Releases: bnb-chain/bsc
Please note this is just a beta version, some known bug fix is on the way. v1.1.1-beta is released which has better performance in order to handle the high volume. Please feel free to upgrade and raise bug reports onto the github.
Sync Faster
For nodes that need block sync as fast as possible, we highlight the suggested hardware here:
For validator:
- 2T GB of free disk space, solid-state drive(SSD), gp3, 8k IOPS, 250MB/S throughput, read latency <1ms
- 12 cores of CPU and 48 gigabytes of memory (RAM)
- m5zn.3xlarge instance type on AWS, or c2-standard-8 on Google cloud.
- A broadband Internet connection with upload/download speeds of 10 megabyte per second
For fullnode:
- 1T GB of free disk space, solid-state drive(SSD), gp3, 3k IOPS, 125MB/S throughput, read latency <1ms. (if start with snap/fast sync, it will need NVMe SSD)
- 8 cores of CPU and 32 gigabytes of memory (RAM).
- c5.4xlarge instance type on AWS, c2-standard-8 on Google cloud.
- A broadband Internet connection with upload/download speeds of 5 megabyte per second
if you want to setup a node without syncing, or replace the heavy data with light one, please refer to our latest snapshot page
*#333 improve block fetcher efficiency
*#326 eth/tracers: improve tracing performance
*#257 performance improvement in many aspects
This is a beta release that merges with go-ethereum v1.10.3.
Snapshots are an acceleration data structure on top of the Ethereum state, that allows reading accounts and contract storage significantly faster. The snapshot feature reduces the cost of accessing an account from O(logN) to O(1).
Though snapshots have enormous benefits, there are certain costs to them:
A snapshot is a redundant copy of the raw Ethereum state already contained in the leaves of the Merkle Patricia trie so it requires an additional disk overhead.
Since nobody has snapshots constructed in the network yet, nodes will initially need to bear the cost of iterating the state trie and creating the initial snapshot themselves. This might take a day to a week but you only need to do it once in the lifetime of your node.
Snapshot feature is enabled by default, you can disable it via --snapshot=false
Snap sync
Now you have two different ways to synchronize the BSC network: full sync and fast sync. Full sync operated by downloading the entire chain and executing all transactions; fast sync placed an initial trust in a recent-ish block, and directly downloaded the state associated with it (after which it switched to block execution like full sync).
For fast sync, it needs to download the trie nodes one by one. So it will take time to download all the nodes if there are millions of nodes. And for the serving peers, they need to traverse all the nodes and it also takes time.
Snap sync is designed to solve the fast sync problems. The core idea is instead of downloading the trie node-by-node, snap sync downloads the contiguous chunks of useful state data, and reconstructs the Merkle trie locally.
You can manually enable snap sync via --syncmode=snap
. Note: usually it will need one or two weeks until there is enough client upgrade to the version with snap enabled, you may use snap sync after that.
Offline pruning
If you have snapshots enabled and fully generated, Geth can use those as an acceleration structure to relatively quickly determine which trie nodes should be kept and which should be deleted. Pruning trie nodes based on snapshots does have the drawback that the chain may not progress during pruning. This means that you need to stop Geth, prune its database and then restart it.
Execution time wise, pruning takes a few hours (greatly depends on your disk speed and accumulated junk), one third of which is indexing recent trie nodes from snapshots, one third deleting stale trie nodes and the last third compacting the database to reclaim freed up space. At the end of the process, your disk usage should approximately be the same as if you did a fresh sync.
To prune your database, please run geth snapshot prune-state
Note: You need to upgrade the client and run for a while before prune the data
Transaction unindexing
Geth no longer keeps transaction inclusion info for all transactions, and instead limits the storage of inclusion records to one year. For application developers, this change means that very old transactions can no longer be accessed by hash.
If you would like todisable this behavior and keep inclusion information for all historical transactions, you can re-enable indexing using the --txlookuplimit=0
command-line flag.
Database changes
There is an incompatible database change: adds a prefix for contract code in order to separate the codes and trie nodes.
So if you use the version of geth, you will not be able to rollback to the older version geth.
Geth command changes
- --rpc -> --http - Enable the HTTP-RPC server
- --rpcaddr -> --http.addr - HTTP-RPC server listening interface
- --rpcport -> --http.port - HTTP-RPC server listening port
- --rpccorsdomain -> --http.corsdomain - Domain from which to accept requests
- --rpcvhosts -> --http.vhosts - Virtual hostnames from which to accept requests
- --rpcapi -> --http.api - API’s offered over the HTTP-RPC interface
- --wsaddr -> --ws.addr - WS-RPC server listening interface
- --wsport -> --ws.port - WS-RPC server listening port
- --wsorigins -> - Origins from which to accept websockets requests
- --wsapi -> --ws.api - API’s offered over the WS-RPC interface
- --gpoblocks -> --gpo.blocks - Number of blocks to check for gas prices
- --gpopercentile -> --gpo.percentile - Percentile of recent txs to use as gas suggestion
- --graphql.addr -> --graphql - Enable GraphQL on the HTTP-RPC server
- --graphql.port -> --graphql - Enable GraphQL on the HTTP-RPC server
- --pprofport -> --pprof.port - Profiler HTTP server listening port
- --pprofaddr -> --pprof.addr - Profiler HTTP server listening interface
- --memprofilerate -> --pprof.memprofilerate - Turn on memory profiling with the given rate
- --blockprofilerate -> --pprof.blockprofilerate - Turn on block profiling with the given rate
- --cpuprofile -> --pprof.cpuprofile - Write CPU profile to the given file
For more details about the command changes, you can refer to: v1.10.0.
Rpc changes
BREAKING CHANGE: Non-EIP155 transactions (i.e. transactions which are not replay-protected) are now rejected by the RPC API. You can disable this restriction using the --rpc.allow-unprotected-txs
command-line flag.
Since there are txs signed by old clients, we need to add this flag for all our nodes.
Response changes in eth_estimateGas
, eth_call
, eth_sendRawTransaction
The response will now add a message field in addition to the data field if these RPCs cause the EVM to execute a REVERT operation. For example:
"message":"execution reverted: num_ is \u003c= 10",
Response changes in eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex
, eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex
, eth_getTransactionByHash
The response now adds a type field to denote the transaction type. For example:
GraphQL changes
The GraphQL API is no longer available separately from the JSON-RPC HTTP server. If you want GraphQL, you need to enable it using the --http --graphql
flag combination. The --graphql.port
and --graphql.addr
flags are no longer available.
Config changes
Remove whisper config.
MaxMessageSize = 1048576
RestrictConnectionBetweenLightClients = true
Remove GraphQL config.
Rename DiscoveryURLs
to EthDiscoveryURLs
For more details about config changes, you can refer to go-ethereum v1.9.19, v1.9.21, v1.10.0
This is a hot fix release to fix the reorg routine stuck issue.
- #194 bump btcd to v0.20.1-beta
v1.0.7 is a maintenance release that focuses on the performance improvement of validators, we suggest all validators upgrade to the latest version.
- #120 add health check endpoint
- #116 validator only write database state when enough distance
- #115 add batch query methods
- #112 apply max commit tx time for miner worker to avoid empty block
- #101 apply block number limit for the
api - #99 enable directbroadcast flag to decrease the block propagation time
- #90 add tini in docker image
- #84 add jq in docker image