-This is a script for ...
-import pandas as pd
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import seaborn as sns
-import inspect
-import aaanalysis
-from aaanalysis.cpp._cpp import CPPPlots, get_optimal_fontsize
-import aaanalysis.utils as ut
-# Settings
-pd.set_option('expand_frame_repr', False) # Single line print for pd.Dataframe
-# TODO simplify checks & interface (end-to-end check with tests & docu)
-# TODO plot_functions test & refactor (end-to-end)
-# I Helper Functions
-def check_value_type(val_type=None, count_in=True):
- """Check if value type is valid"""
- list_value_type = ["mean", "sum", "std"]
- if count_in:
- list_value_type.append("count")
- if val_type not in list_value_type:
- raise ValueError(f"'val_type' ('{val_type}') should be on of following: {list_value_type}")
-def check_normalize(normalize=True):
- """Check normalize parameter"""
- if not (type(normalize) == bool or normalize in ["positions", "positions_only"]):
- raise ValueError(f"'normalize' ('{normalize}') should be bool or, if normalized for positions, 'positions'.")
- normalize_for_positions = False if type(normalize) is bool else "positions" in normalize
- normalize = normalize if type(normalize) is bool else "positions" == normalize
- return normalize, normalize_for_positions
-# Check for plotting methods
-def check_args_size(seq_size=None, tmd_jmd_fontsize=None):
- """Check if sequence size parameters match"""
- ut.check_non_negative_number(name="seq_size", val=seq_size, min_val=0, accept_none=True, just_int=False)
- ut.check_non_negative_number(name="tmd_jmd_fontsize", val=tmd_jmd_fontsize, min_val=0, accept_none=True, just_int=False)
- args_size = dict(seq_size=seq_size, tmd_jmd_fontsize=tmd_jmd_fontsize)
- return args_size
-def check_args_xtick(xtick_size=None, xtick_width=None, xtick_length=None):
- """Check if x tick parameters non-negative float"""
- args = dict(accept_none=True, just_int=False, min_val=0)
- ut.check_non_negative_number(name="xtick_size", val=xtick_size, **args)
- ut.check_non_negative_number(name="xtick_width", val=xtick_width, **args)
- ut.check_non_negative_number(name="xtick_length", val=xtick_length, **args)
- args_xtick = dict(xtick_size=xtick_size, xtick_width=xtick_width, xtick_length=xtick_length)
- return args_xtick
-def check_args_ytick(ytick_size=None, ytick_width=None, ytick_length=None):
- """Check if y tick parameters non-negative float"""
- args = dict(accept_none=True, just_int=False, min_val=1)
- ut.check_non_negative_number(name="ytick_size", val=ytick_size, **args)
- ut.check_non_negative_number(name="ytick_width", val=ytick_width, **args)
- ut.check_non_negative_number(name="ytick_length", val=ytick_length, **args)
- args_ytick = dict(ytick_size=ytick_size, ytick_width=ytick_width, ytick_length=ytick_length)
- return args_ytick
-def check_part_color(tmd_color=None, jmd_color=None):
- """Check if part colors valid"""
- ut.check_color(name="tmd_color", val=tmd_color)
- ut.check_color(name="jmd_color", val=jmd_color)
- args_part_color = dict(tmd_color=tmd_color, jmd_color=jmd_color)
- return args_part_color
-def check_seq_color(tmd_seq_color=None, jmd_seq_color=None):
- """Check sequence colors"""
- ut.check_color(name="tmd_seq_color", val=tmd_seq_color)
- ut.check_color(name="jmd_seq_color", val=jmd_seq_color)
- args_seq_color = dict(tmd_seq_color=tmd_seq_color, jmd_seq_color=jmd_seq_color)
- return args_seq_color
-def check_figsize(figsize=None):
