diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings index 7e79253320..5cffbfe34c 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2253,7 +2253,9 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled"; +/* */ "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment"; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/da.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/da.lproj/Localizable.strings index fd9af9b084..0bfb7c9f9c 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/da.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/da.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2252,7 +2252,9 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled"; +/* */ "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment"; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/de.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/de.lproj/Localizable.strings index 6647e8a24e..b541aa6f54 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/de.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/de.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2253,12 +2253,14 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Dynamische ISF ist deaktiviert, wenn Auto ISF aktiviert ist"; -"Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment"; +/* */ +"Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Die obere Grenze der ISF Anpassung. Standardwert: 1,2"; /* */ -"Default value: 0.8 The lower limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 0.8 The lower limit of ISF adjustment"; +"Default value: 0.8 The lower limit of ISF adjustment" = "Die untere Grenze der ISF Anpassung. Standardwert: 0,8"; /* */ "Auto ISF Max" = "Auto ISF Max"; @@ -2303,22 +2305,22 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "If activated the small safety TBR kicks in when IOB is in negative range as if no basal insulin has been delivered for one hour. If deactivated and static is enabled every Zero Temp is replaced with the small TBR." = "If activated the small safety TBR kicks in when IOB is in negative range as if no basal insulin has been delivered for one hour. If deactivated and static is enabled every Zero Temp is replaced with the small TBR."; /* */ -"Enable Keto Protection" = "Enable Keto Protection"; +"Enable Keto Protection" = "Schutz vor einer Ketoazidose"; /* */ -"Ketoacidosis protection will apply a small configurable Temp Basal Rate always or if certain conditions arise instead of a Zero temp!\nThe feature exists because in special cases a person could get ketoacidosis from 0% TBR. The idea is derived from sport. There could be problems when a basal rate of 0% ran for several hours. Muscles in particular could shut off.\nThis feature enables a small safety TBR to reduce the ketoacidosis risk. Without the Variable Protection that safety TBR is always applied. The idea behind the variable protection strategy is that the safety TBR is only applied if sum of basal-IOB and bolus-IOB falls negatively below the value of the current basal rate." = "Ketoacidosis protection will apply a small configurable Temp Basal Rate always or if certain conditions arise instead of a Zero temp!\nThe feature exists because in special cases a person could get ketoacidosis from 0% TBR. The idea is derived from sport. There could be problems when a basal rate of 0% ran for several hours. Muscles in particular could shut off.\nThis feature enables a small safety TBR to reduce the ketoacidosis risk. Without the Variable Protection that safety TBR is always applied. The idea behind the variable protection strategy is that the safety TBR is only applied if sum of basal-IOB and bolus-IOB falls negatively below the value of the current basal rate."; +"Ketoacidosis protection will apply a small configurable Temp Basal Rate always or if certain conditions arise instead of a Zero temp!\nThe feature exists because in special cases a person could get ketoacidosis from 0% TBR. The idea is derived from sport. There could be problems when a basal rate of 0% ran for several hours. Muscles in particular could shut off.\nThis feature enables a small safety TBR to reduce the ketoacidosis risk. Without the Variable Protection that safety TBR is always applied. The idea behind the variable protection strategy is that the safety TBR is only applied if sum of basal-IOB and bolus-IOB falls negatively below the value of the current basal rate." = "Der Schutz vor Ketoazidose wendet immer eine kleine, konfigurierbare temporäre Basalrate (TBR) an. Entweder dauerhaft oder nur unter bestimmten Bedingungen, anstelle einer temporären Nullrate.\nDiese Funktion existiert, weil in speziellen Fällen eine Person durch eine temporäre Basalrate von 0 % eine Ketoazidose entwickeln könnte. Die Idee stammt aus dem Sport: Probleme können auftreten, wenn über mehrere Stunden eine Basalrate von 0 % aktiv war. Insbesondere die Muskeln könnten dann ihre Funktion einschränken.\nDiese Funktion ermöglicht eine kleine Sicherheits-TBR, um das Risiko einer Ketoazidose zu reduzieren. Ohne die variable Schutzstrategie wird diese Sicherheits-TBR immer angewendet. Die Idee hinter der variablen Schutzstrategie ist, dass die Sicherheits-TBR nur dann angewendet wird, wenn die Summe aus Basal-IOB (Insulin-on-Board) und Bolus-IOB negativ unter den Wert der aktuellen Basalrate fällt."; /* */ "B30 Settings" = "B30 Einstellungen"; /* */ -"Duration of increased B30 basal rate" = "Duration of increased B30 basal rate"; +"Duration of increased B30 basal rate" = "Dauer der erhöhten B30 Basalrate"; /* */ "Duration of increased basal rate that saturates the infusion site with insulin. Default 30 minutes, as in B30. The EatingSoon TT needs to be running at least for this duration, otherthise B30 will stopp after the TT runs out." = "Duration of increased basal rate that saturates the infusion site with insulin. Default 30 minutes, as in B30. The EatingSoon TT needs to be running at least for this duration, otherthise B30 will stopp after the TT runs out."; /* */ -"B30 Basal rate increase factor" = "B30 Basal rate increase factor"; +"B30 Basal rate increase factor" = "B30 Erhöhungsfaktor für die Basalrate"; /* */ "Factor that multiplies your normal regular basal rate for B30. Max Basal rate enacted is the max of your pump max Basal setting. Default is 5." = "Factor that multiplies your normal regular basal rate for B30. Max Basal rate enacted is the max of your pump max Basal setting. Default is 5."; @@ -2336,7 +2338,7 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "SMBs will be diabled when under this limit, while a B30 Basal rate is running. Default is 130 mg/dl (7.2 mmol/l)." = "Unter dieser Grenze werden SMBs deaktiviert so lange eine B30 Basalrate läuft. Standard ist 130 mg/dl (7,2 mmol/l)."; /* */ -"Target Level for B30 to be enacted" = "Target Level for B30 to be enacted"; +"Target Level for B30 to be enacted" = "Zielwert für B30"; /* */ "An EatingSoon Override Target (or a Temporary Target) needs to be activated to start the B30 adaption. Target needs to be below or equal this setting for B30 to start. Default is 90 mg/dl. If you cancel this EatingSoon Target, the B30 basal rate will stop." = "An EatingSoon Override Target (or a Temporary Target) needs to be activated to start the B30 adaption. Target needs to be below or equal this setting for B30 to start. Default is 90 mg/dl. If you cancel this EatingSoon Target, the B30 basal rate will stop."; @@ -2441,16 +2443,16 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "Enables the BG acceleration adaptions, adjusting ISF for accelerating/decelerating blood glucose." = "Enables the BG acceleration adaptions, adjusting ISF for accelerating/decelerating blood glucose."; /* */ -"Enable Auto ISF" = "Enable Auto ISF"; +"Enable Auto ISF" = "Auto ISF aktivieren"; /* */ "Enables Auto ISF. This will disable any eventual dynamic ISF/CR setting" = "Enables Auto ISF. This will disable any eventual dynamic ISF/CR setting"; /* */ -"Keto Protection" = "Keto Protection"; +"Keto Protection" = "Schutz vor einer Ketoazidose"; /* */ -"Max IOB Threshold Percent" = "Max IOB Threshold Percent"; +"Max IOB Threshold Percent" = "Maximaler IOB Grenzwert in Prozent"; /* */ "Auto ISF" = "Auto ISF"; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/es.