description |
You install all the prerequisites that you need to run Gravitee’s API Management (APIM) and the full APIM stack. |
{% hint style="warning" %} Gravitee supports only the Amazon Linux 2 image. {% endhint %}
- Provision an Amazon instance, and then start the Amazon instance. Your Amazon instance must meet the following minimum requirements:
- The instance type must be at least t2.medium.
- The root volume size must be at least 40GB.
- The security group must allow SSH connection to connect and install the Gravitee components.
- The security group must be open to the following ports:
- Port 8082
- Port 8083
- Port 8084
- Port 8085
- To install all the prerequisites that you need to run Gravitee APIM and Gravitee full APIM stack, use the following command:
curl -L | sudo bash
To verify that you installed Gravitee APIM correctly, complete the following steps:
- Ensure that there are processes listening on the relevant ports using the following commands:
$ sudo ss -lntp '( sport = 9200 )'
$ sudo ss -lntp '( sport = 27017 )'
$ sudo ss -lntp '( sport = 8082 )'
$ sudo ss -lntp '( sport = 8083 )'
$ sudo ss -lntp '( sport = 8084 )'
$ sudo ss -lntp '( sport = 8085 )'
- Send three API calls to ensure that you installed the APIM stack using the following sub-steps:
a. Send a GET request using the following command:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8082/
{% hint style="info" %} If you installed the APIM stack correctly, the API call returns the following message: No context-path matches the request URI’ {% endhint %}
b. Send two GET requests using the following commands:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8083/management/organizations/DEFAULT/console
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8083/portal/environments/DEFAULT/apis
{% hint style="info" %} If you installed the APIM stack correctly, both API calls return a JSON payload response. {% endhint %}