- """"""
- ut.check_tuple(name="figsize", val=figsize, n=2)
- ut.check_non_negative_number(name="figsize:width", val=figsize[0], min_val=1, just_int=False)
- ut.check_non_negative_number(name="figsize:height", val=figsize[1], min_val=1, just_int=False)
-def check_dict_color(dict_color=None, df_cat=None):
- """Check if color dictionary is matching to DataFrame with categories"""
- list_cats = list(sorted(set(df_cat[ut.COL_CAT])))
- if dict_color is None:
- dict_color = ut.DICT_COLOR
- if not isinstance(dict_color, dict):
- raise ValueError(f"'dict_color' should be a dictionary with colors for: {list_cats}")
- list_cat_not_in_dict_cat = [x for x in list_cats if x not in dict_color]
- if len(list_cat_not_in_dict_cat) > 0:
- error = f"'dict_color' not complete! Following categories are missing from 'df_cat': {list_cat_not_in_dict_cat}"
- raise ValueError(error)
- for key in dict_color:
- color = dict_color[key]
- ut.check_color(name=key, val=color)
- return dict_color
-def check_parameters(func=None, name_called_func=None, e=None):
- """Check parameters string from error message of third party packages"""
- list_arg_str = ["property ", "attribute ", "argument ", "parameter "]
- str_error = ""
- for arg_str in list_arg_str:
- if arg_str in str(e):
- error_arg = str(e).split(arg_str)[1]
- str_error += "Error due to {} parameter. ".format(error_arg)
- break
- args = [x for x in inspect.getfullargspec(func).args if x != "self"]
- str_error += "Arguments are allowed from {} and as follows: {}".format(name_called_func, args)
- return str_error
-# Check heatmap plotting
-def check_vmin_vmax(vmin=None, vmax=None):
- """Check if number of cmap colors is valid with given value range"""
- ut.check_float(name="vmin", val=vmin, accept_none=True, just_float=False)
- ut.check_float(name="vmax", val=vmax, accept_none=True, just_float=False)
- if vmin is not None and vmax is not None and vmin >= vmax:
- raise ValueError(f"'vmin' ({vmin}) < 'vmax' ({vmax}) not fulfilled.")
-# Check barplot and profile
-def check_grid_axis(grid_axis=None):
- """"""
- list_valid = ["x", 'y', 'both']
- if grid_axis not in list_valid:
- raise ValueError(f"'grid_axis' ('{grid_axis}') not valid. Chose from following: {list_valid}")
-# Check stat plot
-def check_ylabel_fontweight(ylabel_fontweight=None, accept_none=True):
- """"""
- if accept_none and ylabel_fontweight is None:
- return
- name = "ylabel_fontweight"
- args = dict(name=name, val=ylabel_fontweight)
- list_weights = ['light', 'medium', 'bold']
- if type(ylabel_fontweight) in [float, int]:
- ut.check_non_negative_number(**args, min_val=0, max_val=1000, just_int=False)
- elif isinstance(ylabel_fontweight, str):
- if ylabel_fontweight not in list_weights:
- error = f"'{name}' ({ylabel_fontweight}) should be one of following: {list_weights}"
- raise ValueError(error)
- else:
- error = f"'{name}' ({ylabel_fontweight}) should be either numeric value in range 0-1000" \
- f"\n\tor one of following: {list_weights}"
- raise ValueError(error)
-# Plotting functions
-def _get_df_pos(df_feat=None, df_cat=None, y="subcategory", val_col="mean_dif",
- value_type="mean", normalize=False,
- tmd_len=20, jmd_n_len=10, jmd_c_len=10, start=1):
- """Helper method for plotting"""
- normalize, normalize_for_pos = check_normalize(normalize=normalize)
- cpp_plot = CPPPlots(tmd_len=tmd_len, jmd_n_len=jmd_n_len, jmd_c_len=jmd_c_len, start=start)
- df_pos = cpp_plot.get_df_pos(df=df_feat.copy(), y=y, value_type=value_type, val_col=val_col,