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/es.lproj/Localizable.strings index 98068a1468..a9da9bba3d 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/es.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/es.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2263,7 +2263,9 @@ Ajustes predeterminados:\n /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled"; +/* */ "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment"; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/fi.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/fi.lproj/Localizable.strings index b7ec4035ba..e16682ec99 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/fi.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/fi.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2252,7 +2252,9 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled"; +/* */ "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment"; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings index f204dfbc0c..1415958c11 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2252,7 +2252,9 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled"; +/* */ "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment"; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/he.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/he.lproj/Localizable.strings index bb26eb2cb4..2f50f2bf63 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/he.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/he.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2252,7 +2252,9 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled"; +/* */ "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment"; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/hu.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/hu.lproj/Localizable.strings index dc99ce9b43..93ef5096fb 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/hu.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/hu.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2252,7 +2252,9 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled"; +/* */ "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment"; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/it.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/it.lproj/Localizable.strings index 4793fae61b..5b5caafc07 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/it.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/it.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2252,7 +2252,9 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled"; +/* */ "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment"; @@ -2308,7 +2310,7 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "Ketoacidosis protection will apply a small configurable Temp Basal Rate always or if certain conditions arise instead of a Zero temp!\nThe feature exists because in special cases a person could get ketoacidosis from 0% TBR. The idea is derived from sport. There could be problems when a basal rate of 0% ran for several hours. Muscles in particular could shut off.\nThis feature enables a small safety TBR to reduce the ketoacidosis risk. Without the Variable Protection that safety TBR is always applied. The idea behind the variable protection strategy is that the safety TBR is only applied if sum of basal-IOB and bolus-IOB falls negatively below the value of the current basal rate." = "La protezione dalla chetoacidosi si applicherà sempre un piccolo tasso basale Temp configurabile o se sorgono determinate condizioni invece di zero temp!\nLa caratteristica esiste perché in casi particolari una persona potrebbe essere in chetoacidosi con 0% TBR. L'idea deriva dallo sport. Ci potrebbero essere problemi quando un tasso basale dello 0% ha funzionato per diverse ore. I muscoli in particolare potrebbero spegnersi.\nQuesta funzione consente un piccolo TBR di sicurezza per ridurre il rischio di chetoacidosi. Senza la Protezione Variabile, questa sicurezza TBR viene sempre applicata. L'idea alla base della strategia di protezione variabile è che il TBR di sicurezza viene applicato solo se la somma di basale-IOB e bolo-IOB scende negativamente al di sotto del valore dell'attuale tasso basale."; /* */ -"B30 Settings" = "Impostazioni B30"; +"B30 Settings" = "B30 Settings"; /* */ "Duration of increased B30 basal rate" = "Durata dell’aumento del tasso basale B30"; @@ -2338,7 +2340,7 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "Target Level for B30 to be enacted" = "Livello obiettivo per attivare B30"; /* */ -"An EatingSoon Override Target (or a Temporary Target) needs to be activated to start the B30 adaption. Target needs to be below or equal this setting for B30 to start. Default is 90 mg/dl. If you cancel this EatingSoon Target, the B30 basal rate will stop." = "Deve essere attivato un obiettivo override di pasto anticipato (o un target temporaneo) per attuare il B30. L’obiettivo deve essere inferiore o uguale a questa impostazione per l’avvio dell B30. Il valore predefinito è 90 mg/dl. Se annulli questo obiettivo di pasto anticipato, la velocità basale B30 si interromperà."; +"An EatingSoon Override Target (or a Temporary Target) needs to be activated to start the B30 adaption. Target needs to be below or equal this setting for B30 to start. Default is 90 mg/dl. If you cancel this EatingSoon Target, the B30 basal rate will stop." = "An EatingSoon Override Target (or a Temporary Target) needs to be activated to start the B30 adaption. Target needs to be below or equal this setting for B30 to start. Default is 90 mg/dl. If you cancel this EatingSoon Target, the B30 basal rate will stop."; /* */ "Minimum Start Bolus size" = "Valore minimo bolo iniziale"; @@ -2347,7 +2349,7 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "Minimum manual bolus to start a B30 adaption." = "Bolo manuale minimo per avviare un attuazione B30."; /* */ -"Activate B30" = "Attiva B30"; +"Activate B30" = "Activate B30"; /* */ "Enables an increased basal rate after an EatingSoon Override Target (or Temp Target) and a manual bolus to saturate the infusion site with insulin to increase insulin absorption for SMB's following a meal with no carb counting." = "Consente un aumento della velocità basale dopo un obiettivo Override di pasto anticipato (o obiettvo Temp.) e un bolo manuale per saturare il sito di infusione con insulina per aumentare l'assorbimento di insulina per SMB a seguito di un pasto senza conteggio dei carboidrati."; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/nb.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/nb.lproj/Localizable.strings index 9084ca260d..adac76aa43 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/nb.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/nb.