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270 lines (263 loc) · 12.1 KB

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Zephyr - Coaps Demo Client with TinyDtls

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help full
b 34.567 : > help: (v0.10.105+1)
b 34.567 :   at???        : generic modem at-cmd.(*)
b 34.567 :   apn          : modem APN.(*?)
b 34.567 :   apnclr       : clear modem APN.(*)
b 34.567 :   ban          : set PLMNs to forbidden list (SIM-card).(*?)
b 34.567 :   banclr       : clear forbidden PLMN list (SIM-card).(*)
b 34.567 :   band         : configure bands.(*?)
b 34.567 :   bat          : read battery status.
b 34.567 :   cfg          : configure modem.(*?)
b 34.567 :   con          : connect modem.(*?)
b 34.567 :   deep         : network deep-search mode.(*?)
b 34.567 :   del          : delete settings.(#?)
b 34.567 :   dest         : show destination.
b 34.567 :   dev          : read device info.
b 34.567 :   dtls         : show dtls information.(?)
b 34.567 :   edrx         : configure eDRX.(*?)
b 34.567 :   env          : read environment sensor.
b 34.567 :   eval         : evaluate connection.(*)
b 34.618 :   fota         : start application firmware-over-the-air update.(?)
b 34.618 :   genec        : generate ec keypair.(#)
b 34.618 :   genpsk       : generate psk secret.(#)
b 34.618 :   get          : get settings.(?)
b 34.618 :   iccid        : read ICCID.(*)
b 34.618 :   imsi         : select IMSI.(*?)
b 34.618 :   interval     : send interval.(?)
b 34.618 :   led          : led command.(?)
b 34.618 :   limit        : read apn rate limit.(*)
b 34.618 :   lock         : lock protected cmds.
b 34.618 :   net          : read network info.(*)
b 34.618 :   off          : switch modem off.(*)
b 34.618 :   offline      : switch modem offline.(*)
b 34.618 :   on           : switch modem on.(*)
b 34.618 :   power        : configure power level.(*?)
b 34.618 :   prio         : set PLMNs to user HP list (SIM-card).(*?)
b 34.669 :   prioclr      : clear user HPPLMN list (SIM-card).(*)
b 34.669 :   prov         : show provisioning data.
b 34.669 :   provdone     : provisioning done.(#)
b 34.669 :   psm          : configure PSM.(*?)
b 34.669 :   rai          : configure RAI.(*?)
b 34.669 :   reboot       : reboot device.(?)
b 34.669 :   reboots      : read reboot codes.
b 34.669 :   remo         : reduced mobility.(*?)
b 34.669 :   reset        : modem factory reset.(*)
b 34.669 :   restart      : try to switch off the modem and restart device.
b 34.669 :   restarts     : read restart reasons.
b 34.669 :   rscan        : remote network scan.(*?)
b 34.669 :   scan         : network scan.(*?)
b 34.669 :   search       : network search.(*)
b 34.669 :   send         : send message.(?)
b 34.669 :   sendflags    : sendflags.(?)
b 34.720 :   sendresult   : send result message.
b 34.720 :   set          : set settings from text.(#?)
b 34.720 :   sethex       : set settings from hexadezimal.(#?)
b 34.720 :   sim          : read SIM-card info.(*)
b 34.720 :   sms          : send SMS.(*?)
b 34.720 :   state        : read modem state.(*)
b 34.720 :   storage      : list storage sections.
b 34.720 :   storageclear : clear all storage sections.
b 34.720 :   time         : show system time.
b 34.720 :   timeout      : initial coap timeout.(?)
b 34.720 :   unlock       : unlock protected cmds.(?)
b 34.720 :   update       : start application firmware update. Requires XMODEM client.(?)
b 34.720 :   *            : AT-cmd is used, maybe busy.
b 34.720 :   #            : protected <cmd>, requires 'unlock' ahead.
b 34.720 :   ?            : help <cmd> available.
b 34.720 : 
b 34.770 : > help apn:
b 34.770 :   apn <apn>  : set and active APN.
b 34.770 :   apn        : show current APN.
b 34.770 : 
b 34.820 : > help ban:
b 34.820 :   ban                      : show ban-list.
b 34.820 :   ban <plmn> [<plmn2> ...] : set plmn(s) as ban-list.
b 34.821 : 
b 34.871 : > help band:
b 34.871 :   band               : show current bands.
b 34.871 :   band all           : activate all bands.
b 34.871 :   band <b1> <b2> ... : activate bands <b1> <b2> ... .
