This is an experimental example. It may not build out of the box
This example is built on Construct Libraries marked "Experimental" and may not be updated for latest breaking changes.
If build is unsuccessful, please create an issue so that we may debug the problem
This example creates the infrastructure for a static site, which uses an S3 bucket for storing the content. The site contents (located in the 'site-contents' sub-directory) are deployed to the bucket.
The site redirects from HTTP to HTTPS, using a CloudFront distribution, Route53 alias record, and ACM certificate.
The domain for the static site (i.e. must be configured as a hosted zone in Route53 prior to deploying this example. For instructions on configuring Route53 as the DNS service for your domain, see the Route53 documentation.
$ npm install -g aws-cdk
$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ cdk deploy -c accountId=123456789 -c -c subdomain=www