When we deploy OpenStack using operators there are many moving pieces that must work to get a running OpenStack deployment: OLM, OpenStack Operator, MariaDB operator, RabbbitMQ operator, Keystone Operator, Glance Operator, etc. For that reason it's good to know a bit about the different pieces and how they connect to each other.
Besides reading this guide it is recommended to read the Debug Running Pods documentation.
Usually the first step to resolve issues is to figure out where the issue is happening and we can do it starting from the OLM and go forward through the steps, do it in reverse starting from the glance-operator and move backwards, or anything in between.
To be able to locate where things are failing we first need to know what the expected steps are:
The expected result of running make openstack
is to have the OpenStack
operators running in our OpenShift cluster.
The Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) is used to deploy the operators, and it is recommended to read its documentation to understand it, but let's have a quick overview here.
When we are packaging our operator to be delivered through the OLM we create 3 container images, the operator itself, a bundle, and an index.
The bundle image contains the ClusterServiceVersion
which we can think to be something like an RPM. It contains metadata about a
specific operator version as well as a template to be used by the OpenShift
Deployment operator to create our operator pods.
The index image holds a sqlite database with bundle definitions and it runs a grpc service when executed that lets consumers query the operators.
The operator contains the service with the controllers for a number of CRDs.
So how is the make openstack
command actually deploying our operators using
those images?
The first thing it does is create an OperatorGroup
provide multitenant configuration selecting the target namespaces in which to
generate required RBAC access for its member Operators.
Then it creates a CatalogSource
represent a specific location that can be queried to discover and install
operators and their dependencies. In our case this points to the index image,
that runs a grpc service as mentioned before.
This step is necessary because our operator we are installing is not present in the default catalog included in OpenShift.
At this point OpenShift knows everything about our operators, but we still need
to tell it that we want to install that specific operator. This is where the
comes into
A Subscription represents an intention to install an operator and the make openstack
command creates one for our operator and specifies our
as the source to find our operator. This means that it will
install our custom operator even if we have an official operator already
released in the official operator catalog.
This newly created Subscription
triggers the creation of the index pod so the
OLM can query the information, then an InstallPlan
gets created to take care of installing the resources for the operator.
If the operators are not correctly deployed after running make openstack
then we should look into the InstallPlan
and check for errors.
oc describe InstallPlan | less
If there is no InstallPlan
we have to check if the index pod is running:
oc get pod -l olm.catalogSource=openstack-operator-index
If it isn't, check for the CatalogSource
oc describe catalogsource openstack-operator-index
When we run make openstack_deploy
we are basically applying our
manifest, as defined in the OPENSTACK_CR
environmental variable, which is a CRD defined by the openstack-operator.
The openstack-operator has a controller watching for OpenStackControlPlane
resources, so when it sees a new one it starts working to reconcile it. In this
case that means propagating the template
in the glance
section into a new
So after the OpenStackControlPlane
resource we should be able to see the
resource created by the openstack-operator, and this should contain
the same information present in the template
section in the glance
of our manifest.
oc get glance
If we don't see this resource, then we need to check first that the enabled
key inside the glance
section is not set to false
and then look at the
openstack-operator logs and search for reconciliation errors.
OPENSTACK_OPERATOR=`oc get pod -l control-plane=controller-manager -o custom-columns=POD:.metadata.name|grep openstack`
Something similar should happen for the keystone and cinder operators.
oc get keystoneapis
oc get cinder
Now that we have a Glance
resource it's the glance-operator's turn, that has
a specific controller waiting for these Glance
resource, but before it starts
deploying the glance services it has to make sure that everything is in place
for the services to run correctly.
Now that everything is ready the Glance
controller will request the creation
of the glance api service.
If the glance-operator is running successfully then it should generate those
resources based on the top level Glance
resource and the information gathered
by the mariadbdatabase
, and the generated ConfigMap
s and Secret
If we don't see a specific resource kind it may be because there is a failure during it's creation. In this case we should check the glance-operator's log and look for the error:
GLANCE_OPERATOR=`oc get pod -l control-plane=controller-manager -o custom-columns=POD:.metadata.name|grep glance`
At this point we should see the pod for glance api service running, or at least
trying to run. If they cannot run successfully we should describe
the pod to
see what is failing.
It's important to know that these services use the Kolla project to prepare and start the service.
The specific CRDs for the whole OpenStack effort can be listed after
successfully running make openstack
oc get crd -l operators.coreos.com/openstack-operator.openstack=
In the waiting for services section we described the
creation of ConfigMap
s and Secret
s. Those are basically the scripts and
default configuration from the templates
directory, but then we need to add
to that default configuration the customizations from the user, such as the
backend configuration.
The final configuration is created by an init container in each
service pod running templates/glance/bin/init.sh
and using templates and
environmental variables.
The script generates files in /var/lib/config-data/merged
before any other
container in the pod is started and then the directory is available in the
probe and service containers.
Sometimes as a developer we need to make changes in configuration/policy files or add more logs in actual code to see what went wrong in API calls. In normal deployment it is not possible to do this on the fly and you need to redeploy everything each time you make changes to either of the above. If you launch the glance-api container(pod) in debug mode then you will be able to do it on the fly without relaunching/recreating the container each time. The following represents how you can launch the glance pod in debug mode and make changes on the fly.
Enable debug = True
for the container you want to launch in debug mode,
here we want to launch a user facing container (External) in debug mode.
(path to file: install_yamls/out/openstack/glance/cr/glance_v1beta1_glance.yaml)
service: true # Change it to true if it is false
preserveJobs: false
replicas: 1
Now rebuild the operator;
make generate && make manifests && make build
OPERATOR_TEMPLATES=$PWD/templates ./bin/manager
Once deployment is complete, you need to login to container;
oc exec -it glance-external-api-* bash
Verify that glance process is not running here;
$ ps aux | grep glance
root 1635263 0.0 0.0 6392 2296 pts/3 S+ 07:35 0:00 grep --color=auto glance
Now you can modify the code to add pdb or more logs by doing actual changes to code base;
$ python3 -c "import glance;print(glance.__file__)"
Add debug/log statements or pdb at your desired location in
Launch the glance service;
/usr/local/bin/kolla_set_configs && /usr/local/bin/kolla_start
Verify that glance process is running;
$ ps aux | grep glance
root 13555 0.4 0.7 708732 123860 pts/1 S+ Nov15 35:33 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/glance-api --config-dir /etc/glance/glance.conf.d
root 13590 0.0 0.6 711036 99096 pts/1 S+ Nov15 0:03 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/glance-api --config-dir /etc/glance/glance.conf.d
root 13591 0.0 0.8 990744 135064 pts/1 S+ Nov15 0:04 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/glance-api --config-dir /etc/glance/glance.conf.d
root 13592 0.0 0.8 990232 134864 pts/1 S+ Nov15 0:03 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/glance-api --config-dir /etc/glance/glance.conf.d
root 1635263 0.0 0.0 6392 2296 pts/3 S+ 07:35 0:00 grep --color=auto glance
Similar way you can modify configuration/policy files located in /etc/glance/* and kill and start the service inside the container.