This is a toolbox written in python for training/inferencing the (Mixture of) Factor Analyizer.
(Only in Mandarin) Detailed math of FA/MFA: see blog
from mixture_latent_analysis import fa_em
# Train
# Input:
# X: (D,N) matrix, where D is obervation dimension and N is observation number
# K: scalar, indicates the dimension of latent space
# Return:
# FA follows the following linear-Gaussian Model: p(x|z) ~ N(mu+Wz, diag(psi))
# mu, (D,1)
# W, (D,K)
# psi, (D,)
mu, W, psi = fa_em(X,K)
# Inference
# X is of dim (D,N), where N is number of data points
# W is of dim (D,K)
# mu is of dim (D,1)
# psi is of dim (D,)
# Return:
# Z, (K,N)
# ZinXSpace, (D,N)
Z, ZinXSpace = fa_inference(X,mu,W,psi)
from mixture_latent_analysis import mfa_em
# Train
# Input:
# X: (D,N) matrix, where D is obervation dimension and N is observation number
# K: scalar, indicates the dimension of latent space
# M: scalar, indicates the number of mixture components
# Return:
# For a given mixture component j, p(x|zj) ~ N(mu[j,:]+W[j,...]zj, diag(psi))
# pi, (M,): the mixture weights, sum(pi)=1
# mu, (M,D)
# W, (M,D,K)
# psi, (D,)
pi, mu, W, psi = mfa_em(X,K,M)
# Inference
# X is of dim (D,N), where N is number of data points
# W is of dim (M,D,K)
# mu is of dim (M,D)
# psi is of dim (D,)
# Return:
# Z, (M,K,N)
# ZinXSpace, (M,D,N)
Z, ZinXSpace = mfa_inference(X,mu,W,psi)
For running the toy examples, type:
>> # FA toy example
>> python
>> # MFA toy example
>> python
- MFA:
初始化使用 k-means