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2252,7 +2252,9 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled"; +/* */ "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment"; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings index 80710c01bc..77c8891f2a 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2252,7 +2252,9 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled"; +/* */ "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment"; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings index 4539e1297e..1d8b5cb59c 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2254,7 +2254,9 @@ Połączono z Nightscout!"; /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled"; +/* */ "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment"; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings index bc957bb33a..72a3cfa2d9 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2252,7 +2252,9 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled"; +/* */ "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment"; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/pt-PT.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/pt-PT.lproj/Localizable.strings index 92cba02cd7..56cf47cd46 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/pt-PT.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/pt-PT.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2252,7 +2252,9 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled"; +/* */ "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment"; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings index c9c39b2f45..9c9675f9a9 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2252,7 +2252,9 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Динамический ISF отключен, так как включен Авто ISF"; +/* */ "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "По-умолчанию: 1,2 Верхний предел регулировки ISF"; @@ -2260,10 +2262,10 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "Default value: 0.8 The lower limit of ISF adjustment" = "По-умолчанию: 0,8 Нижний предел регулировки ISF"; /* */ -"Auto ISF Max" = "Auto ISF максимум"; +"Auto ISF Max" = "Авто ISF максимум"; /* */ -"Auto ISF Min" = "Auto ISF минимум"; +"Auto ISF Min" = "Авто ISF минимум"; /* */ "Needs an EatingSoon specific Glucose Target set by a profile override or a temp target" = "Требуется пониженная цель, установленная с помощью переопределения профиля или временной цели"; @@ -2290,7 +2292,7 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "Should an absolute TBR between 0 and 2 U/hr be specified instead of percentage of current BR" = "Указывать абсолютное значение ВБС от 0 до 2 Ед/ч вместо процента текущего значения ВБС"; /* */ -"Safety TBR in %" = "Безопасность ВБС в %"; +"Safety TBR in %" = "Защитная ВБС в %"; /* */ "Quantity of the small safety TBR in % of Profile BR, which is given to avoid ketoacidosis. Will be limited to min = 5%, max = 50%!" = "Размер небольшой ВБС в % от рекомендуемой дозы текущей базы в профиле, которая назначается во избежание кетоацидоза. Будет ограничена минимальным значением = 5%, максимальным - 50%!"; @@ -2299,157 +2301,157 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "Variable Keto Protection" = "Переменная Keto Protection"; /* */ -"If activated the small safety TBR kicks in when IOB is in negative range as if no basal insulin has been delivered for one hour. If deactivated and static is enabled every Zero Temp is replaced with the small TBR." = "Если активировано - небольшая ВБС запускается, когда IOB находится в отрицательном диапазоне, как если бы базальный инсулин не вводился в течение часа. Если функция отключена и включена функция предопределенной ВБС - каждая нулевая ВБС заменяется на небольшую предопределенную ВБС."; +"If activated the small safety TBR kicks in when IOB is in negative range as if no basal insulin has been delivered for one hour. If deactivated and static is enabled every Zero Temp is replaced with the small TBR." = "Если активировано - небольшая защитная ВБС запускается, когда IOB находится в отрицательном диапазоне, как если бы базальный инсулин не вводился в течение часа. Если функция отключена и включена функция предопределенной ВБС - каждая нулевая ВБС заменяется на небольшую предопределенную ВБС."; /* */ "Enable Keto Protection" = "Включить Keto Protection"; /* */ -"Ketoacidosis protection will apply a small configurable Temp Basal Rate always or if certain conditions arise instead of a Zero temp!\nThe feature exists because in special cases a person could get ketoacidosis from 0% TBR. The idea is derived from sport. There could be problems when a basal rate of 0% ran for several hours. Muscles in particular could shut off.\nThis feature enables a small safety TBR to reduce the ketoacidosis risk. Without the Variable Protection that safety TBR is always applied. The idea behind the variable protection strategy is that the safety TBR is only applied if sum of basal-IOB and bolus-IOB falls negatively below the value of the current basal rate." = "Ketoacidosis protection will apply a small configurable Temp Basal Rate always or if certain conditions arise instead of a Zero temp!\nThe feature exists because in special cases a person could get ketoacidosis from 0% TBR. The idea is derived from sport. There could be problems when a basal rate of 0% ran for several hours. Muscles in particular could shut off.\nThis feature enables a small safety TBR to reduce the ketoacidosis risk. Without the Variable Protection that safety TBR is always applied. The idea behind the variable protection strategy is that the safety TBR is only applied if sum of basal-IOB and bolus-IOB falls negatively below the value of the current basal rate."; +"Ketoacidosis protection will apply a small configurable Temp Basal Rate always or if certain conditions arise instead of a Zero temp!\nThe feature exists because in special cases a person could get ketoacidosis from 0% TBR. The idea is derived from sport. There could be problems when a basal rate of 0% ran for several hours. Muscles in particular could shut off.\nThis feature enables a small safety TBR to reduce the ketoacidosis risk. Without the Variable Protection that safety TBR is always applied. The idea behind the variable protection strategy is that the safety TBR is only applied if sum of basal-IOB and bolus-IOB falls negatively below the value of the current basal rate." = "Для защиты от кетоацидоза вместо 0% ВБС всегда или при возникновении определенных условий применяется небольшая настраиваемая ВБС!\nЭта особенность связана с тем, что в особых случаях человек может получить кетоацидоз из-за 0% ВБС. Идея взята из спорта. Могут возникнуть проблемы, если 0% ВБС, сохраняется в течение нескольких часов. В частности, мышцы могут отключиться.