All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project tries to adhere to Semantic Versioning, even before v1.0.
- Actually include changes from 1.2.0
- #35 fix eager load by specifying do not eager load for template files
- add github funding
- #33 fix cfn status when auto deleting rollback completed stack
- #34 iam roles: support multiple calls
- update iam role docs
- #32 fix activesupport require
- fix warn not found ssm param message
- add params overrides option
- docs: fix ecs permission, add iam:GetRole
- edge case: yaml has nothing but comments
- improve settings merge
- update vpc config exmaple with camelcase
- loosen activesupport version pin
- #31 surface context message with error message for during provisioning fa…
- docs: update ci jets v3
- raise error option
- #30 Allow multiple git providers
- fix EventsRuleRole Service camelcase
- Breaking changes: CamelCase for properties instead of underscore. Map straight to the CloudFormation resource to remove mental overhead.
- See:
- Use unfrozen gems instead of vendors gems: aws_data, cfn-status, cfn_camelizer.
- Update templates to use the latest
- Restructure classes to use CLI namespace
- Change delete:
shorthand. - Rename CODY_EXTRA env variable
- add minimal deploy iam policy docs
- list: add --status filter option
- #25 cody list: add sort-by option
- #24 refactor: add dsl base class so
method is available to all dsl classes - cody list: fix for projects with no builds yet
- write info messsage to stderr so we can pipe to jq
- #23 list command: add Time column
- #22 add badge command
- #21 update to amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:2.0 image
- list command improvement: show status also
- #13,#14 setting a default region in the event that the AWS region is not set.
- #17 allow empty IAM Managed Policies
- #18 add status and list commands
- fix display failed phases
- only print Failed Phases when there are failed phases
- #12 display failed phases at the end if failed
- also dont sleep 10 if command is coming from logs
- improve final message, report build_status
- #11 sleep on error for cloudwatch logs
- also add
alias for--type
- #9 add cody stop command
- #10 add evaluate interface methods
- #8 report build time at end of logs
- #7 add cody logs command and automatically tail logs after a cody start
- cleanup starter buildspec.yml
- add mfa support for normal IAM user
- fix renaming
- Rename to Cody
- Breaking changes: .cody folder, CODY_ENV, -cody stack name suffix
- add mode option: bare and full
- allow no settings.yml file
- fix vendor gem dependencies in gem package
- add aws_data gem dependency
- add s3 read-only access to default role
- fix settings
- cody init: no variables by default
- fix handle rollback
- named stack with -cody at the very end
- add docs
- cody init --no-variables option
- add --wait option
- change default append_env setting to false
- fix default iam policy
- Add managed_iam_policy support
- #2 Add schedule dsl
- starter template fix: add settings.yml for correct cb project detection
- rework cb cli interface
- project_name as cli main parameter
- type option for subprojects in .cody folder
- update to zeitwerk for autoloading
- First good release.
- Project and Role DSL
- codebuild commands: init, deploy, start
- lookup path support
- Docs in main readme and readme folder
- Initial release.