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173 lines (138 loc) · 5.96 KB

CLinical Information Retrieval Evaluation Collection (CLIREC)

CLIREC is a test collection for evaluating clinical information retrieval built from systematic reviews whose purpose is to provide a basis for researchers to experiment with PICO-structured queries. It contains 1.2M documents collected from PubMed and a set of manually constructed queries and their corresponding relevant documents (qrels).

Contents of this repository

Overall structure of the repository

|-- collection/           // document collection in jsonl format
  |-- clirec.aa.jsonl.gz  // {"id": "...", "title": "...", "contents": "...", "year": "..."}
  |-- clirec.ab.jsonl.gz  //   
  |-- ...                 //   
  |--   //
|-- clirec.queries.xml           // XML-formatted file containing the queries
|-- clirec.queries.keywords.tsv  // keyword queries in tab-separated format
|-- clirec.qrels                 // relevance judgments (TREC-Like formatted)
|-- collection.pmids             // list of pmids for the document collection

PICO queries are encoded in an XML-formatted file as shown below:

  <query id="1" before="20060901" keywords="Barrett's oesophagus treatment">
    <prob>Barrett's oesophagus</prob> 
    <int>Pharmacological treatment</int>
    <comp>Non-resectional surgical treatment</comp>
    <out>Complete eradication of dysplasia</out>
    <dur>12 months</dur>

* <queries> is the root element
  * Each clinical query is contained in a <query> element

  It has 3 attributes:
    - 'id' is the query unique identifier
    - 'before' is the publication date of the Cochrane review
    - 'keywords' is the corresponding keywords query

  And up to 6 children:
    - <pop> is the population/patient query part	
    - <prob> is the problem query part
    - <int> is the intervention/exposure query part
    - <comp> is the comparison query part
    - <out> is the clinical outcome query part
    - <dur> is the duration query part

The document collection contains 1211820 PubMed documents and was collected using the following query:

hasabstract[text] AND "humans"[MeSH Terms] AND (Clinical Trial[ptyp] OR 
Editorial[ptyp] OR Letter[ptyp] OR Meta-Analysis[ptyp] OR Practice 
Guideline[ptyp] OR Randomized Controlled Trial[ptyp] OR Review[ptyp]) AND 

Relevance judgments are in TREC-Like format and were manually mapped to their PubMed unique IDentifiers (PMID).

A10.1 1991 1724669 1
A10.1 1998 9540427 1
A10.1 1998 6130330 1
A10.1 2006 16616232 1
This first column is the query identifier, the second is the publication 
date of the relevant document and the third its PMID.

Retrieval experiments with anserini

Indexing the collection

sh anserini/target/appassembler/bin/IndexCollection \
	-collection JsonCollection \
	-threads 4 \
	-input collection/ \
	-index exp/lucene-index.clirec/ \
	-optimize \
	-storePositions -storeDocvectors -storeRaw -fields title year

Retrieving documents

sh anserini/target/appassembler/bin/SearchCollection \
	-index exp/lucene-index.clirec/ \
	-topics clirec.queries.keywords.tsv \
	-topicreader TsvString \
	-output exp/clirec.queries.keywords.bm25.out \
	-bm25 -hits 1000 -fields contents=1.0 title=1.0

sh anserini/target/appassembler/bin/SearchCollection \
	-index exp/lucene-index.clirec/ \
	-topics clirec.queries.keywords.tsv \
	-topicreader TsvString \
	-output exp/clirec.queries.keywords.bm25+rm3.out \
	-bm25 -rm3 -hits 1000 -fields contents=1.0 title=1.0
sh anserini/target/appassembler/bin/SearchCollection \
	-index exp/lucene-index.clirec/ \
	-topics clirec.queries.pico.tsv \
	-topicreader TsvString \
	-output exp/clirec.queries.pico.bm25.out \
	-bm25 -hits 1000 -fields contents=1.0 title=1.0

sh anserini/target/appassembler/bin/SearchCollection \
	-index exp/lucene-index.clirec/ \
	-topics clirec.queries.pico.tsv \
	-topicreader TsvString \
	-output exp/clirec.queries.pico.bm25+rm3.out \
	-bm25 -rm3 -hits 1000 -fields contents=1.0 title=1.0

Evaluating the retrieval effectiveness

anserini/tools/eval/trec_eval.9.0.4/trec_eval -m official \
 	clirec.qrels exp/clirec.queries.keywords.bm25.out
anserini/tools/eval/trec_eval.9.0.4/trec_eval -m official \
 	clirec.qrels exp/clirec.queries.keywords.bm25+rm3.out
anserini/tools/eval/trec_eval.9.0.4/trec_eval -m official \
 	clirec.qrels exp/clirec.queries.pico.bm25.out
anserini/tools/eval/trec_eval.9.0.4/trec_eval -m official \
 	clirec.qrels exp/clirec.queries.pico.bm25+rm3.out

Baseline results

Keywords queries

Model mAP P@5 P@10 num_rel_ret
BM25 12.00 16.13 13.61 1512
BM25+RM3 13.14 17.03 14.32 1604

PICO queries (without using any specific weighting)

Model mAP P@5 P@10 num_rel_ret
BM25 14.64 21.65 17.64 5651
BM25+RM3 13.97 19.10 15.79 6174

Release history

  • Version 1.1 - May 2022 (adding collection of documents and model benchmarking)
  • Version 1.0 - July 2010 (initial release)


If you use this dataset, please cite the following articles: