earthly-secret-provider-vault is a secret provider for Earthly that connects to Vault
earthly-secret-provider-vault is a secret provider for Earthly that connects to Hashicorp's Vault. For docs on how to configure this take a look here:
Since the contract for secret providers is fairly simple you can test this provider by running:
$ earthly-secret-provider-vault <vault-path>
This prints the secret on stdout.
Generally the CLI will look at ~/.vault-token and ~/.earthly/vault.yml for the configuration. The token from ~/.vault-token will be used if it exists, otherwise the token from ~/.earthly/vault.yml will be used. vault.yml should be used to set the Vault address and optionally a lookup secret can be added.
For configuration you can also use the config command:
$ vault login --method=userpass username=test
$ earthly-secret-provider-vault config token $(vault print token)
$ earthly-secret-provider-vault config address $VAULT_ADDR
To set a config option in the vault.yml file, use the config subcommand.
earthly-secret-provider-vault [flags]
-h, --help help for earthly-secret-provider-vault
- earthly-secret-provider-vault config - Set a configuration value for earthly-secret-provider-vault
- earthly-secret-provider-vault version - Print the version number of earthly-secret-provider-vault