\nЭта функция позволяет снизить риск развития кетоацидоза с помощью небольшой защитной ВБС. Идея, лежащая в основе стратегии переменной защиты, заключается в том, что защитная ВБС применяется только в том случае, когда сумма базальной IOB и болюсной IOB падает отрицательно ниже значения текущей базальной дозы. (по крайней мере, в течение одного базального часа - должен быть отрицательный уровень инсулина)."; /* */ -"B30 Settings" = "B30 Settings"; +"B30 Settings" = "B30 настройки"; /* */ -"Duration of increased B30 basal rate" = "Duration of increased B30 basal rate"; +"Duration of increased B30 basal rate" = "Продолжительность увеличенной B30 ВБС"; /* */ -"Duration of increased basal rate that saturates the infusion site with insulin. Default 30 minutes, as in B30. The EatingSoon TT needs to be running at least for this duration, otherthise B30 will stopp after the TT runs out." = "Duration of increased basal rate that saturates the infusion site with insulin. Default 30 minutes, as in B30. The EatingSoon TT needs to be running at least for this duration, otherthise B30 will stopp after the TT runs out."; +"Duration of increased basal rate that saturates the infusion site with insulin. Default 30 minutes, as in B30. The EatingSoon TT needs to be running at least for this duration, otherthise B30 will stopp after the TT runs out." = "Длительность повышенной ВБС, которая насыщает место инфузии инсулином. По-умолчанию 30 минут, как в случае с B30. По крайней мере, в течение этого времени необходимо поддерживать пониженную цель, в противном случае B30 прекратит свое действие после того, как завершится пониженная цель."; /* */ -"B30 Basal rate increase factor" = "B30 Basal rate increase factor"; +"B30 Basal rate increase factor" = "Множитель увеличения B30 ВБС"; /* */ -"Factor that multiplies your normal regular basal rate for B30. Max Basal rate enacted is the max of your pump max Basal setting. Default is 5." = "Factor that multiplies your normal regular basal rate for B30. Max Basal rate enacted is the max of your pump max Basal setting. Default is 5."; +"Factor that multiplies your normal regular basal rate for B30. Max Basal rate enacted is the max of your pump max Basal setting. Default is 5." = "Множитель - это коэффициент, на который умножается текущая базальная скорость для B30. Максимальная базальная скорость - это максимальное значение ВБС, установленное в разделе настройки помпы. Значение по-умолчанию равно 5."; /* */ -"Upper Delta limit" = "Upper Delta limit"; +"Upper Delta limit" = "Верхний предел дельты"; /* */ -"SMBs will be diabled when under this limit, while a B30 Basal rate is running. Default is 8 mg/dl (0.5 mmol/l)." = "SMBs will be diabled when under this limit, while a B30 Basal rate is running. Default is 8 mg/dl (0.5 mmol/l)."; +"SMBs will be diabled when under this limit, while a B30 Basal rate is running. Default is 8 mg/dl (0.5 mmol/l)." = "Автоматические болюсы (SMB) будут отключены, если отрицательная дельта уровня глюкозы в крови опустится ниже этого значения во время действия ВБС B30. Стандартное значение – 0,5 ммоль/л. (8 мг/дл)."; /* */ -"Upper BG limit" = "Upper BG limit"; +"Upper BG limit" = "Верхний предел глюкозы крови"; /* */ -"SMBs will be diabled when under this limit, while a B30 Basal rate is running. Default is 130 mg/dl (7.2 mmol/l)." = "SMBs will be diabled when under this limit, while a B30 Basal rate is running. Default is 130 mg/dl (7.2 mmol/l)."; +"SMBs will be diabled when under this limit, while a B30 Basal rate is running. Default is 130 mg/dl (7.2 mmol/l)." = "Автоматические болюсы (SMB) будут отключены, если уровень сахара в крови опустится ниже этого значения во время действия ВБС B30. Стандартное значение – 7,2 ммоль/л. (130 мг/дл)."; /* */ -"Target Level for B30 to be enacted" = "Target Level for B30 to be enacted"; +"Target Level for B30 to be enacted" = "Целевое значение для активации B30"; /* */ -"An EatingSoon Override Target (or a Temporary Target) needs to be activated to start the B30 adaption. Target needs to be below or equal this setting for B30 to start. Default is 90 mg/dl. If you cancel this EatingSoon Target, the B30 basal rate will stop." = "An EatingSoon Override Target (or a Temporary Target) needs to be activated to start the B30 adaption. Target needs to be below or equal this setting for B30 to start. Default is 90 mg/dl. If you cancel this EatingSoon Target, the B30 basal rate will stop."; +"An EatingSoon Override Target (or a Temporary Target) needs to be activated to start the B30 adaption. Target needs to be below or equal this setting for B30 to start. Default is 90 mg/dl. If you cancel this EatingSoon Target, the B30 basal rate will stop." = "Для активации ВБС B30 должен быть активен профиль или временная цель. Чтобы активировать B30, целевой уровень глюкозы в крови должен быть ниже или равен этому значению. Стандартное значение – 5 ммоль/л. (90 мг/дл) Если вы отмените свой профиль или временные цели, базальный ВБС B30 будет отменен."; /* */ -"Minimum Start Bolus size" = "Minimum Start Bolus size"; +"Minimum Start Bolus size" = "Минимальный стартовый болюс"; /* */ -"Minimum manual bolus to start a B30 adaption." = "Minimum manual bolus to start a B30 adaption."; +"Minimum manual bolus to start a B30 adaption." = "Минимальный ручной болюс для активации ВБС B30."; /* */ -"Activate B30" = "Activate B30"; +"Activate B30" = "Активировать B30"; /* */ -"Enables an increased basal rate after an EatingSoon Override Target (or Temp Target) and a manual bolus to saturate the infusion site with insulin to increase insulin absorption for SMB's following a meal with no carb counting." = "Enables an increased basal rate after an EatingSoon Override Target (or Temp Target) and a manual bolus to saturate the infusion site with insulin to increase insulin absorption for SMB's following a meal with no carb counting."; +"Enables an increased basal rate after an EatingSoon Override Target (or Temp Target) and a manual bolus to saturate the infusion site with insulin to increase insulin absorption for SMB's following a meal with no carb counting." = "Дает высокую временную базальную дозу во время еды. Базальная доза активируется при использовании профиля(с пониженной временной целью) или временного целевого значения и болюса вручную. Цель состоит в том, чтобы снизить постпрандиальное повышение уровня сахара в крови, особенно если пациент не записывает углеводы."; /* */ -"ISF weight while BG decelerates" = "ISF weight while BG decelerates"; +"ISF weight while BG decelerates" = "Регулировка при снижении уровня сахара в крови"; /* */ -"This is the weight applied while glucose decelerates and which weakens ISF. With 0 this contribution is effectively disabled. 0.1 might be a good starting point." = "This is the weight applied while glucose decelerates and which weakens ISF. With 0 this contribution is effectively disabled. 0.1 might be a good starting point."; +"This is the weight applied while glucose decelerates and which weakens ISF. With 0 this contribution is effectively disabled. 0.1 might be a good starting point." = "Это вес, применяемый к автоматической настройке чувствительности к инсулину при снижении уровня сахара в крови. При значении 0 эта настройка отключена. 0,1 может быть хорошей отправной точкой."; /* */ -"ISF weight while BG accelerates" = "ISF weight while BG accelerates"; +"ISF weight while BG accelerates" = "Регулировка при повышении уровня сахара в крови"; /* */ -"Default value: 0. This is the weight applied while glucose accelerates and which strengthens ISF. With 0 this contribution is effectively disabled. 0.02 is a safe starting point, from which to move up. Typical settings are around 0.15!" = "Default value: 0. This is the weight applied while glucose accelerates and which strengthens ISF. With 0 this contribution is effectively disabled. 0.02 is a safe starting point, from which to move up. Typical settings are around 0.15!"; +"Default value: 0. This is the weight applied while glucose accelerates and which strengthens ISF. With 0 this contribution is effectively disabled. 0.02 is a safe starting point, from which to move up. Typical settings are around 0.15!" = "Значение по умолчанию: 0. Это вес, применяемый при повышении уровня сахара в крови и снижении чувствительности к инсулину. При значении 0 эта настройка отключена. 