This application customizer provides you the ability to include a footer designed for the primary portal or hub site. The footer includes sets of links as well as a copyright statement and support email address.
One set of links provides company wide links which are configured using a common list stored within the hub site. A second set of links are personalized links, unqiue to each user, stored within each user's user profile within a user profile property.
By default, this application customizer is associated with communication sites created using the custom site design i.e. {Company name} Communication Site
, provided in this project. The custom site design is provisioined as a part of the deployment process while applying the PnP Provisioning template, hubsite.xml.
This extension is dependent on an explicit source
list of common links and an explicit personalItems
user profile property for personal link storage. By default the source list is created during the Starter Kit deployment process. The User Profile property must be manually created.
Description | Name | Type | Required | Description |
Common link list title | linksListTitle | string | yes | Default: PnP-PortalFooter-Links - The name of the list within the current site where common links are stored |
Copyright Message | copyright | string | yes | Default: (c) Copyright {Company}, 2018 - a copyright message |
Support Contact | support | string | yes | Default: - a support or contact email address |
User Profile Property Name | personalItemsStorageProperty | string | yes | Default: PnP-CollabFooter-MyLinks - The name of the custom user profile property used to store custom footer links |
This extension is dependent on a explicit PnP-PortalFooter-Links
list that must be located in the root of the current site collection.
Display Name | Name | Type | Required | Description |
Title | Title | string | yes | Link title |
Link Group | PnPPortalLinkGroup | choice | no | The group for a specific link |
Link URL | PnPPortalLinkUrl | URL | no | The url for a specific link |
See getting started from the SP-Starter-Kit repository readme.
You can also download the SharePoint Framework solution package (spppkg) file and install the SPFx solution to your tenant. This extension depends on a SharePoint list and the user profile to store common and user specific links.
As this is a SharePoint Framework extension, you will need to explicitly enable this extension for a specific site using CSOM or REST APIs. You may also auto enable this extension with defined custom properties as a part of a site script using the
verb. See collabcommunicationsite.json Site Script for an example.
- Clone this repository
- Move to Solution folder
- in the command line run:
npm install
gulp serve
Since this is an extension, debugging requires slightly more advance configuration. Please learn more from the official SharePoint development documentation on debugging options with SharePoint Framework extensions.
Version | Date | Comments |
1.0 | May 2018 | Initial release |