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Simultaneous Measurement of Program Comprehension with fMRI and Eye Tracking

This repository contains information on our fMRI study on program comprehension with simultaneous eye tracking. We observed top-down and bottom-up comprehension and collected the following data for 22 student participants:

  • demographic data (age, programming experience, ...)
  • fMRI structucal brain data (T1-weighted, 1mm isotropic resolution)
  • fMRI functional brain data (878 volumes using a continuous EPI sequence, 2000ms TR, 35 slices of 3mm)
  • eye-tracking data (gaze, events, pupil dilation)
  • physiological data (heart rate, respiration)
  • behavioral data (task responses including click-down time)

Our long-term research goal is to understand how code aspects (like rich identifier names) influence program comprehension.

Publications (PDFs)

Norman Peitek, Janet Siegmund, Chris Parnin, Sven Apel, Johannes Hofmeister, and André Brechmann. Simultaneous Measurement of Program Comprehension with fMRI and Eye Tracking: A Case Study. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), pages 24:1–24:10. ACM Press, October 2018

Norman Peitek, Janet Siegmund, Chris Parnin, Sven Apel, and André Brechmann. Beyond Gaze: Preliminary Analysis of Pupil Dilation and Blink Rates in an fMRI Study of Program Comprehension. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Eye Movements in Programming (EMIP), page Article 4. ACM Press, June 2018.

Norman Peitek, Janet Siegmund, Chris Parnin, Sven Apel, and André Brechmann. Toward Conjoint Analysis of Simultaneous Eye-Tracking and fMRI Data for Program-Comprehension Studies. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Eye Movements in Programming (EMIP), page Article 1. ACM Press, June 2018.

Experiment Details

fMRI Imaging and Eye Tracking

The study was conducted on a 3-Tesla fMRI scanner (Philips Achieva dStream, Best, The Netherlands) equipped with a 32-channel head coil at the Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology in Magdeburg, Germany. We used an MRI-compatible EyeLink 1000 (SR Research Ltd, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, eye tracker for simultaneous measurement of eye movements. The EyeLink eye tracker offers 1000 Hz temporal resolution, <0.5° average accuracy, and 0.01° root mean square (RMS). The eye tracker collected eye gazes, events (i.e., fixations, blinks, saccades), and pupil dilation.

We calibrated the eye tracker with a randomized 9-dot grid. Afterward, we conducted a 9-dot validation to identify possible issues with the calibration. If the error during validation exceeded EyeLink's recommended thresholds, we repeated the calibration and validation process.

Method Syncronization

The calibration and validation of the eye tracker was done after the pre-measurements, but before the functional fMRI scan. Once the eye tracker was calibrated and validated, the functional fMRI scan started. With the first scan period, our Presentation script showed the first code snippet, and commanded to the EyeLink eye tracker to record eye movements. The start time was logged to both systems (i.e., stimulus and eye-tracking computer). After every stimulus change (e.g., from comprehension to d2 task), we added an additional log with time stamp and stimulus name to the eye-tracker output. This way, we are able to accurately allocate the eye movements to the shown stimulus.

Measurement Overview

We conducted one full pilot session in December 2017, and 22 measurements between February and March 2018.

Participant Eye Tracking (% of Collected Frames) fMRI Data (Movement)
Pilot 98% OK
01 33% OK
02 87% OK
03 96% OK
04 89% OK
05 0% Exclusion
06 91% Exclusion
07 67% OK
08 97% OK
09 9% OK
10 69% OK
11 0% Careful
12 93% OK
13 8% OK
14 92% OK
15 27% OK
16 5% OK
17 1% OK
18 94% Exclusion
19 1% OK
20 1% OK
21 8% OK
22 23% OK

Recording of behavioral and physiological data was successful for all participants.

Participant Demographics

Characteristic N (in %) SD
Participants 22
Male 20 (91%)
Female 2 (9%)
Age in years 26.70 6.16
Years of programming experience 6.14 4.57
Experience score 2.73 0.75
Java experience 1.93 0.33
Bachelor students 9 (41%)
Master students 13 (59%)

Replication Package

In the next sections are general information on the experiment. They should contain everything necessary to replicate the experiment, either in an fMRI scanner or in front of a PC.

As we conducted the study with German students, some elements are still in German (e.g., task, experience questionnaire). If you would like to replicate this experiment and the provided information are not sufficient (or you need a translation), please contact me for individual help.

Preparing Experiment

We provided all images necessary for the an exact replication of our experiment under /images/. Attention, the tasks are in German.

If you would like to use different snippets (or a different task language), you may use our tool to generate images. To make the eye-tracking analysis later on more meaningful, we created images containing the code snippets. Thus, it is much easier to map eye-tracking gaze positions to the location within the presented code (instead of x/y coordinates without context). We used a custom Python script to create the images from a predefined set of code snippets: CodeImageGenerator.

We also created images for a d2 attention task, which was used after each comprehension snippet. You can find the Python script for the d2 attention task image generation here: AttentionTaskImageGenerator.

Once the images are created, you can proceed to the next step.

Experiment Execution

We use Presentation to control the stimuli display, receive participant responses, and control the eye tracker. You can find the script under /presentation/. Although we have not conducted a full study with it yet, PsychoPy may also be a way to replicate our experiment.

If you use the Presentation script, you may need to change the paths to the stimuli images. Our Presentation script assumes you are also using an EyeLink eye tracker. You may start the experiment without an eye tracker by setting use_eyetracker to false.

