NOTE: This repo contains only the documentation for the private BoltsOps repo code. Original file: The docs are publish so they are available for interested subscribers. For access to the source code, you can become a BoltOps subscriber. See:
kubectx | kubectl | description |
kubectx | kubectl config get-contexts | list the contexts |
kubectx NAME | kubectl config use-context NAME | switch to context NAME |
kubectx - | kubectl config use-context PREVIOUS | switch to the previous context |
kubectx -c | kubectl config current-context | show the current context name |
kubectx NEW_NAME=NAME | kubectl config rename-context NAME NEW_NAME | rename context NAME to NEW_NAME |
kubectx NEW_NAME=. | kubectl config rename-context $(kubectl config current-context) NEW_NAME | rename current-context to NEW_NAME |
kubectx -d NAME | kubectl config delete-context NAME | delete context NAME ('.' for current-context) (this command won't delete the user/cluster entry that is used by the context) |
kubectx -u | kubectl config unset current-context | unset the current context |
kubens | kubectl | description |
kubens | kubectl get ns | list the namespaces |
kubens NAME | kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=NAME | change the active namespace |
kubens - | kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=PREVIOUS | switch to the previous namespace |
kubens -c | kubectl config view --minify --output 'jsonpath={..namespace}' |
show the current namespace |
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