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britneywright edited this page Sep 30, 2014 · 3 revisions

Install instructions

We're going to create a new application called store.

In the console:

bcms new store

Alternatively, if you plan to use postgresql:

bcms new store -d postgresql


cd store

Open the application in your editor of choice.

In the Gemfile change the gem browsercms to the forked version (temporary):

gem 'browsercms', :git => '', :branch => 'master'

Add the bcms_spree gem to the gemfile

gem 'bcms_spree'

In the console, run the next two commands:

bundle install

rails g bcms_spree:install

In the Gemfile add:

gem 'spree_gateway', :git => '', :branch => '2-2-stable'

In the console:

bundle install

spree install

The spree install will generate a series of questions you must answer:

  • Would you like to install the default gateways? (Recommended) (yes/no) [yes]


  • Would you like to install the default authentication system? (yes/no) [yes]


  • What is the name of the class representing users within your application? [User]


  • Would you like to run the migrations? (yes/no) [yes]


  • Would you like to load the seed data? (yes/no) [yes]


  • Would you like to load the sample data? (yes/no) [yes]


The installation will now run the Spree migrations and seed data.

There's two more steps required to configure Spree attributes on the BrowserCMS User model.

In the console:

bundle exec rails g spree:custom_user Cms::User

In the lib/spree/authentication_helpers.rb file you'll need to customize the paths. Your file should be changed to match this (Note: There currently isn't signup functionality. This can be setup and a helper added here):

module Spree
  module AuthenticationHelpers
    def self.included(receiver)
      receiver.send :helper_method, :spree_current_user
      receiver.send :helper_method, :spree_login_path
      receiver.send :helper_method, :spree_logout_path
    def spree_current_user

    def spree_login_path

    def spree_logout_path
ApplicationController.send :include, Spree::AuthenticationHelpers

In the console:

rake db:migrate

Debugging: You may run into an error that looks like this (though the specific timestamp will be different):

$ rake db:migrate
rake aborted!
ActiveRecord::DuplicateMigrationVersionError: Multiple migrations have the version number 20140929220828

If you do, Spree has inadvertently generated a duplicate migration number. Find the file named '20140929220878_add_spree_fields_to_custom_user_table.rb' and rename it to be a unique name.

Finally if desired you can mount Spree to a path in config/routes.rb, we recommend 'shop':

mount Spree::Core::Engine, :at => '/shop'

Be sure Spree is referenced before BrowserCMS in the routes file, otherwise BrowserCMS will override all other paths in the application.

If you'd like to have a user's shopping cart persist on BrowserCMS pages you can copy this into your app/views/layouts/templates/default.html.erb file:

In the head add:

<script src="/assets/spree.js?body=1"></script>
<script src="/assets/spree/frontend/cart.js?body=1"></script>
  if (Spree === undefined) {
    var Spree = {};
 if (Spree.routes == undefined) {
    Spree.routes = {};
  Spree.routes.states_search = "/shop/api/states";
  Spree.routes.apply_coupon_code = function(order_id) {
    return "/shop/api/orders/" + order_id + "/apply_coupon_code";
  Spree.routes.root = "/shop/";

Spree.routes.cart_link = "/shop/cart_link"

In the body:

<div id="link-to-cart" data-hook>
    <%= link_to Spree.t(:cart), spree.cart_path %>

Final step, start your local server. In the console:

rails s

You're super awesome new store should be visible. To login in go to /cms or /login

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