- normalize=normalize,
- normalize_for_pos=normalize_for_pos)
- # Sort according to given categories
- list_cat = list(df_cat[y].drop_duplicates())
- list_col = list(df_pos.T)
- sorted_col = [x for x in list_cat if x in list_col]
- df_pos = df_pos.T[sorted_col].T
- return df_pos
-def _add_importance_map(ax=None, df_feat=None, df_cat=None, start=None, args_len=None, y=None):
- """"""
- _df_pos = _get_df_pos(df_feat=df_feat, df_cat=df_cat, y=y, val_col=ut.COL_FEAT_IMPORTANCE,
- value_type="sum", normalize="positions_only", start=start, **args_len)
- _df = pd.melt(_df_pos.reset_index(), id_vars="index")
- _df.columns = [ut.COL_SUBCAT, "position", ut.COL_FEAT_IMPORTANCE]
- _list_sub_cat = _df[ut.COL_SUBCAT].unique()
- for i, sub_cat in enumerate(_list_sub_cat):
- _dff = _df[_df[ut.COL_SUBCAT] == sub_cat]
- for pos, val in enumerate(_dff[ut.COL_FEAT_IMPORTANCE]):
- _symbol = "■" # "•"
- color = "black"
- size = 12 if val >= 1 else (8 if val >= 0.5 else 4)
- _args_symbol = dict(ha="center", va="center", color=color, size=size)
- if val >= 0.2:
- ax.text(pos + 0.5, i + 0.5, _symbol, **_args_symbol)
-def _set_size_to_optimized_value(seq_size=None, tmd_jmd_fontsize=None, opt_size=None):
- """Set sizes to given value if None"""
- if tmd_jmd_fontsize is None:
- tmd_jmd_fontsize = opt_size
- args_size = dict(seq_size=seq_size, tmd_jmd_fontsize=tmd_jmd_fontsize)
- return args_size
-# TODO simplify interface (delete old profile)
-# TODO add importance plot for heatmap
-# TODO add ranking
-# II Main Functions
-[docs]class CPPPlot:
Create and filter features that are most discriminant between two sets of sequences.
accept_gaps : bool, default = False
Whether to accept missing values by enabling omitting for computations (if True).
jmd_n_len : int, >=0, default = 10
Length of JMD-N.
jmd_c_len : int, >=0, default = 10
Length of JMD-C.
ext_len : int, >=0, default = 4
Length of TMD-extending part (starting from C and N terminal part of TMD).
Conditions: ext_len < jmd_m_len and ext_len < jmd_c_len.
verbose : bool, default = True
Whether to print progress information about the algorithm (if True).
[docs] def __init__(self, df_cat=None, accept_gaps=False, jmd_n_len=10, jmd_c_len=10, ext_len=4, verbose=True):
# Load default scales if not specified
ut.check_bool(name="verbose", val=verbose)
if df_cat is None:
df_cat = aaanalysis.load_scales(name=ut.COL_SCALE_ID)
self.df_cat = df_cat
self._verbose = verbose
self._accept_gaps = accept_gaps
# Set consistent length of JMD_N, JMD_C, TMD flanking amino acids (TMD-E)
self.jmd_n_len = jmd_n_len
self.jmd_c_len = jmd_c_len
self.ext_len = ext_len
# Axes dict for plotting
self.ax_seq = None
# Plotting methods
[docs] def profile(self, df_feat=None, y="category", val_col="mean_dif", val_type="count", normalize=False,
figsize=(7, 5), title=None, title_kws=None,
dict_color=None, edge_color="none", bar_width=0.75,
add_jmd_tmd=True, tmd_len=20, start=1,
jmd_n_seq=None, tmd_seq=None, jmd_c_seq=None,
tmd_color="mediumspringgreen", jmd_color="blue", tmd_seq_color="black", jmd_seq_color="white",
seq_size=None, tmd_jmd_fontsize=None,
xtick_size=11.0, xtick_width=2.0, xtick_length=5.0, xticks_pos=False,
ytick_size=None, ytick_width=2.0, ytick_length=5.0, ylim=None,
highlight_tmd_area=True, highlight_alpha=0.15,
grid=False, grid_axis="both",
add_legend_cat=True, legend_kws=None,
Plot feature profile for given features from 'df_feat'.
