Welcome to my basic sample form coded with ReactJS and use of Bootstrap! Additionally, I am using Conventional Commits for each commit.
I created this repository to demonstrate how ReactJS is powerful and simple. Also I plan to add features and colaborate with others as needed to improve this sample.
Follow the Getting Started step-by-setp of the react_form_integration repository:
Clone the repository in the same directory as laradock and sample_form_integration directories are:
git clone https://github.com/bos21001/sample_form_react.git
Install the dependencies:
cd sample_form_react
npm install
Run the app in the development mode:
npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 (sometimes it changes depending on your port 3000 is in use) to view it in your browser.
There are two pages within it. The index
page displays the form itself and 4 for different inputs. This form is dynamically created by a function called Form. It makes life easier to create custom input fields.
The submit button in this page takes all the inputs and send to the submitted
page to be displayed to the user what have been sent.
- Frameworks:
- ReactJS v18.2.0
- Bootstrap v5.2
- Library
- react-router-dom v6.4
- React
- react-router-dom
- Bootstrap
- Conventional Commits
- This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
- Alocate the data in a simple database consuming an api
- Allow the update and to delete the note
- Redirect the user to index when attempt to go on