A generic Meta DB ROS Node using MongoDB as storage.
The intention to create this MongoDB database node was to have a simple way to
save any kind of JSON data together with metadata.
On the other hand it should also be possible to store any kind of structure
without using the pre configured metadata schema template.
This ROS Node meets the following requirements:
- Use MongoDB as storage
- One single ROS Package repository
- Operation modes:
- Can store data alongside with metadata by default in a basic schema template
- Can store data in raw format by configuration without metadata (raw=True)
- Data can be saved as simple String or complex JSON document
- Additional metadata key/value pairs can be added
- Parallel processing per interface (all use an own ReentrantCallbackGroup)
- Multiple RosMDB Node instances can run parallel (e.g. one node per collection)
- Add automatically insert timestamp
- Debug capabilities
- Collection control
- Configurable default collection
- Optionally override default collection (depends on used interface)
- Insert_one interfaces
- By ROS topic
- By ROS service
- By ROS action
- By CLI application
- Find and find_one interfaces
- By ROS service
- By ROS action
- By CLI application
Already installed MongoDB server https://www.mongodb.com
Use the package manager pip3 to install the below dependencies.
pip3 install pymongo
# run in your ros2_ws/src folder
git clone https://gitlab.com/bob-ros2/rosmdb.git
cd ..
colcon build
. install/setup.bash
# start node
$ ros2 run rosmdb metadb.py
# start node with setting default_collection
$ ros2 run rosmdb metadb.py --ros-args -p default_collection:=persons
# start in debug mode
$ ros2 run rosmdb metadb.py --ros-args --log-level debug
# insert_one service call using command line
$ ros2 service call /insert rosmdb/srv/Insert "{collection: persons, json: '{\"data\":\"pete\"}'}"
# query service call using command line
$ ros2 service call /query rosmdb/srv/Query "{type: 1, collection: persons, query: '{\"_id\":\"65228c4a9244d375f83788cb\"}'}"
~uri (string, default: "mongodb://localhost:27017/")
URI to access the DB. See MongoDB website how to authenticate.
~name (string, default: "metadb")
Used DB name.
~default_collection (string, default: "memories")
Used default collection to store data.
~raw (Bool, default: False)
If set to True the metada data template is not used and data will be written as it is into the MongoDB.
If input is not JSON format a minimal dict will be created around: { data: "<input>" }
~json (std_msgs/String)
JSON data to be saved in the default collection.
When it is not in JSON format the string is stored in a default data structure.
~query (srv/Query)
Query MongoDB data. See srv/Query.srv for details.
~insert (srv/Insert)
Insert data into MongoDB. See srv/Insert.srv for details.
~query (action/Query)
Query MongoDB data. See action/Query.action for details.
~insert (action/Insert)
Insert data into MongoDB data. See action/Insert.action for details.
The function json.loads can't handle ObjectId syntax. Because of this RosMDB
substitutes the _id value as ObjectId.
Searching for ObjectId can be done in the following way:
$ ros2 run rosmdb cli.py -t find_one -j '{"_id": "651de93bbfe1f5c4df74e77a"}'
Usually custom Message Definitions should have their own ROS Package. In RosMDB they are present in the same package to meet the requirements.
If the client application runs on a different host than the RosMDB server and the actions
or services want to be used the RosMDB package must also exist on that client host.
If not using metadb.py on the client host no special dependencies are needed to
build the package.
The CLI can still be used as it has no special dependencies other than the
RosMDB Message Definitions.
The topic insert_one interface can be used without the RosMDB package because it makes use of the regular std_msgs/String type.
How to use the ROS action interface can be seen in the also provided CLI ROS
Node under scripts/cli.py
Via ROS Actions is the preferable way to communicate with the RosMDB Node.
To insert data via the json topic a simple std_msgs/String publisher can be used. If the string is JSON parsable it will be handled as object, otherwise it will be treated as string. For this method no response is available about the state of the insert_one operation.
How to use a ROS service interface can be found in the ROS documentation https://ros.org
# help
$ ros2 run rosmdb cli.py -h
usage: cli.py [-h] [-c COLLECTION] [-j JSON] [-t {find,find_one,insert_one}] [-k [KEY=VALUE ...]] [-m {$and,$nor,$or}] [-v]
CLI for ROS Node MetaDB.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
used MogoDB collection (default: memories)
-j JSON, --json JSON JSON to be used for choosen type. Can be passed via stdin (default: )
-t {find,find_one,insert_one}, --type {find,find_one,insert_one}
type of operation (default: find_one)
-k [KEY=VALUE ...], --keys [KEY=VALUE ...]
key value pair(s) to find or find_one, overrides JSON input.
Can contain also regex in form /regex/ for key or value fields (default: [])
-v, --verbose Switch on verbose mode. (default: False)
# searching for ObjectId, RosMDB substitutes _id value as ObjectId
$ ros2 run rosmdb cli.py --type find_one --json '{"_id": "651de93bbfe1f5c4df74e77a"}'
# insert a new record, if successfull insert_id will be returned
$ ros2 run rosmdb cli.py --type insert_one --json '{"data": "hello there"}'
# with piped query available for all types
$ cat json.txt | ros2 run rosmdb cli.py -t find_one
# start in debug mode
$ ros2 run rosmdb cli.py -t insert_one -j '{"data": "hey"}' --ros-args --log-level debug
# helper script to produce JSON data
# the output can be used by cli.py
$ ros2 run rosmdb genmeta.sh
Usage: genmeta.sh <data> [<frame_id> [<tags>]]]
Data format as string: '"my string"' or as dict: '{"complex": {"uid": 32}}'
Tag list format 1-n: '"tag1", "tag2"'
# generate JSON with string data
$ ros2 run rosmdb genmeta.sh '"myData"'
"metadata": [
{ "key": "stamp", "value": 1696705342.022020059 },
{ "key": "frame_id", "value": "rosmdb" },
{ "key": "tags", "value": [] }
"data": "myData"
# generate JSON with nested dictionary data
$ ros2 run rosmdb genmeta.sh '{"complex": {"uid": 32}}' my_frame '"complex"'
"metadata": [
{ "key": "stamp", "value": 1696710346.734671263 },
{ "key": "frame_id", "value": "my_frame" },
{ "key": "tags", "value": ["complex"] }
"data": {"complex": {"uid": 32}}
# HINT if output is not JSON conform it will be stored as string by insert_one!
# to validate format the JSON query tool jq can be used
$ ros2 run rosmdb genmeta.sh '{"complex": {"uid": 32}}' | jq .
# insert into MongoDB
$ ros2 run rosmdb genmeta.sh '"hello again"' | ros2 run rosmdb cli.py -t insert_one -c my_collection
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.