df_feat : class:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional, default=None
Dataframe containing the features to be plotted. If None, default features from the instance will be used.
y : str, default='category'
Column name in df_feat which contains the categories for grouping.
val_col : str, default='mean_dif'
Column name in df_feat which contains the values to be plotted.
val_type : str, default='count'
Type of value. Available options are specified by the `check_value_type` function.
normalize : bool, default=False
If True, the feature values will be normalized.
figsize : tuple, default=(7, 5)
Size of the plot.
title : str, optional
Title of the plot.
title_kws : dict, optional
Keyword arguments to customize the title appearance.
dict_color : dict, optional
Dictionary mapping categories to colors.
edge_color : str, default='none'
Color of the edges of the bars.
bar_width : float, default=0.75
Width of the bars.
add_jmd_tmd : bool, default=True
If True, adds JMD and TMD lines/annotations to the plot.
tmd_len : int, default=20
Length of the TMD.
start : int, default=1
Start position.
jmd_n_seq : str, optional
JMD N-terminal sequence.
tmd_seq : str, optional
TMD sequence.
jmd_c_seq : str, optional
JMD C-terminal sequence.
tmd_color : str, default='mediumspringgreen'
Color for TMD.
jmd_color : str, default='blue'
Color for JMD.
tmd_seq_color : str, default='black'
Color for TMD sequence.
jmd_seq_color : str, default='white'
Color for JMD sequence.
seq_size : float, optional
Font size for sequence annotations.
tmd_jmd_fontsize : float, optional
Font size for TMD and JMD annotations.
xtick_size : float, default=11.0
Size for x-tick labels.
xtick_width : float, default=2.0
Width of the x-ticks.
xtick_length : float, default=5.0
Length of the x-ticks.
xticks_pos : bool, default=False
If True, x-tick positions are adjusted based on given sequences.
ytick_size : float, optional
Size for y-tick labels.
ytick_width : float, default=2.0
Width of the y-ticks.
ytick_length : float, default=5.0
Length of the y-ticks.
ylim : tuple, optional
Y-axis limits.
highlight_tmd_area : bool, default=True
If True, highlights the TMD area on the plot.
highlight_alpha : float, default=0.15
Alpha value for TMD area highlighting.
grid : bool, default=False
If True, a grid is added to the plot.
grid_axis : str, default='both'
Axis on which the grid is drawn. Options: 'both', 'x', 'y'.
add_legend_cat : bool, default=True
If True, a legend is added for categories.
legend_kws : dict, optional
Keyword arguments for the legend.
shap_plot : bool, default=False
If True, SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) plot is generated.
**kwargs : dict
Other keyword arguments passed to internal functions or plotting libraries.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
The axes object containing the plot.
# Group arguments
args_seq = dict(jmd_n_seq=jmd_n_seq, tmd_seq=tmd_seq, jmd_c_seq=jmd_c_seq,)
args_size = check_args_size(seq_size=seq_size, tmd_jmd_fontsize=tmd_jmd_fontsize)
args_len = ut.check_args_len(tmd_len=tmd_len, jmd_n_len=self.jmd_n_len, jmd_c_len=self.jmd_c_len, **args_seq)
args_xtick = check_args_xtick(xtick_size=xtick_size, xtick_width=xtick_width, xtick_length=xtick_length)
args_part_color = check_part_color(tmd_color=tmd_color, jmd_color=jmd_color)
args_seq_color = check_seq_color(tmd_seq_color=tmd_seq_color, jmd_seq_color=jmd_seq_color)
# Checking input
# Args checked by Matplotlib: title, legend_kws
# Args checked by internal plotting functions: ylim
ut.check_non_negative_number(name="bar_width", val=bar_width, min_val=0, just_int=False)
ut.check_non_negative_number(name="start", val=start, min_val=0)
ut.check_non_negative_number(name="tmd_area_alpha", val=highlight_alpha, min_val=0, max_val=1, just_int=False)
