These were made as part of an experiment to use a light theme called seoul256. Note that this work in progress and I should be updating this as and when I feel the need. I currently use a different set of applications for things:
- WM: bspwm currently but I've included herbstluftwm configs as well
- Menu: dmenu
- Terminal: st although I also use termite
- Editor: Emacs and occasionally nano; I was a neovimmer for a while but have not used it in a while. Hopefully I'll be switching to using the Nvim-R plugin for R
- Music: mpd + ncmpcpp (configs not included)
If you'd like to know a little more about this, I made a post on reddit: r/UsabilityPorn. There are some tips on learning R as well that beginners might find useful.
You'll need to install whatever software I use: I'll include a comprehensive list later on but it's
not too hard to figure out from just examining the files. You'll find that
is perhaps the most convenient tool to use these
It might be a good idea to move the packages
folder elsewhere such that it doesn't
interfere with the functioning of your window manager (symlinks created with stow
will include
symlinks for these files in your home directory if this folder is not moved).
Additionally, I use grml-zsh-config
with a .zshrc.local
in my home
directory. My older zshrc is available on an older
repository if anyone's interested. I currently use a custom
theme for the prompt which you can find in the .zshrc.local