But if I raise the note just half a tone, I’ll become like a notebook covered in writing.
Kali Linux 2024.2
released: https://www.kali.org/blog/kali-linux-2024-2-release/
The Open Source Munitions
Portal is a tool for researchers, journalists and practitioners trying to learn more about munitions and their use and impact in conflicts: https://osmp.ngo/
Phone Number Business Registries 48 links to phone business directories
for different countries (mainly Europe), where you can find a variety of information about companies (and sometimes their owners): https://start.me/p/2p1x6J/15-phone-number-business-register
Business Registries around the world
. Click on a country on the interactive map to get a link to the official government website where you can find out information about business entities in that country: https://ebra.be/worldwide-registers/
- Explore over 80K reports of UFO sightings around the world, collected from 1906 - 2014 by the National UFO Reporting Center: https://github.com/wlouie1/UFO-Sightings
is a toolkit designed for digital forensics, offering a wide array of tools. Its primary goal is to simplify the creation of a virtual environment for conducting forensic examinations: https://github.com/cristianzsh/forensictools
OSINT Tools, Services and Investigations:
- Dump cookies directly from Chrome process memory: https://github.com/Meckazin/ChromeKatz
- The IoT security toolkit to help identify IoT related dashboards and scan them for default passwords and vulnerabilities: https://github.com/umair9747/Genzai
- Lightweight Ruby web crawler/scraper with an elegant DSL which extracts structured data from pages: https://github.com/felipecsl/wombat
is a news, full-text, and article metadata extraction in Python 3: https://github.com/codelucas/newspaper
Apache Nutch
is a highly extensible, highly scalable, matured, production-ready web crawler which enables fine grained configuration and accomodates a wide variety of data acquisition tasks: https://nutch.apache.org/
- friendly neighborhood web scraper: https://github.com/jmcarp/robobrowser
- The next web scraper. See through the html noise: https://github.com/matthewmueller/x-ray
helps you scrape (or harvest) data from web pages. It is designed to work with magrittr to make it easy to express common web scraping tasks, inspired by libraries like beautiful soup and RoboBrowser: https://github.com/tidyverse/rvest
is a framework for easy web-scraping with a useful debug mode that doesn't hammer your target's servers. It does the repetitive parts of writing scrapers, so you only have to write the unique parts for each site: https://github.com/propublica/upton
- A Python library for automating interaction with websites: https://github.com/MechanicalSoup/MechanicalSoup
Software Development:
- The AuthRamp PAM module provides an account lockout mechanism based on the number of authentication failures: https://github.com/34N0/pam-authramp
Linux & DevOps:
An evolving how-to guide for securing a Linux server: https://github.com/imthenachoman/How-To-Secure-A-Linux-Server
New from CyberDetective:
Botnadzor - a platform to detect bots in VK.com by account, post, or group. API and browser extensions are available. The project is designed to disclose the scale of hidden propaganda, misinformation publicly, and lies coming from seemingly real profiles of existing people. The photos on these profiles are stolen from dating sites or other social networks.
- Multifunctional online tool to search password hashes. Search for hashes (copy the text or load the list from a file, 500 hashes per hour for free), verify hashes against a certain algorithm, check password strength, download hashes lists: hashmob.net
Cloudflare Resolver
- Free online tool. Enter the name of the domain protected by CloudFlare and the service will find subdomains that are not protected by CloudFlare: http://www.skypeipresolver.net/cloudflare.php
free online tool for Instagram profile analyze profile growth, posts interactions, hashtags and more: https://app.notjustanalytics.com
The Man in Seat 61
. Mark Smith's (twitter.com/seatsixtyone) train seat maps collection. A website with a huge variety of information about European trains. Its creator has been working on the project for over 17 years: https://seat61.com
New from GitHub Community:
- Fast, secure, efficient backup program: https://github.com/restic/restic
- A Meta Search engine with privacy and ease of use in mind: https://github.com/adegans/Goosle
Tinfoil Chat
- Onion-routed, endpoint secure messaging system: https://github.com/maqp/tfc
GitHub: https://github.com/bormaxi8080/osint-timeline
LinkedIn: bormaxi8080 OSINT Featured Timeline
You can see Systematized list of my GitHub Starred OSINT Repositories
and contact me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/OSINTech_
If you like the projects that I do, I will be grateful for donations in private dialogue.
WARNING! All tools, programs and techniques published in this article and repository are used for informational, educational purposes or for information security purposes. The authors are not responsible for the activities that users of these tools and techniques may carry out, and urge them not to use them to carry out harmful or destructive activities directed against other users or groups on the Internet.