ut.check_bool(name="add_jmd_tmd", val=add_jmd_tmd)
ut.check_bool(name="highlight_tmd_area", val=highlight_tmd_area)
ut.check_bool(name="grid", val=grid)
ut.check_bool(name="shap_plot", val=shap_plot)
ut.check_bool(name="add_legend_cat", val=add_legend_cat)
ut.check_color(name="edge_color", val=edge_color, accept_none=True)
ut.check_dict(name="legend_kws", val=legend_kws, accept_none=True)
ut.check_col_in_df(df=df_feat, name_df="df_feat", col=val_col, col_type=[float, int])
ut.check_y_categorical(df=df_feat, y=y)
df_feat = ut.check_df_feat(df_feat=df_feat)
check_value_type(val_type=val_type, count_in=True)
check_args_ytick(ytick_size=ytick_size, ytick_width=ytick_width, ytick_length=ytick_length)
dict_color = check_dict_color(dict_color=dict_color, df_cat=self.df_cat)
# Get df positions
df_feat = self.add_positions(df_feat=df_feat, tmd_len=args_len["tmd_len"], start=start)
df_pos = _get_df_pos(df_feat=df_feat, df_cat=self.df_cat, y=y, val_col=val_col,
value_type=val_type, normalize=normalize, start=start, **args_len)
# Plotting
cpp_plot = CPPPlots(**args_len, start=start)
ax = cpp_plot.profile(df_pos=df_pos, figsize=figsize, ylim=ylim,
dict_color=dict_color, edge_color=edge_color, bar_width=bar_width,
add_legend=add_legend_cat, legend_kws=legend_kws, shap_plot=shap_plot,
**args_xtick, **kwargs)
except AttributeError as e:
error_message = check_parameters(func=self.profile, name_called_func="pd.DataFrame.plot", e=e)
raise AttributeError(error_message)
cpp_plot.set_title(title=title, title_kws=title_kws)
# Autosize tmd sequence & annotation
opt_size = cpp_plot.optimize_label_size(ax=ax, df_pos=df_pos, label_term=False)
# Set default ylabel
ylabel = "Feature impact" if shap_plot else f"Feature count (-/+ {val_col})"
ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, size=opt_size)
# Adjust y ticks
ytick_size = opt_size if ytick_size is None else ytick_size
plt.tick_params(axis="y", color="black", width=ytick_width, length=ytick_length, bottom=False)
sns.despine(top=True, right=True)
# Add grid
if grid:
ax.set_axisbelow(True) # Grid behind datasets
ax.grid(which="major", axis=grid_axis, linestyle="-")
# Add tmd area
if highlight_tmd_area:
cpp_plot.highlight_tmd_area(ax=ax, x_shift=-0.5, tmd_color=tmd_color, alpha=highlight_alpha)
# Add tmd_jmd sequence if sequence is given
if type(tmd_seq) == str:
ax = cpp_plot.add_tmd_jmd_seq(ax=ax, **args_seq, **args_size, **args_part_color, **args_seq_color,
xticks_pos=xticks_pos, heatmap=False, x_shift=0,
xtick_size=xtick_size) # Add tmd_jmd bar
self.ax_seq = ax
elif add_jmd_tmd:
size = opt_size if tmd_jmd_fontsize is None else tmd_jmd_fontsize
cpp_plot.add_tmd_jmd_bar(ax=ax, x_shift=-0.5, **args_part_color, add_white_bar=False)
cpp_plot.add_tmd_jmd_xticks(ax=ax, x_shift=0, **args_xtick)
cpp_plot.add_tmd_jmd_text(ax=ax, x_shift=-0.5, tmd_jmd_fontsize=size)
# Set current axis to main axis object depending on tmd sequence given or not
plt.tick_params(axis="y", color="black", width=ytick_width, length=ytick_length, bottom=False)
ax = plt.gca()
return ax
[docs] def heatmap(self, df_feat=None, y="subcategory", val_col="mean_dif", val_type="mean", normalize=False,
figsize=(8, 5), title=None, title_kws=None,
vmin=None, vmax=None, grid_on=True,
cmap="RdBu_r", cmap_n_colors=None, dict_color=None, cbar_kws=None, facecolor_dark=False,
add_jmd_tmd=True, tmd_len=20, start=1,
jmd_n_seq=None, tmd_seq=None, jmd_c_seq=None,
tmd_color="mediumspringgreen", jmd_color="blue", tmd_seq_color="black", jmd_seq_color="white",
seq_size=None, tmd_jmd_fontsize=None,
xticks_pos=False, xtick_size=11.0, xtick_width=2.0, xtick_length=5.0, ytick_size=None,
add_legend_cat=True, legend_kws=None,
add_importance_map=False, cbar_pct=False, **kwargs):
Plot a featuremap of the selected value column with scale information (y-axis) versus sequence position (x-axis).