b 34.871 : 
b 34.921 : > help cfg:
b 34.921 :   cfg         : read configuration.
b 34.921 :   cfg init    : reset configuration.
b 34.921 :   cfg <plmn> <modes>
b 34.921 :       <plmn>  : either auto or numerical plmn, e.g. 26202
b 34.921 :       <modes> : nb, m1, nb m1, m1 nb, or auto.
b 34.921 :               : nb    := NB-IoT
b 34.921 :               : m1    := LTE-M
b 34.921 :               : nb m1 := NB-IoT/LTE-M
b 34.921 :               : m1 nb := LTE-M/NB-IoT
b 34.921 :               : auto := LTE-M/NB-IoT without preference
b 34.921 : 
b 34.971 : > help con:
b 34.971 :   con         : read connection information
b 34.971 :   con <plmn> [<mode>]
b 34.971 :       <plmn>  : numerical plmn, e.g. 26202
b 34.971 :       <mode>  : optional mode, nb or m1.
b 34.971 :               : nb := NB-IoT
b 34.971 :               : m1 := LTE-M
b 34.971 :   con auto    : automatic network selection.
b 34.971 : 
b 34.021 : > help deep:
b 34.021 :   deep (on|1)  : enable deep-search.
b 34.021 :   deep (off|0) : disable deep-search.
b 34.021 :   deep         : show deep-search status.
b 34.021 : 
b 35.071 : > help del:
b 35.071 :   del <key>  : delete value for key.
b 35.071 : 
b 35.122 : > help dtls:
b 35.122 :   dtls       : show dtls details.
b 35.122 :   dtls reset : reset dtls session.
b 35.122 : 
b 35.172 : > help edrx:
b 35.172 :   edrx <edrx-time> : request eDRX time.
b 35.172 :      <edrx-time>   : eDRX time in s.
b 35.172 :                    : 0 to disable eDRX.
b 35.172 :                    : If modem is sleeping, the eDRX settings will be
b 35.172 :                    : sent to the network with the next connection.
b 35.172 :   edrx off         : disable eDRX.
b 35.172 :   edrx             : show current eDRX status.
b 35.172 : 
b 35.222 : > help fota:
b 35.222 :   fota apply <version>    : apply an already downloaded version.
b 35.222 :   fota download <version> : download a version.
b 35.222 :   fota update <version>   : download and apply a version.
b 35.222 :   fota cancel <version>   : cancel downloading a version.
b 35.222 : 
b 35.272 : > help get:
b 35.272 :   get <key>  : get value for key.
b 35.272 : 
b 35.322 : > help imsi:
b 35.322 :   imsi           : show current IMSI selection.
b 35.322 :   imsi auto      : select IMSI automatically. Switching IMSI on timeout (300s).
b 35.322 :   imsi next      : select next IMSI.
b 35.322 :   imsi <n>       : select IMSI. Values 0 to 10.
b 35.322 :   imsi 0         : select IMSI automatically. Switching IMSI on timeout (300s).
b 35.322 :   imsi 1         : select IMSI 1. Fallback to latest successful IMSI.
b 35.322 :   imsi n         : select IMSI. The largest value depends on the SIM card
b 35.322 :   imsi force <n> : select IMSI. No fallback!
b 35.322 : 
b 35.372 : > help interval:
b 35.372 :   interval               : read send interval.
b 35.372 :   interval <time>[s|m|h] : set send interval.
b 35.373 :         <time>|<time>s   : interval in seconds.
b 35.373 :                <time>m   : interval in minutes.
b 35.373 :                <time>h   : interval in hours.
b 35.373 : 
b 35.423 : > help led:
b 35.423 :   led <color> <op> : apply opartion on color LED.
b 35.423 :       <color>      : red, blue, green, or all.
b 35.423 :               <op> : on, off, blink, or blinking.
b 35.423 : 
b 35.473 : > help power:
b 35.473 :   power     : show current power level.
b 35.473 :   power <l> : set power level. Values 0 to 4.
b 35.473 :         0   : Ultra-low power
b 35.473 :         1   : Low power
b 35.473 :         2   : Normal
b 35.473 :         3   : Performance
b 35.473 :         4   : High performance
b 35.473 : 
b 35.523 : > help prio:
b 35.523 :   prio                      : show user HPPLMN list.
b 35.523 :   prio <plmn> [<plmn2> ...] : set plmn(s) as user HPPLMN list.
b 35.523 : 
b 35.573 : > help psm:
b 35.573 :   psm <act-time> <tau-time>[h] : request PSM times.
b 35.573 :      <act-time>    : active time in s.
