Features and Improvements
- [ ] specify file, to create the example
- [x] ability to exclude certain variables from being included in .env.example
- [ ] option to add custom comments/descriptions for variables in .env.example
- [ ] support for multiple .env files in batch processing
- [ ] flag to preserve original values for non-sensitive variables
- [ ] validation of .env file format and warning for malformed entries
- [ ] interactive mode to selectively choose which variables to include
- [ ] option to generate different formats (JSON, YAML) of environment templates
- [ ] backup existing .env.example before overwriting
- [ ] dry run mode to preview changes without writing files
- [ ] custom template support for generated .env.example files
- [ ] ability to compare .env files across different environments
- [ ] option to detect and highlight potentially sensitive variables
- [ ] support for environment variable encryption/decryption
- [ ] integration with popular frameworks' environment configurations
- [ ] watch mode to auto-generate .env.example on .env changes
Creating the bundle executable from bun.