This is a wrapper function for :func:`seaborn.heatmap`, designed to highlight differences between two sets
of sequences at the positional level (e.g., amino acid level for protein sequences).
df_feat : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`, shape (n_feature, n_feature_information)
DataFrame containing unique identifiers, scale information, statistics, and positions for each feature.
y : {'category', 'subcategory', 'scale_name'}, str, default = 'subcategory'
Name of the column in the feature DataFrame representing scale information (shown on the y-axis).
val_col : {'mean_dif', 'feat_impact', 'abs_auc', 'std_test', ...}, str, default = 'mean_dif'
Name of the column in the feature DataFrame containing numerical values to display.
val_type : {'mean', 'sum', 'std'}, str, default = 'mean'
Method to aggregate numerical values from 'val_col'.
normalize : {True, False, 'positions', 'positions_only'}, bool/str, default = False
Specifies normalization for numerical values in 'val_col':
- False: Set value at all positions of a feature without further normalization.
- True: Set value at all positions of a feature and normalize across all features.
- 'positions': Value/number of positions set at each position of a feature and normalized across features.
Recommended when aiming to emphasize features with fewer positions using 'val_col'='feat_impact' and 'value_type'='mean'.
figsize : tuple(float, float), default = (10,7)
Width and height of the figure in inches passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.figure`.
title : str, optional
Title of figure used by :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.title`.
title_kws : dict, optional
Keyword arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.title`.
vmin, vmax : float, optional
Values to anchor the colormap, otherwise, inferred from data and other keyword arguments.
cmap : matplotlib colormap name or object, or list of colors, default = 'seismic'
Name of color map assigning data values to color space. If 'SHAP', colors from
`SHAP <https://shap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html>`_ will be used (recommended for feature impact).
cmap_n_colors : int, optional
Number of discrete steps in diverging or sequential color map.
dict_color : dict, optional
Map of colors for scale categories classifying scales shown on y-axis.
cbar_kws : dict of key, value mappings, optional
Keyword arguments for :meth:`matplotlib.figure.Figure.colorbar`.
add_jmd_tmd : bool, default = True
Whether to add colored bar under heatmap indicating sequence parts (JMD-N, TMD, JMD-C).
tmd_len : int, >0
Length of TMD to be depiceted.
start : int, >=0
Position label of first amino acid position (starting at N-terminus).
tmd_seq : str, optional
Sequence of TMD. 'tmd_len' is set to length of TMD if sequence for TMD, JMD-N and JMD-C are given.
Recommended if feature impact or mean difference should be depicted for one sample.
jmd_n_seq : str, optional
Sequence of JMD_N. 'jmd_n_len' is set to length of JMD_N if sequence for TMD, JMD-N and JMD-C are given.
Recommended if feature impact or mean difference should be depicted for one sample.
jmd_c_seq : str, optional
Sequence of JMD_C. 'jmd_c_len' is set to length of JMD_C if sequence for TMD, JMD-N and JMD-C are given.