b 35.573 :      <tau-time>    : tracking area update time in s.
b 35.573 :      <tau-time>h   : tracking area update time in h.
b 35.573 :   psm normal       : PSM handled by application.
b 35.573 :   psm              : show current PSM status.
b 35.573 : 
b 35.623 : > help rai:
b 35.623 :   rai off|on : enable or disable RAI.
b 35.624 :   rai        : show current RAI status.
b 35.624 : 
b 35.674 : > help reboot:
b 35.674 :   reboot     : reboot device <last> (forced).
b 35.674 :   reboot <n> : reboot device <n>, if <last> was not the same <n>.
b 35.674 : 
b 35.724 : > help remo:
b 35.724 :   remo   : show current reduced mobility mode.
b 35.724 :   remo 0 : no reduced mobility.
b 35.724 :   remo 1 : reduced mobility (nordic).
b 35.724 :   remo 2 : no reduced mobility.
b 35.724 : 
b 35.774 : > help rscan: remote network scan
b 35.774 :   rscan        : repeat previous network scan.
b 35.774 :   rscan 0      : displays neighbor cell history
b 35.774 :   rscan 1      : start neighbor cell search
b 35.774 :   rscan 2      : start neighbor cell search, all bands
b 35.774 :   rscan 3 <n>  : displays cell history
b 35.774 :   rscan 4 <n>  : start cell search
b 35.774 :   rscan 5 <n>  : start cell search, all bands
b 35.774 :   <n>         : maximum cells to list, values 2 to 15.
b 35.774 : 
b 35.824 : > help scan: start network scan
b 35.824 :   scan        : repeat previous network scan.
b 35.824 :   scan 0      : displays neighbor cell history
b 35.824 :   scan 1      : start neighbor cell search
b 35.824 :   scan 2      : start neighbor cell search, all bands
b 35.824 :   scan 3 <n>  : displays cell history
b 35.825 :   scan 4 <n>  : start cell search
b 35.825 :   scan 5 <n>  : start cell search, all bands
b 35.825 :   <n>         : maximum cells to list, values 2 to 15.
b 35.825 : 
b 35.875 : > help send:
b 35.875 :   send            : send application message.
b 35.875 :   send <message>  : send provided message.
b 35.875 : 
b 35.925 : > help sendflags:
b 35.925 :   sendflags                  : read coap sendflags.
b 35.925 :   sendflags <flags>          : set coap sendflags.
b 35.925 :             <flags>          : flags in decimal.
b 35.925 :             <0xflags>        : flags in hexadecimal.
b 35.925 :   sendflags <id> [<id2> ...] : set coap from names.
b 35.925 :             nores            : request without response (flag 1).
b 35.925 :             init             : initial infos (flag 2).
b 35.925 :             min              : minimal infos (flag 4).
b 35.925 :             dev              : device info (flag 16).
b 35.925 :             sim              : sim-card info (flag 32).
b 35.925 :             net              : network info (flag 64).
b 35.925 :             stat             : network statistics (flag 128).
b 35.925 :             env              : environment info (flag 512).
b 35.925 :             scan             : network scan result (flag 2048).
b 35.925 : 
b 35.975 : > help set:
b 35.975 :   set <key> <value>    : set value to key.
b 35.975 : 
b 35.026 : > help sethex:
b 35.026 :   set <key> <hex-value> : set hexadecimal value for key.
b 35.026 : 
b 36.076 : > help sms:
b 36.076 :   sms                  : receive sms (120s).
b 36.076 :   sms <dest> <message> : send sms and receive sms (120s).
b 36.076 :   <dest>               : international IMSI
b 36.076 :   <message>            : message
b 36.076 : 
b 36.126 : > help timeout:
b 36.126 :   timeout        : read initial coap timeout.
b 36.126 :   timeout <time> : set initial coap timeout in seconds.
b 36.126 : 
I 36.176 : > help unlock:
I 36.176 :   unlock <password>  : unlock protected cmds for 60s.
I 36.176 : 
I 36.226 : > help update:
I 36.226 :   update          : start update download and reboot to apply it.
I 36.226 :   update download : start update download.
I 36.226 :   update info     : display current update info.
I 36.226 :   update erase    : erase current update.
I 36.226 :   update revert   : revert last update.
I 36.226 :   update reboot   : reboot to apply update.
I 36.226 :   update verify   : mark image as verified.

Some commands my be disabled depending on the buidl, e.g. update (update via UART) will not be available for production images. Therefore check with help, which commands are available for your build.

** !!! Under Construction !!! **