram.

    participant LINDAS
    participant R Script
    participant GitHub
    participant Datawrapper
    loop Every week
        activate GitHub
        GitHub->>GitHub: Set up environment
        GitHub->>R Script: Trigger execution
        activate R Script
        R Script->>LINDAS: Send SPARQL query
        activate LINDAS
        LINDAS-->>R Script: Return milk data
        deactivate LINDAS
        R Script->>R Script: Calculate producer's share
        R Script->>R Script: Decompose time series
        R Script->>GitHub: Save results
        deactivate R Script
        GitHub->>GitHub: Commit results
        deactivate GitHub
    opt When chart is loaded
        activate Datawrapper
        Datawrapper->>GitHub: Fetch latest results
        Datawrapper->>Datawrapper: Visualize results
        deactivate Datawrapper
  1. Set up environment: GitHub Actions sets up the environment, installing R and the necessary packages httr as well as readr.
  2. Trigger execution: GitHub Actions triggers the execution of the R script (main.R).
  3. Send SPARQL query: The R script sends a SPARQL query to LINDAS via the API to retrieve the latest market data.
  4. Return market data: LINDAS processes the query and returns the up-to-date milk data to the R script.
  5. Calculate producer's share: The R script computes the producer's share of the consumer's price based on the returned data.
  6. Decompose time series: The R script performs a seasonal decomposition of the time series by LOESS (locally estimated scatterplot smoothing) using the stl function from the stats package.
  7. Save results: The processed results are written as two CSV files (prices.csv and producers-share.csv) to the /results directory.
  8. Commit results: GitHub Actions commits the results to the repository. If no changes are detected, no commits are made.
  9. Fetch latest results: Whenever a chart is loaded, datawrapper fetches the latest CSV file from GitHub.
  10. Visualize results: Datawrapper creates and updates an interactive graphic at a fixed URL, reflecting the latest processed data. A demo of the datawrapper visualizations can be seen here. Note that the Datawrapper visualization is integrated in this webpage as an iframe.

πŸ–₯️ The GitHub Actions workflow

The GitHub action is controlled by the yaml file .github/workflow/compute-producers-share.yml. The action is scheduled to run every Sunday at midnight UTC, but it can also be trigerred manually.

name: Execute R script
    - cron: '0 0 * * 0' # This runs the action every Sunday at midnight UTC
  workflow_dispatch: # This allows the workflow to be triggered manually

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Set Up R
        uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r@v2
      - name: Install packages
        uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r-dependencies@v2
          packages: |
      - name: Check out repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Compute producer's share
        run: Rscript -e 'source("main.R")'
      - name: Commit results
        run: |
          git config --local ""
          git config --local "GitHub Actions"
          git add .
          git commit -m 'Data updated' || echo "No changes to commit"
          git push origin || echo "No changes to commit"

πŸ“ˆ Creating a chart with Datawrapper

Using Datawrapper is quite straightforward. The service can be used for free via a GitHub account.

First, the URL from which the data will be fetched is set. Then, the graphic is customized to meet visualization needs.


A proof-of-concept to test the LINDAS + R + GitHub + Datawrapper tech stack.