Recommended if feature impact or mean difference should be depicted for one sample.
tmd_color : str, default = 'mediumspringgreen'
Color of TMD bar.
jmd_color : str, default = 'blue'
Color of JMD-N and JMD-C bar.
tmd_seq_color : str, default = 'black'
Color of TMD sequence.
jmd_seq_color : str, default = 'white'
Color of JMD-N and JMD-C sequence.
seq_size : float, optional
Font size of all sequence parts in points. If None, optimized automatically.
tmd_jmd_fontsize : float, optional
Font size of 'TMD', 'JMD-N' and 'JMD-C' label in points. If None, optimized automatically.
xtick_size : float, default = 11.0
Size of x ticks in points. Passed as 'size' argument to :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xticklabels`.
xtick_width : float, default = 2.0
Widht of x ticks in points. Passed as 'width' argument to :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.tick_params`.
xtick_length : float, default = 5.0,
Length of x ticks in points. Passed as 'length' argument to :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.tick_params`.
ytick_size : float, optional
Size of scale information as y ticks in points. Passed to :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.tick_params`.
If None, optimized automatically.
add_legend_cat : bool, default = True,
Whether to add legend for categories under plot and classification of scales at y-axis.
legend_kws : dict, optional
Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.legend`
kwargs : other keyword arguments
All other keyword arguments passed to :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolormesh`.
ax : matplotlib Axes
Axes object containing the heatmap.
- 'cmap_n_colors' is effective only if 'vmin' and 'vmax' align with the data.
- 'tmd_seq_color' and 'jmd_seq_color' are applicable only when 'tmd_seq', 'jmd_n_seq', and 'jmd_c_seq' are provided.
See Also
Plotting heatmap using seaborn.
See `Seaborn documentation <https://seaborn.pydata.org/generated/seaborn.heatmap.html>`_ for more details.
Plot CPP feature heatmap:
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import aaanalysis as aa
>>> sf = aa.SequenceFeature()
>>> df_seq = aa.load_dataset(name='SEQ_DISULFIDE', min_len=100)
>>> labels = list(df_seq["label"])
>>> df_parts = sf.get_df_parts(df_seq=df_seq, jmd_n_len=10, jmd_c_len=10)
>>> #split_kws = sf.get_split_kws(n_split_min=1, n_split_max=3, split_types=["Segment", "PeriodicPattern"])
>>> #df_scales = aa.load_scales(unclassified_in=False).sample(n=10, axis=1)
>>> #cpp = aa.CPP(df_parts=df_parts, split_kws=split_kws, df_scales=df_scales)
>>> #df_feat = cpp.run(labels=labels)
>>> #cpp.plot_heatmap(df_feat=df_feat)
>>> #plt.tight_layout()
# Group arguments
args_seq = dict(jmd_n_seq=jmd_n_seq, tmd_seq=tmd_seq, jmd_c_seq=jmd_c_seq)
args_size = check_args_size(seq_size=seq_size, tmd_jmd_fontsize=tmd_jmd_fontsize)
args_len = ut.check_args_len(tmd_len=tmd_len, jmd_n_len=self.jmd_n_len, jmd_c_len=self.jmd_c_len, **args_seq)
args_xtick = check_args_xtick(xtick_size=xtick_size, xtick_width=xtick_width, xtick_length=xtick_length)
args_part_color = check_part_color(tmd_color=tmd_color, jmd_color=jmd_color)
args_seq_color = check_seq_color(tmd_seq_color=tmd_seq_color, jmd_seq_color=jmd_seq_color)
# Checking input
# Args checked by Matplotlib: title, cmap, cbar_kws, legend_kws
ut.check_non_negative_number(name="start", val=start, min_val=0)
ut.check_non_negative_number(name="ytick_size", val=ytick_size, accept_none=True, just_int=False, min_val=1)