For configuration of the EyeLink eye tracker, please refer to EyeLink's manual (no special settings are necessary for the experiment, a standard configuration should be sufficient).


Our participant had to view, recall and review five code snippets before the fMRI session. This training before the fMRI session was done with PROPHET. The tool guided the participant through this process.

You can find the Prophet experiment file and all code snippets under /prophet/training.xml.

Programming Experience Questionnaire

We asked all participants to fill out a programming experience questionnaire1. You can find the Prophet experiment file [in German] under /prophet/questionnaire.xml.

fMRI Experiment

We largely replicated our previous FSE'17 study on contrasting bottom-up and top-down comprehension. The fMRI session consisted of five trials, where each trial contained the following five tasks:

  • Top-down comprehension [Trained, including beacons]
  • Bottom-up comprehension
  • Top-down comprehension [Trained, no beacons]
  • Top-down comprehension [Untrained, including beacons]
  • Find syntax errors

Every task in the list above lasted for 30 seconds, plus a 2-seconds grace period to submit a late response. They were each followed by a 15-seconds d2 attention task and a 20-seconds rest condition. This results in an experiment execution time of approximately 28 minutes.

The full order of displayed tasks:

Trial Order Condition Algorithm/Snippet Snippet Name FileName (/images/code/)
1 1 Top-Down Beacon ArrayAverage arrayAverageTD_B arrayAverageTD_B.png
2 Bottom-Up BinaryToDecimal BinaryToDecimal grey.png
3 Top-Down No Beacon ContainsSubstring containsSubstringTD_N ecnzaqnkKopkzvqnmTD_N.png
4 Top-Down Untrained ReverseWord reverseWordTD_U reverseWordTD_U.png
5 Syntax BubbleSort bubbleSortSY bubbleSortSY.png
2 6 Top-Down Beacon Power powerTD_B powerTD_B.png
7 Bottom-Up Factorial Factorial pink.png
8 Top-Down No Beacon CountSameCharsAtSamePosition countSameCharsAtSamePositionTD_N ecoamKayiEoaikAmKayiEckqmqcaTD_N.png
9 Top-Down Untrained CrossSum crossSumTD_U crossSumTD_U.png
10 Syntax IsPrimeNumber IsPrimeNumberSY IsPrimeNumberSY.png
3 11 Top-Down Beacon FirstAboveTreshold firstAboveTresholdTD_B firstAboveTresholdTD_B.png
12 Bottom-Up CountVowels CountVowels red.png
13 Top-Down No Beacon ArrayAverage arrayAverageTD_N beebtBurebzrTD_N.png
14 Top-Down Untrained SumUp sumUpTD_U sumUpTD_U.png
15 Syntax GetMiddleNumber GetMiddleNumberSY GetMiddleNumberSY.png
4 16 Top-Down Beacon ContainsSubstring containsSubstringTD_B containsSubstringTD_B.png
17 Bottom-Up Maximum Maximum lightgreen.png
18 Top-Down No Beacon Power powerTD_N buycpTD_N.png
19 Top-Down Untrained IsPalindrome isPalindromeTD_U isPalindromeTD_U.png
20 Syntax DoubleArray doubleArraySY doubleArraySY.png
5 21 Top-Down Beacon CountSameCharsAtSamePosition countSameCharsAtSamePositionTD_B countSameCharsAtSamePositionTD_B.png
22 Bottom-Up IntertwineTwoWords IntertwineTwoWords gold.png
23 Top-Down No Beacon FirstAboveTreshold firstAboveTresholdTD_N vsjihAzmfwHjwitmpxTD_N.png
24 Top-Down Untrained SquareRoots squareRootsTD_U squareRootsTD_U.png
25 Syntax IndexOf IndexOfSY IndexOfSY.png

Each snippet was followed by a 2-second grace period (there is no image as we used Presentation to display the same text), which was followed by a d2 task (/images/d2/attention_task_[ORDER-1].png). The rest condition was between every d2 task and snippet (there is no image as we used Presentation to display the fixation cross).

Note on the aspect ratio: the images are mostly created with an aspect ratio of 16:10 and a resolution of 1920x1080. However, the experiment itself was displayed in an aspect ratio of 5:4 and a resolution of 1280x1024 as that is the maximum for the projector and display in the fMRI scanner.

Post-Experiment Analysis

Analysis Procedure

After the experiment ended, our Presentation script exported EyeLink's eye-tracking data to the stimulus PC. We then used a vendor-provided script to convert EyeLink's .edf logging file into an ASCII-readable format. Next, we used a custom script to map the eye-tracking data to the respective position within a code, merge in behavioral data (responses) and physiological data (heart rate, respiration), and convert it into a CSV format. Finally, we imported the CSV file into Ogama, which we used to analyze the eye-tracking data. The last available Ogama version could not import a dataset of our size (presumably due to the 1000 Hz temporal resolution of the eye tracker and large participant pool). To this end, we created a custom 64-bit build of Ogama to increase the memory limit, which allowed us to import our data.

The data and graphs used in our paper can be replicated with our analyses and visualizations pipelines.

Raw and Pre-Processsed Data

De-identified data available on request.


We thank all participants of the fMRI study. Furthermore, we thank Andreas Fügner, Anke Michalsky, and Jörg Stadler for their technical support during pilot studies and fMRI data acquisition.

Missing Information? Feedback? Questions?

Please open an issue or contact me directly: Thank you!

1:Siegmund, J., Kästner, C., Liebig, J., Apel, S., & Hanenberg, S. (2014). Measuring and modeling programming experience. Empirical Software Engineering, 19(5), 1299-1334.