2.1 (2023-05-31)
Implemented enhancements:
- SHARPy Docker now releases to GitHub Packages #218 (ngoiz)
- Some Enhancements and Fixes for the Polar Correction, Wake Discretisation, and Gust Velocity Field Generator #217 (sduess)
- Collective blade pitch PID control of wind turbines #176 (ArturoMS13)
Fixed bugs:
- Handle absolute tolerance for structural convergence tests as input settings and increase default value #221 (sduess)
- Fix horseshoe wake handling in UVLM #204 (sduess)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Version number updates for 2.1 from develop #237 (kccwing)
- Merge to main for version 2.0.1 release #236 (kccwing)
- Updates to Goland wing example #234 (rafapalacios)
- A bit of clean-up of the readme file of the repo #231 (rafapalacios)
- Dev internals #223 (ACea15)
- updating from python 3.7 to 3.10 #222 (kccwing)
- Fix typo in setting #206 (sduess)
2.0 (2022-07-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- Plot the aeroelastic mode shape to Paraview #202 (ngoiz)
- Enhanced linear solver #196 (ngoiz)
- Add pip support #175 (DavidAnderegg)
Fixed bugs:
- Flap inputs in state-space model not working in certain wing configurations #192
- Fix mass matrix generation for lumped masses in case of several masses per node #194 (sduess)
- Fix the sparse matrix in balancing ROM #186 (AntonioWR)
Closed issues:
- scipy used for direct balancing method #184
- Potential Issue in the balancing direct method #183
- Why no pip support? #171
Merged pull requests:
- Contain write operations within with statements #195 (ngoiz)
- Support loading/saving state-spaces and gains to h5 files #188 (ngoiz)
- Update installation docs #187 (nacho-carnicero)
- Unittest for nonlinear dynamic solver #185 (sduess)
- Change in the io-Settings to add thrust. #164 (Eriklyy)
- UDP-Inout change for multiply cs_surface_deflections and loads/strain #162 (Eriklyy)
- Update AsymptoticStability and FrequencyResponse post-processors #103 (ngoiz)
1.3 (2021-11-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Include gravity direction as input for structural solvers #112
- Simulation settings check - Unrecognised settings raise Error #148 (ngoiz)
- Aerodynamic forces correction enhancements #140 (ngoiz)
- New feature: apply external forces to the system at runtime #125 (ArturoMS13)
- Lift distribution post-processor #121 (sduess)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Unrecognised model in goland test case #143
Merged pull requests:
- Implement GitHub Actions as testing suite provider #179 (ngoiz)
- Update submodules and conda environments #161 (sduess)
- Support element variables in UDP output #160 (ngoiz)
- Output directory in the location specified in settings[SHARPy][log_folder] #130 (ngoiz)
- Update and include features in multibody #126 (ArturoMS13)
- Update linear UVLM to account for CFL not equal to one in the wake convection #124 (ArturoMS13)
- Minor changes #123 (ArturoMS13)
v1.2.1 (2021-02-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow CFL != 1in shedding step #78
- Vortex wake managed by SHARPy #77
- Recover vortex core in UVLM #76
- Include viscous drag force from airfoil properties #75
Fixed bugs:
- Bug in beamstructure.py #117
- Definition of control surfaces and impact of node ordering in mirrored wings #43
Closed issues:
- examples refer to non-existent solver SHWUvlm #119
- Potential bug in xbeam and cbeam interfaces #89
- Update packages producing deprecation warnings and tackle other warnings #80
Merged pull requests:
- Rigid coupled solver #120 (ArturoMS13)
- Support to save ROM projector matrices #118 (ngoiz)
v1.2 (2020-12-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- Quasi-steady solver in stepuvlm #114 (ArturoMS13)
- Generator to modify structural mass at runtime #107 (ngoiz)
- Sends simulation info to xplane via udp #104 (wong-hl)
- Major new aerodynamic features #101 (ArturoMS13)
- Simple post-processor to save simulation parameters for batch runs #91 (ngoiz)
- SHARPy support for external inputs via UDP network #90 (ngoiz)
- Vortex radius as input parameter #86 (ArturoMS13)
- Enhanced Frequency Response post-processor and linear system input/output options #83 (ngoiz)
- Pazi wing added to flying_wing template #82 (outoforderdev)
- Several new aerodynamic enhancements #79 (ArturoMS13)
Fixed bugs:
- libss.py disc2cont doesn't accept SISO systems #88
- Dimension mismatch when assembling linear UVLM with "shortened" wake #71
- Fix bug wake shape generator StaticCoupled #85 (ArturoMS13)
- Rework of direct balancing #74 (outoforderdev)
Closed issues:
- [develop] Documentation for postprocs not rendering in RTD #109
- Numerical error in the linear UVLM output matrices when vortex radius is too small #105
- fatal error: mkl.h: No such file or directory #70
- lingebm.py -> update_matrices_time_scale #69
- Missing node connectivities figure in case files documentation #68