ut.check_non_negative_number(name="cmap_n_colors", val=cmap_n_colors, min_val=1, accept_none=True)
ut.check_bool(name="add_jmd_tmd", val=add_jmd_tmd)
ut.check_bool(name="add_legend_cat", val=add_legend_cat)
ut.check_dict(name="legend_kws", val=legend_kws, accept_none=True)
ut.check_dict(name="cbar_kws", val=cbar_kws, accept_none=True)
ut.check_col_in_df(df=df_feat, name_df="df_feat", col=val_col, col_type=[float, int])
ut.check_y_categorical(df=df_feat, y=y)
df_feat = ut.check_df_feat(df_feat=df_feat, df_cat=self.df_cat)
check_value_type(val_type=val_type, count_in=False)
check_vmin_vmax(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
dict_color = check_dict_color(dict_color=dict_color, df_cat=self.df_cat)
# Get df positions
df_feat = self.add_positions(df_feat=df_feat, tmd_len=args_len["tmd_len"], start=start)
df_pos = _get_df_pos(df_feat=df_feat, df_cat=self.df_cat, y=y, val_col=val_col,
value_type=val_type, normalize=normalize, start=start, **args_len)
# Plotting
cpp_plot = CPPPlots(**args_len, start=start)
cpp_plot.set_figsize(figsize=figsize) # figsize is not used as argument in seaborn (but in pandas)
linecolor = "gray" if facecolor_dark else "black"
if "linecolor" in kwargs:
linecolor = kwargs["linecolor"]
kwargs["linecolor"] = linecolor
ax = cpp_plot.heatmap(df_pos=df_pos, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, grid_on=grid_on,
cmap=cmap, cmap_n_colors=cmap_n_colors, cbar_kws=cbar_kws,
x_shift=0.5, ytick_size=ytick_size, facecolor_dark=facecolor_dark,
cbar_pct=cbar_pct, **args_xtick, **kwargs)
ax.axvline(self.jmd_n_len, color=linecolor, linestyle="-", linewidth=1.5)
ax.axvline(x=self.jmd_n_len + args_len["tmd_len"], color=linecolor, linestyle="-", linewidth=1.5)
except AttributeError as e:
error_message = check_parameters(func=self.heatmap, name_called_func="sns.heatmap", e=e)
raise AttributeError(error_message)
cpp_plot.set_title(title=title, title_kws=title_kws)
# Autosize tmd sequence & annotation
opt_size = cpp_plot.optimize_label_size(ax=ax, df_pos=df_pos)
# Add importance map
if add_importance_map:
_add_importance_map(ax=ax, df_feat=df_feat, df_cat=self.df_cat,
start=start, args_len=args_len, y=y)
# Add scale classification
if add_legend_cat:
ax = cpp_plot.add_legend_cat(ax=ax, df_pos=df_pos, df_cat=self.df_cat, y=y, dict_color=dict_color,
# Add tmd_jmd sequence if sequence is given
if isinstance(tmd_seq, str):
ax = cpp_plot.add_tmd_jmd_seq(ax=ax, **args_seq, **args_size, **args_part_color, **args_seq_color,
x_shift=0.5, xtick_size=xtick_size)
self.ax_seq = ax
# Add tmd_jmd bar
elif add_jmd_tmd:
size = opt_size if tmd_jmd_fontsize is None else tmd_jmd_fontsize
cpp_plot.add_tmd_jmd_bar(ax=ax, **args_part_color)
cpp_plot.add_tmd_jmd_xticks(ax=ax, x_shift=0.5, **args_xtick)
cpp_plot.add_tmd_jmd_text(ax=ax, x_shift=0, tmd_jmd_fontsize=size)
# Set current axis to main axis object depending on tmd sequence given or not
ax = plt.gca()
return ax
[docs] def update_seq_size(self):
# TODO legend changes slightly if sequnece length altered (e.g. PTPRM_MOUSE vs A4_HUMAN)
# TODO look for more extreme example and text
f = lambda l: l.get_window_extent(ax.figure.canvas.get_renderer())
ax = self.ax_seq
labels = ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels(which="both")
tick_positions = [f(l).x0 for l in labels]
sorted_tick_positions, sorted_labels = zip(*sorted(zip(tick_positions, labels), key=lambda t: t[0]))
# Adjust font size to prevent overlap
seq_size = get_optimal_fontsize(ax, sorted_labels)
for l in sorted_labels: