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File metadata and controls

175 lines (106 loc) · 7.48 KB
Using Java 7 client with MJSONWP protocol Using Java 8 client with w3c protocol


This repository demonstrates how to run Appium Java tests on BrowserStack App Automate.



  1. Java 8+ (JDK)
  • If Java is not installed, follow these instructions:
    • For Windows, download latest java version from here and run the installer executable
    • For Mac and Linux, run java -version to see what java version is pre-installed. If you want a different version download from here
  1. Maven

    • If Maven is not downloaded, download it from here
    • For installation, follow the instructions here

Install the dependencies

To install the dependencies, run the following command in the project's base folder

mvn clean install

Getting Started

Getting Started with Appium tests in Java on BrowserStack couldn't be easier!

For java-client 8.0.0 and above

  • Any BrowserStack capability passed outside bstack:options will not be honoured
    Browserstack Capability Builder

  • AppiumBy is available with java-client 8.0.0 as MobileBy is depreceated . For java-client < 8.0.0, MobileBy can be used.

  • DefaultGenericMobileElement class has been removed completely together with its descendants (MobileElement, IOSElement, AndroidElement etc.). Use WebElement instead.

  • WebDriverWait constructor requires time to be passed as a type Duration. So with java-client 8.0.0, pass wait time as a new Duration java-client v-7.0.0

     WebElement searchElement = (WebElement) new WebDriverWait(driver, 30)

    java-client v-8.0.0

     import java.time.Duration;
     WebElement searchElement = (WebElement) new WebDriverWait(driver, Duration.ofSeconds(30))

    Refer this for tracking changes in java-client 8.0.0 documentation - v7-to-v8-migration-guide

Run your first test :

1. Upload your Android or iOS App

Upload your Android app (.apk or .aab file) or iOS app (.ipa file) to BrowserStack servers using our REST API. Here is an example cURL request :

-X POST "" \
-F "file=@/path/to/apk/file"

Ensure that @ symbol is prepended to the file path in the above request. Please note the app_url value returned in the API response. We will use this to set the application under test while configuring the test later on.

Note: If you do not have an .apk or .ipa file and are looking to simply try App Automate, you can download and test using our sample Android app or sample iOS app.

2. Configure and run your first test

Open file in the android directory or ios directory :

  • Replace YOUR_USERNAME & YOUR_ACCESS_KEY with your BrowserStack access credentials. Get your BrowserStack access credentials from here

  • Replace bs://<app-id> with the URL obtained from app upload step

  • Set the device and OS version

  • If you have uploaded your own app update the test case

  • To run the test, use the following command in the base directory :

    • For Android test, run
    mvn test -P android-first-test
    • For iOS test, run
    mvn test -P ios-first-test
  • You can access the test execution results, and debugging information such as video recording, network logs on App Automate dashboard

Use Local testing for apps that access resources hosted in development or testing environments :

1. Upoad your Android or iOS App

Upload your Android app (.apk or .aab file) or iOS app (.ipa file) that access resources hosted on your internal or test environments to BrowserStack servers using our REST API. Here is an example cURL request :

-X POST "" \
-F "file=@/path/to/apk/file"

Ensure that @ symbol is prepended to the file path in the above request. Please note the app_url value returned in the API response. We will use this to set the application under test while configuring the test later on.

Note: If you do not have an .apk or .ipa file and are looking to simply try App Automate, you can download and test using our sample Android Local app or sample iOS Local app.

2. Configure and run your local test

Local Testing is a BrowserStack feature that helps you test mobile apps that access resources hosted in development or testing environments during automated test execution

i. Setup Browserstack Local Testing connection :

Check the releases page to download the binary / native application Browserstack Local Releases

NOTE : If you're unable to run the LocalTesting Binary / Native application due to Apple permission issues, go to
System preferences -> Security and privacy -> General -> Allow app

ii. Open file in the android or ios directory :

  • Replace YOUR_USERNAME & YOUR_ACCESS_KEY with your BrowserStack access credentials. Get your BrowserStack access credentials from here

  • Replace bs://<app-id> with the URL obtained from app upload step

  • Set the device and OS version

  • Ensure that browserstack.local capability is set to true. Within the test script, there is code snippet that automatically establishes Local Testing connection to BrowserStack servers using Java binding for BrowserStack Local.

  • If you have uploaded your own app update the test case

  • To run the test, use the following command in the base directory :

    • For Android test, run
    mvn test -P android-local-test
    • For iOS test, run
    mvn test -P ios-local-test
  • You can access the test execution results, and debugging information such as video recording, network logs on App Automate dashboard

Integration with other Java frameworks

Getting Help

If you are running into any issues or have any queries, please check Browserstack Support page or get in touch with us.