0,02 — это безопасная отправная точка, от которой вы можете увеличивать значение. Типичные настройки составляют около 0,15!"; /* */ -"Duration ISF postprandial adaption" = "Duration ISF postprandial adaption"; +"Duration ISF postprandial adaption" = "Продолжительность постпрандиальной корректировки ISF"; /* */ -"Default value: 3. This is the duration in hours how long after a meal the effect will be active. Oref will delete carb timing after 10 hours latest no matter what you enter." = "Default value: 3. This is the duration in hours how long after a meal the effect will be active. Oref will delete carb timing after 10 hours latest no matter what you enter."; +"Default value: 3. This is the duration in hours how long after a meal the effect will be active. Oref will delete carb timing after 10 hours latest no matter what you enter." = "Значение по умолчанию: 3. Это продолжительность в часах, в течение которой эффект от приема пищи будет активен. Максимальная продолжительность — 10 часов, независимо от того, что вы вводите."; /* */ -"ISF weight for postprandial BG rise" = "ISF weight for postprandial BG rise"; +"ISF weight for postprandial BG rise" = "Корректировка на повышение уровня сахара в крови после еды"; /* */ -"This is the weight applied to the linear slope while glucose rises and which adapts ISF. With 0 this contribution is effectively disabled. Start with 0.01 - it hardly goes beyond 0.05!" = "This is the weight applied to the linear slope while glucose rises and which adapts ISF. With 0 this contribution is effectively disabled. Start with 0.01 - it hardly goes beyond 0.05!"; +"This is the weight applied to the linear slope while glucose rises and which adapts ISF. With 0 this contribution is effectively disabled. Start with 0.01 - it hardly goes beyond 0.05!" = "Это вес, применяемый для автоматической регулировки чувствительности к инсулину при повышении уровня глюкозы. При значении 0 эта настройка отключена. Начните с 0,01 — больше 0,05 вам вряд ли понадобится!"; /* */ -"ISF weight for higher BG deltas" = "ISF weight for higher BG deltas"; +"ISF weight for higher BG deltas" = "Коррекция в случае высокой дельты уровня глюкозы в крови"; /* */ -"Default value: 0.0 This is the weight applied to the polygon which adapts ISF higher deltas. With 0.0 the effect is effectively disabled." = "Default value: 0.0 This is the weight applied to the polygon which adapts ISF higher deltas. With 0.0 the effect is effectively disabled."; +"Default value: 0.0 This is the weight applied to the polygon which adapts ISF higher deltas. With 0.0 the effect is effectively disabled." = "Значение по-умолчанию: 0,0. Это вес, применяемый к многоугольнику, который корректирует вашу чувствительность к инсулину при высокой дельте уровня глюкозы в крови (здесь дельта означает положительное отклонение от целевого значения). При значении 0,0 эта настройка отключена."; /* */ -"ISF weight for lower BG's" = "ISF weight for lower BG's"; +"ISF weight for lower BG's" = "Поправка на низкий уровень глюкозы в крови"; /* */ -"Default value: 0.0 This is the weight applied to the polygon which adapts ISF if glucose is below target. With 0.0 the effect is effectively disabled." = "Default value: 0.0 This is the weight applied to the polygon which adapts ISF if glucose is below target. With 0.0 the effect is effectively disabled."; +"Default value: 0.0 This is the weight applied to the polygon which adapts ISF if glucose is below target. With 0.0 the effect is effectively disabled." = "Значение по умолчанию: 0,0. Это вес, примененный к многоугольнику, который регулирует чувствительность к инсулину при низком уровне сахара в крови. При значении 0,0 эта настройка отключена."; /* */ -"ISF weight for higher BG's" = "ISF weight for higher BG's"; +"ISF weight for higher BG's" = "Поправка на высокий уровень глюкозы в крови"; /* */ -"Default value: 0.0 This is the weight applied to the polygon which adapts ISF if glucose is above target. With 0.0 the effect is effectively disabled." = "Default value: 0.0 This is the weight applied to the polygon which adapts ISF if glucose is above target. With 0.0 the effect is effectively disabled."; +"Default value: 0.0 This is the weight applied to the polygon which adapts ISF if glucose is above target. With 0.0 the effect is effectively disabled." = "Значение по умолчанию: 0,0. Это вес, примененный к многоугольнику, который регулирует чувствительность к инсулину при высоком уровне сахара в крови. При значении 0,0 эта настройка отключена."; /* */ -"Dura ISF Hourly Max Change" = "Dura ISF Hourly Max Change"; +"Dura ISF Hourly Max Change" = "Максимальная регулировка ISF в час"; /* */ -"Rate at which ISF is reduced per hour assuming BG level remains at double target for that time. When value = 1.0, ISF is reduced to 50% after 1 hour of BG level at 2x target." = "Rate at which ISF is reduced per hour assuming BG level remains at double target for that time. When value = 1.0, ISF is reduced to 50% after 1 hour of BG level at 2x target."; +"Rate at which ISF is reduced per hour assuming BG level remains at double target for that time. When value = 1.0, ISF is reduced to 50% after 1 hour of BG level at 2x target." = "Скорость, с которой снижается чувствительность к инсулину в час, при условии, что уровень сахара в крови в это время остается вдвое выше целевого значения. Если значение равно 1,0, чувствительность к инсулину снизится до 50% после того, как уровень глюкозы в крови в течение 1 часа превысит вдвое целевое значение."; /* */ -"SMB Delivery Ratio BG Range" = "SMB Delivery Ratio BG Range"; +"SMB Delivery Ratio BG Range" = "Диапазон уровня глюкозы в крови для SMB"; /* */ -"Default value: 0, Sensible is between 40 mg/dL and 120 mg/dL. The linearly increasing SMB delivery ratio is mapped to the glucose range [target_bg, target_bg+bg_range]. At target_bg the SMB ratio is smb_delivery_ratio_min, at target_bg+bg_range it is smb_delivery_ratio_max. With 0 the linearly increasing SMB ratio is disabled and the fix smb_delivery_ratio is used." = "Default value: 0, Sensible is between 40 mg/dL and 120 mg/dL. The linearly increasing SMB delivery ratio is mapped to the glucose range [target_bg, target_bg+bg_range]. At target_bg the SMB ratio is smb_delivery_ratio_min, at target_bg+bg_range it is smb_delivery_ratio_max. With 0 the linearly increasing SMB ratio is disabled and the fix smb_delivery_ratio is used."; +"Default value: 0, Sensible is between 40 mg/dL and 120 mg/dL. The linearly increasing SMB delivery ratio is mapped to the glucose range [target_bg, target_bg+bg_range]. At target_bg the SMB ratio is smb_delivery_ratio_min, at target_bg+bg_range it is smb_delivery_ratio_max. With 0 the linearly increasing SMB ratio is disabled and the fix smb_delivery_ratio is used." = "Значение по умолчанию: 0. Разумная настройка — от 2 до 6 ммоль/л. (40-120 мг/дл) Линейно увеличивающееся соотношение подачи SMB зависит от настройки диапазона уровня глюкозы в крови и минимальной/максимальной настройки вашего коэффициента SMB. При значении 0 - используется стандартное соотношение подачи SMB."; /* */ -"SMB Delivery Ratio Maximum" = "SMB Delivery Ratio Maximum"; +"SMB Delivery Ratio Maximum" = "Максимальное соотношение подачи SMB"; /* */ -"Default value: 0.5 This is the higher end of a linearly increasing SMB Delivery Ratio rather than the fix value in OpenAP SMB Delivery Ratio." = "Default value: 0.5 This is the higher end of a linearly increasing SMB Delivery Ratio rather than the fix value in OpenAP SMB Delivery Ratio."; +"Default value: 0.5 This is the higher end of a linearly increasing SMB Delivery Ratio rather than the fix value in OpenAP SMB Delivery Ratio." = "Значение по умолчанию: 0,5. Это верхний предел линейно увеличивающегося соотношения подачи SMB, вместо фиксированного значения в настройках OpenAPS."; /* */ -"SMB Delivery Ratio Minimum" = "SMB Delivery Ratio Minimum"; +"SMB Delivery Ratio Minimum" = "Минимальное соотношение подачи SMB"; /* */ -"Default value: 0.5 This is the lower end of a linearly increasing SMB Delivery Ratio rather than the fix value in OpenAP SMB Delivery Ratio." = "Default value: 0.5 This is the lower end of a linearly increasing SMB Delivery Ratio rather than the fix value in OpenAP SMB Delivery Ratio."; +"Default value: 0.5 This is the lower end of a linearly increasing SMB Delivery Ratio rather than the fix value in OpenAP SMB Delivery Ratio." = "Значение по умолчанию: 0,5. Это нижний предел линейно увеличивающегося соотношения подачи SMB, вместо фиксированного значения соотношения подачи SMB в настройках OpenAPS."; /* */ -"Toggles" = "Toggles"; +"Toggles" = "Переключатели"; /* */ -"Enable postprandial ISF adaption always" = "Enable postprandial ISF adaption always"; +"Enable postprandial ISF adaption always" = "Включить непрерывную постпрандиальную регулировку ISF"; /* */ -"Enable the postprandial ISF adaptation all the time regardless of when the last meal was taken." = "Enable the postprandial ISF adaptation all the time regardless of when the last meal was taken."; +"Enable the postprandial ISF adaptation all the time regardless of when the last meal was taken." = "Обеспечивает постпрандиальную регулировку чувствительности к инсулину независимо от того, когда был принят последний прием пищи."; /* */ -"Enable DuraISF effect even with COB" = "Enable DuraISF effect even with COB"; +"Enable DuraISF effect even with COB" = "Включить регулировку DuraISF, даже если есть COB"; /* */ -"Enable DuraISF even if COB is present not just for UAM." = "Enable DuraISF even if COB is present not just for UAM."; +"Enable DuraISF even if COB is present not just for UAM." = "Позволяет настраивать DuraISF, даже если есть активные углеводы."; /* */ -"Enable BG acceleration" = "Enable BG acceleration"; +"Enable BG acceleration" = "Включить регулировку ISF при ускорении уровня глюкозы"; /* */ -"Enables the BG acceleration adaptions, adjusting ISF for accelerating/decelerating blood glucose." = "Enables the BG acceleration adaptions, adjusting ISF for accelerating/decelerating blood glucose."; +"Enables the BG acceleration adaptions, adjusting ISF for accelerating/decelerating blood glucose." = "Включает настройку ускорения уровня глюкозы в крови. Регулирует ISF в случае ускорения/замедления уровня сахара в крови."; /* */ "Enable Auto ISF" = "Включить Авто ISF"; /* */ -"Enables Auto ISF. This will disable any eventual dynamic ISF/CR setting" = "Enables Auto ISF. This will disable any eventual dynamic ISF/CR setting"; +"Enables Auto ISF. This will disable any eventual dynamic ISF/CR setting" = "Включает автоматическую ISF (чувствительность к инсулину). Это отключит любые одновременные динамические настройки ISF/CR"; /* */ "Keto Protection" = "Keto Protection"; /* */ -"Max IOB Threshold Percent" = "Max IOB Threshold Percent"; +"Max IOB Threshold Percent" = "Максимальный IOB порог"; /* */ "Auto ISF" = "Авто ISF"; @@ -2893,7 +2895,7 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "Defaults to 0.2 (20%). Maximum positive percentual change of BG level to use SMB, above that will disable SMB. Hardcoded cap of 40%. For UAM fully-closed-loop 30% is advisable. Observe in log and popup (maxDelta 27 > 20% of BG 100 - disabling SMB!)." = "По-умолчанию 0.2 (20%). Максимальное положительное изменение процентного уровня глюкозы в крови для срабатывания SMB, при превышении этого порога - произойдет отключение SMB и переход в управление только базой. Запрограммированный предел - 40%. Для полностью закрытой петли с UAM рекомендуется 30%. Результат можно наблюдать в журнале работы и всплывающем окне статуса петли (maxDelta 27 > 20% of BG 100 - disabling SMB!)."; /* Headline "... When Blood Glucose Is Above:" */ -"... When Blood Glucose Is Above:" = "... When Blood Glucose Is Above:"; +"... When Blood Glucose Is Above:" = "... когда уровень сахара в крови выше:"; /* ... When Blood Glucose Is Above: */ "Set the value enableSMB_high_bg will compare against to enable SMB. If BG > than this value, SMBs should enable." = "Настройте уровень для опции \"Включить SMB при высоком BG\". Если уровень BG выше данного значения, SMB будут включены."; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/sk.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/sk.lproj/Localizable.strings index c9cbbada50..db4b2bd1a2 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/sk.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/sk.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2252,7 +2252,9 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled"; +/* */ "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment"; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings index 55c8b2cf02..56059c1ea8 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -1501,7 +1501,7 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "Schedule when SMBs are Off" = "Schemalägg när autobolusar ska vara av "; /* */ -"Change ISF and CR and Basal" = "Ändra ISF (insulinkänslighet) och CR (insulinkvot) och Basalinsulin"; +"Change ISF and CR and Basal" = "Ändra ISF och CR och Basalinsulin"; /* */ "Change ISF" = "Ändra ISF"; @@ -2252,7 +2252,9 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Dynamisk insulinkänslighet är inaktiverad medan Auto ISF är aktiverad"; +/* */ "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Standardvärde: 1,2. Den övre gränsen för automatisk justering av din insulinkänslighet"; @@ -2350,7 +2352,7 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "Activate B30" = "Aktivera B30"; /* */ -"Enables an increased basal rate after an EatingSoon Override Target (or Temp Target) and a manual bolus to saturate the infusion site with insulin to increase insulin absorption for SMB's following a meal with no carb counting." = "Ger en hög temporarär basaldos vid måltid. Basaldos aktiveras när du anvanvänder antingen en profil eller temporärt målvärde samt en manuell bolus. Syftet är att minska den postprandiella blodsockerstegringen, i synnerhet om du loopar utan att mata in kolhydrater."; +"Enables an increased basal rate after an EatingSoon Override Target (or Temp Target) and a manual bolus to saturate the infusion site with insulin to increase insulin absorption for SMB's following a meal with no carb counting." = "Ger en hög temporär basaldos vid måltid. Basaldos aktiveras när du anvanvänder antingen en profil eller temporärt målvärde samt en manuell bolus. Syftet är att minska den postprandiella blodsockerstegringen, i synnerhet om du loopar utan att mata in kolhydrater."; /* */ "ISF weight while BG decelerates" = "Justering när blodsocker decelererar"; @@ -2452,7 +2454,7 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "Max IOB Threshold Percent" = "Procent av Max IOB som tröskelvärde för SMB"; /* */ -"Auto ISF" = "Auto ISF (insulinkänslighet)"; +"Auto ISF" = "Auto ISF"; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Infotexts from openaps.docs and androidaps.docs @@ -2469,7 +2471,7 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "High Temptarget Raises Sensitivity" = "Högt målvärde höjer känsligheten"; /* ”High Temptarget Raises Sensitivity" */ -"Defaults to false. When set to true, raises sensitivity (lower sensitivity ratio) for temp targets set to >= 111. Synonym for exercise_mode. The higher your temp target above 110 will result in more sensitive (lower) ratios, e.g., temp