Merged pull requests:
- [fix] Fixed bug in Gridbox class #111 (sduess)
- Include linear UVLM stiffening and damping terms in the UVLM D matrix #108 (ngoiz)
- Fix accuracy problem in UVLMLin #106 (ArturoMS13)
- Minor improvements #102 (ngoiz)
- Linearisation of externally applied follower forces #100 (ngoiz)
- Updated docs for DataStructures and Multibody #99 (ArturoMS13)
- Support linearised all-moving control surfaces #97 (ngoiz)
- Update Linux and minimal environments #96 (ngoiz)
- New approach to multibody computations #95 (ArturoMS13)
- New SHARPy examples in the documentation #94 (ArturoMS13)
- Add support for offline use of UDPout postproc #93 (ngoiz)
- Option to transform rigid modes given at A FoR to centre of gravity and aligned with principal axes of inertia #92 (ngoiz)
- Pazy wing modified to include the tip weight #87 (outoforderdev)
- Minor output clean up #81 (ngoiz)
- Fixes assembly of linUVLM after plotting wake with minus m_star #72 (ngoiz)
v1.1.1 (2020-02-03)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Broken link on SHARPy Installation Guide #67
- Update citation instructions #62
- Incorrect version tag displayed when running SHARPy #61
- Clean up SHARPy linear interface with UVLM #48
Merged pull requests:
- Documentation Improvements #66 (ngoiz)
- Minor fixes and general code clean up of linear modules #65 (ngoiz)
- Error log file created when program encounters exceptions #64 (ngoiz)
- Update README.md #63 (rafapalacios)
- Clean up linear SHARPy's interface with UVLM #60 (ngoiz)
v1.1.0-2 (2019-12-12)
v1.1.0 (2019-12-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Improvements to Model Reduction #56 (ngoiz)
- Submodules and cmake build tools instead of Makefiles #52 (fonsocarre)
- New settings check against valid options #39 (ngoiz)
- Default settings get type specified for the setting rather than their own type #34 (ngoiz)
Fixed bugs:
- Default value not correct in documentation when it is a numpy type. #32
- Documentation for Postprocessors being skipped by Sphinx in RTD #30
Closed issues:
- Minor documentation issues #53
- WindTurbine case generation script does not produce sharpy file #50
- Considerations for building SHARPy #47
- Installation fails on macOS with Intel compiler #46
- run_theo_freq.py fails in Docker container #37
- Compare to other competing software in JOSS paper #36
Merged pull requests:
- Example wind turbine #58 (ArturoMS13)
- Small typo in README.md and updates to it #57 (fonsocarre)
- Restructuring of A Short Guide to SHARPy #55 (ngoiz)
- JOSS Paper Minor typos fixed #54 (ngoiz)
- Update .solver.txt extension to .sharpy #51 (ArturoMS13)
- Fix typo in unittests using tearDowns instead of tearDown #49 (ngoiz)
- Bug fixes in installation docs #45 (rafmudaf)
- Updated installation instructions #44 (ngoiz)
- Travis CI now uses the minimal environment, the same as the Docker build #42 (fonsocarre)
- Remove calls to matplotlib (or wrap in try except) #41 (ngoiz)
- Added information about competing software in JOSS paper #40 (fonsocarre)
- Removes deprecated case files from cases folder #38 (ngoiz)
- Change position of --name argument in docs #35 (petebachant)
- Improvements in documentation #31 (ngoiz)
v1.0.1 (2019-11-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- New example of linearised flying wing #28 (ngoiz)
- SHARPy can now be obtained from a Docker Hub container #27 (fonsocarre)
- Improved modal solver #26 (fonsocarre)
- Updated function calls for latest numpy 1.17 #25 (ngoiz)
- Examples added to documentation #24 (fonsocarre)
- Improved linear solver documentation and minor Krylov ROM fixes #23 (ngoiz)
- change log generator incorporated #22 (ngoiz)
Merged pull requests:
- Version v1.0.1 released #29 (fonsocarre)
1.0.0 (2019-11-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- WriteVariablesTime output global beam variables and consistent out dir #19 (ngoiz)
- Autodocumenter #16 (ngoiz)
Closed issues:
- Tests not passing due to them being outdated + test refactoring. #11
Merged pull requests:
- Release of v1.0.0!!! #20 (fonsocarre)
- Documentation fixes/updates #18 (ngoiz)
- Fix dynamic control surface and settings for aerogridloader #15 (ngoiz)
v1.0.0-rc (2019-08-22)
Closed issues:
- Output table #10
Merged pull requests:
- Remove H5pyDeprecationWarning #14 (ArturoMS13)
- Lagrange multipliers for Catapult Take Off works + clean tests #13 (fonsocarre)
V0.2.1 (2019-03-14)
v0.2 (2019-03-14)
Closed issues:
- Add recovery options #9
v0.1 (2018-09-03)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Aerofoil data associated to the nodes instead of the elements #6
Merged pull requests:
- Trimming routine working #4 (fonsocarre)
- Feature coupled dynamic #3 (fonsocarre)
- Refactored storage finished #2 (fonsocarre)
- Settings files are ConfigObjs now, not ConfigParser anymore #1 (fonsocarre)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator