Forge is a configuration syntax and parser.
go get
Documentation can be viewed on godoc:
You can see example usage in the example
# example.cfg
# Global directives
global = "global value";
# Primary section
primary {
string = "primary string value";
single = 'single quotes are allowed too';
# Semicolons are optional
integer = 500
float = 80.80
boolean = true
negative = FALSE
nothing = NULL
list = [50.5, true, false, "hello", 'world'];
# Include external files
include "./include*.cfg";
# Primary-sub section
sub {
key = "primary sub key value";
# Secondary section
secondary {
another = "secondary another value";
global_reference = global;
primary_sub_key = primary.sub.key;
another_again = .another; # References secondary.another
_under = 50;
package main
import (
func main() {
// Parse a `SectionValue` from `example.cfg`
settings, err := forge.ParseFile("example.cfg")
if err != nil {
// Get a single value
if settings.Exists("global") {
// Get `global` casted as a string
value, _ := settings.GetString("global")
fmt.Printf("global = \"%s\"\r\n", value)
// Get a nested value
value, err := settings.Resolve("primary.included_setting")
fmt.Printf("primary.included_setting = \"%s\"\r\n", value.GetValue())
// You can also traverse down the sections manually
primary, err := settings.GetSection("primary")
strVal, err := primary.GetString("included_setting")
fmt.Printf("primary.included_setting = \"%s\"\r\n", strVal)
// Convert settings to a map
settingsMap := settings.ToMap()
fmt.Printf("global = \"%s\"\r\n", settingsMap["global"])
// Convert settings to JSON
jsonBytes, err := settings.ToJSON()
fmt.Printf("\r\n\r\n%s\r\n", string(jsonBytes))
Please feel free to open a github issue for any issues you have or any feature requests.