target of 120 results in sensitivity ratio of 0.75, while 140 results in 0.6 (with default halfBasalTarget of 160)." = "Av som standard. Höjer insulinkänsligheten (lägre 'sensitivity ratio') för temporära målvärden >= 6.2 mmol/l. Synonymt med träningsläge, 'Exercise Mode '. Ju högre ditt temporära mål över 6,2 är desto mer kommer det att resultera i en känsligare (lägre) kvot, t.ex. kommer ett temp målvärde på 6.7 mmol/l att resultera i ett 'sensitivity ratio' på 0,75, medan 7,8 mmol/l resulterar i 0,6 (med 'halfBasalTarget' på 8,9 mmol/l på som förval)."; +"Defaults to false. When set to true, raises sensitivity (lower sensitivity ratio) for temp targets set to >= 111. Synonym for exercise_mode. The higher your temp target above 110 will result in more sensitive (lower) ratios, e.g., temp target of 120 results in sensitivity ratio of 0.75, while 140 results in 0.6 (with default halfBasalTarget of 160)." = "Av som standard. Höjer insulinkänsligheten (lägre sensitivitetskvot) för temporära målvärden >= 6.2 mmol/l. Synonymt med träningsläge, 'Exercise Mode '. Ju högre ditt temporära mål över 6,2 är desto mer kommer det att resultera i en känsligare (lägre) kvot, t.ex. kommer ett temp målvärde på 6.7 mmol/l att resultera i ett sensitivitetskvot på 0,75, medan 7,8 mmol/l resulterar i 0,6 (med 'halfBasalTarget' på 8,9 mmol/l på som förval)."; /* Headline ”Low Temptarget Lowers Sensitivity" */ "Low Temptarget Lowers Sensitivity" = "Lågt målvärde sänker känsligheten"; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings index 05a14daf56..c74aad519b 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2252,7 +2252,9 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled"; +/* */ "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment"; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings index 0258f456bc..8f3ce80248 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2252,18 +2252,21 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Динамічний ISF вимкнено, а Auto ISF увімкнено"; -"Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment"; +/* */ +"Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Значення за замовчуванням: 1,2 Верхня межа налаштування ISF"; /* */ -"Default value: 0.8 The lower limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 0.8 The lower limit of ISF adjustment"; +"Default value: 0.8 The lower limit of ISF adjustment" = "Значення за замовчуванням: 0,8 Нижня межа налаштування ISF"; /* */ "Auto ISF Max" = "Auto ISF Max"; /* */ -"Auto ISF Min" = "Auto ISF Min"; +"Auto ISF Min" = "Auto ISF Min +"; /* */ "Needs an EatingSoon specific Glucose Target set by a profile override or a temp target" = "Потрібен спеціальний цільовий рівень Глюкози EatingSoon, встановлений за допомогою перевизначення профілю або тимчасового цільового значення"; @@ -2308,7 +2311,7 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "Ketoacidosis protection will apply a small configurable Temp Basal Rate always or if certain conditions arise instead of a Zero temp!\nThe feature exists because in special cases a person could get ketoacidosis from 0% TBR. The idea is derived from sport. There could be problems when a basal rate of 0% ran for several hours. Muscles in particular could shut off.\nThis feature enables a small safety TBR to reduce the ketoacidosis risk. Without the Variable Protection that safety TBR is always applied. The idea behind the variable protection strategy is that the safety TBR is only applied if sum of basal-IOB and bolus-IOB falls negatively below the value of the current basal rate." = "Захист від кетоацидозу застосовуватиме невелику Базальну Швидкість, яку можна налаштувати, завжди або за певних умов замість нульової !\nЦя функція існує, тому що в окремих випадках людина може отримати кетоацидоз від 0% TBR. Ідея походить від спорту. Можуть виникнути проблеми, якщо базальна норма 0% працювала протягом кількох годин. Зокрема, м’язи можуть вимикатися.\nЦя функція дає змогу зменшити ризик кетоацидозу через невеликий безпечний TBR. Без змінного захисту ця безпека TBR завжди застосовується. Ідея змінної стратегії захисту полягає в тому, що безпека TBR застосовується, лише якщо сума базального IOB і болюсного IOB падає негативно нижче значення поточної базальної швидкості."; /* */ -"B30 Settings" = "НАЛАШТУВАННЯ B30"; +"B30 Settings" = "Налаштування B30"; /* */ "Duration of increased B30 basal rate" = "Тривалість підвищеної базальної дози B30"; @@ -2338,7 +2341,7 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "Target Level for B30 to be enacted" = "Цільовий рівень для B30 має бути прийнятий"; /* */ -"An EatingSoon Override Target (or a Temporary Target) needs to be activated to start the B30 adaption. Target needs to be below or equal this setting for B30 to start. Default is 90 mg/dl. If you cancel this EatingSoon Target, the B30 basal rate will stop." = "Щоб розпочати адаптацію B30, потрібно активувати ціль EatingSoon Override (або тимчасову ціль). Для запуску B30 ціль має бути нижче або дорівнювати цьому налаштуванню. За замовчуванням 90 mg/dl. Якщо ви скасуєте ціль EatingSoon Target, базальна норма B30 припиниться."; +"An EatingSoon Override Target (or a Temporary Target) needs to be activated to start the B30 adaption. Target needs to be below or equal this setting for B30 to start. Default is 90 mg/dl. If you cancel this EatingSoon Target, the B30 basal rate will stop." = "Щоб розпочати адаптацію B30, потрібно активувати ціль EatingSoon Override (або тимчасову ціль). Ціль має бути нижче або дорівнювати цьому значенню, щоб B30 стартував. За замовчуванням 90 mg/dl. Якщо ви скасуєте ціль EatingSoon Target, базальна норма B30 припиниться."; /* */ "Minimum Start Bolus size" = "Мінімальний початковий розмір Болюсу"; @@ -2347,7 +2350,7 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "Minimum manual bolus to start a B30 adaption." = "Мінімальний ручний Болюс для початку адаптації B30."; /* */ -"Activate B30" = "Активувати B30"; +"Activate B30" = "Активуйте B30"; /* */ "Enables an increased basal rate after an EatingSoon Override Target (or Temp Target) and a manual bolus to saturate the infusion site with insulin to increase insulin absorption for SMB's following a meal with no carb counting." = "Забезпечує підвищення Базальної Швидкості після EatingSoon Override Target (або Temp Target) і ручного Болюсу для насичення місця інфузії інсуліном для збільшення всмоктування інсуліну для SMB після прийому їжі без підрахунку вуглеводів."; @@ -2356,7 +2359,7 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "ISF weight while BG decelerates" = "Вага ISF, поки BG сповільнюється"; /* */ -"This is the weight applied while glucose decelerates and which weakens ISF. With 0 this contribution is effectively disabled. 0.1 might be a good starting point." = "This is the weight applied while glucose decelerates and which weakens ISF. With 0 this contribution is effectively disabled. 0.1 might be a good starting point."; +"This is the weight applied while glucose decelerates and which weakens ISF. With 0 this contribution is effectively disabled. 0.1 might be a good starting point." = "Це значення, яке застосовується під час уповільнення рівня глюкози та послаблення ISF. З 0 цей внесок фактично вимкнено. 0,1 може бути хорошою відправною точкою."; /* */ "ISF weight while BG accelerates" = "Вага ISF, тоді як BG прискорюється"; @@ -2374,7 +2377,7 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "ISF weight for postprandial BG rise" = "Вага ISF для підвищення BG після їжі"; /* */ -"This is the weight applied to the linear slope while glucose rises and which adapts ISF. With 0 this contribution is effectively disabled. Start with 0.01 - it hardly goes beyond 0.05!" = "This is the weight applied to the linear slope while glucose rises and which adapts ISF. With 0 this contribution is effectively disabled. Start with 0.01 - it hardly goes beyond 0.05!"; +"This is the weight applied to the linear slope while glucose rises and which adapts ISF. With 0 this contribution is effectively disabled. Start with 0.01 - it hardly goes beyond 0.05!" = "Це значення, що застосовується до лінійного нахилу під час підвищення рівня глюкози та адаптує ISF. З 0 цей внесок фактично вимкнено. Почніть з 0,01 - навряд чи виходить за межі 0,05!"; /* */ "ISF weight for higher BG deltas" = "Вага ISF для вищих дельт BG "; @@ -2407,16 +2410,16 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "Default value: 0, Sensible is between 40 mg/dL and 120 mg/dL. The linearly increasing SMB delivery ratio is mapped to the glucose range [target_bg, target_bg+bg_range]. At target_bg the SMB ratio is smb_delivery_ratio_min, at target_bg+bg_range it is smb_delivery_ratio_max. With 0 the linearly increasing SMB ratio is disabled and the fix smb_delivery_ratio is used." = "Значення за замовчуванням: 0, Sensible – від 40 mg/dL до 120 mg/dL. Лінійно зростаючий коефіцієнт доставки SMB відображається в діапазоні глюкози [target_bg, target_bg+bg_range]. У target_bg коефіцієнт SMB становить smb_delivery_ratio_min, у target_bg+bg_range – smb_delivery_ratio_max. З 0 лінійно зростаючий коефіцієнт SMB вимкнено та використовується виправлення smb_delivery_ratio."; /* */ -"SMB Delivery Ratio Maximum" = "SMB Delivery Ratio Maximum"; +"SMB Delivery Ratio Maximum" = "Максимальний коефіцієнт доставки SMB"; /* */ -"Default value: 0.5 This is the higher end of a linearly increasing SMB Delivery Ratio rather than the fix value in OpenAP SMB Delivery Ratio." = "Default value: 0.5 This is the higher end of a linearly increasing SMB Delivery Ratio rather than the fix value in OpenAP SMB Delivery Ratio."; +"Default value: 0.5 This is the higher end of a linearly increasing SMB Delivery Ratio rather than the fix value in OpenAP SMB Delivery Ratio." = "Значення за замовчуванням: 0,5. Це найвищий рівень лінійно зростаючого коефіцієнта доставки SMB, а не фіксоване значення в OpenAP SMB Delivery Ratio."; /* */ "SMB Delivery Ratio Minimum" = "SMB Delivery Ratio Minimum"; /* */ -"Default value: 0.5 This is the lower end of a linearly increasing SMB Delivery Ratio rather than the fix value in OpenAP SMB Delivery Ratio." = "Default value: 0.5 This is the lower end of a linearly increasing SMB Delivery Ratio rather than the fix value in OpenAP SMB Delivery Ratio."; +"Default value: 0.5 This is the lower end of a linearly increasing SMB Delivery Ratio rather than the fix value in OpenAP SMB Delivery Ratio." = "Значення за замовчуванням: 0,5 Це нижня межа лінійно зростаючого коефіцієнта доставки SMB, а не фіксоване значення в OpenAP SMB Delivery Ratio."; /* */ "Toggles" = "Перемикає"; @@ -2449,7 +2452,7 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "Keto Protection" = "KETO PROTECTION"; /* */ -"Max IOB Threshold Percent" = "Max IOB Threshold Percent"; +"Max IOB Threshold Percent" = "Максимальний пороговий відсоток IOB"; /* */ "Auto ISF" = "Авто ISF"; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/vi.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/vi.lproj/Localizable.strings index c14078a342..15d9f8c271 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/vi.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/vi.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2252,7 +2252,9 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled"; +/* */ "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Giá trị mặc định: 1.2 Cao hơn giới hạn của điều chỉnh ISF"; @@ -2338,7 +2340,7 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "Target Level for B30 to be enacted" = "Target Level for B30 to be enacted"; /* */ -"An EatingSoon Override Target (or a Temporary Target) needs to be activated to start the B30 adaption. Target needs to be below or equal this setting for B30 to start. Default is 90 mg/dl. If you cancel this EatingSoon Target, the B30 basal rate will stop." = "Mục tiêu ghi đè EatingSoon (hoặc Mục tiêu tạm thời) cần được kích hoạt để bắt đầu quá trình thích ứng B30. Mục tiêu cần phải thấp hơn hoặc bằng cài đặt này để B30 bắt đầu. Mặc định là 90 mg/dl. Nếu bạn hủy Mục tiêu EatingSoon này, tỷ lệ cơ bản B30 sẽ dừng lại."; +"An EatingSoon Override Target (or a Temporary Target) needs to be activated to start the B30 adaption. Target needs to be below or equal this setting for B30 to start. Default is 90 mg/dl. If you cancel this EatingSoon Target, the B30 basal rate will stop." = "An EatingSoon Override Target (or a Temporary Target) needs to be activated to start the B30 adaption. Target needs to be below or equal this setting for B30 to start. Default is 90 mg/dl. If you cancel this EatingSoon Target, the B30 basal rate will stop."; /* */ "Minimum Start Bolus size" = "Minimum Start Bolus size"; @@ -2879,7 +2881,8 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ "Weighted Average of TDD. Weight of past 24 hours:" = "Trung bình có trọng số của TDD. Trọng lượng trong 24 giờ qua:"; /* Weight of past 24 hours of insulin */ -"Has to be > 0 and <= 1.\nDefault is 0.65 (65 %) * TDD. The rest will be from average of total data (up to 14 days) of all TDD calculations (35 %). To only use past 24 hours, set this to 1.\n\nTo avoid sudden fluctuations, for instance after a big meal, an average of the past 2 hours of TDD calculations is used instead of just the current TDD (past 24 hours at this moment)." = "Phải > 0 và <= 1.\nMặc định là 0,65 (65 %) * TDD. Phần còn lại sẽ lấy từ mức trung bình của tổng dữ liệu (tối đa 14 ngày) của tất cả các phép tính TDD (35%). Để chỉ sử dụng 24 giờ qua, hãy đặt giá trị này thành 1.\n\nĐể tránh những biến động đột ngột, chẳng hạn như sau một bữa ăn thịnh soạn, tính toán TDD trung bình trong 2 giờ qua được sử dụng thay vì chỉ TDD hiện tại (24 giờ qua lúc thời điểm này)."; +"Has to be > 0 and <= 1.\nDefault is 0.65 (65 %) * TDD. The rest will be from average of total data (up to 14 days) of all TDD calculations (35 %). To only use past 24 hours, set this to 1.\n\nTo avoid sudden fluctuations, for instance after a big meal, an average of the past 2 hours of TDD calculations is used instead of just the current TDD (past 24 hours at this moment)." = "Phải > 0 và <= 1.\nMặc định là 0,65 (65 %) * TDD. Phần còn lại sẽ lấy từ mức trung bình của tổng dữ liệu (tối đa 14 ngày) của tất cả các phép tính TDD (35%). Để chỉ sử dụng 24 giờ qua, hãy đặt giá trị này thành 1.\n\nĐể tránh những biến động đột ngột, chẳng hạn như sau một bữa ăn thịnh soạn, tính toán TDD trung bình trong 2 giờ qua được sử dụng thay vì chỉ TDD hiện tại (24 giờ qua lúc thời điểm này). +​."; /* Headline "Adjust basal" */ "Adjust basal" = "Điều chỉnh mức cơ bản"; diff --git a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings index db1385e38a..4c5385580e 100644 --- a/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/FreeAPS/Sources/Localizations/Main/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -2252,7 +2252,9 @@ Enact a temp Basal or a temp target */ /* --------- Auto ISF --------- */ /* */ +"Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled" = "Dynamic ISF is disabled while Auto ISF is enabled"; +/* */ "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment" = "Default value: 1.2 The upper limit of ISF adjustment";