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This documentation is fully rendered on the Material Web catalog.

Menus display a list of choices on a temporary surface.

A phone showing a vertical threedot, pressed, icon button and a menu floating below it with the following visible items: Revert, Settings, and Send Feedback


When opened, menus position themselves to an anchor. Thus, either anchor or anchorElement must be supplied to md-menu before opening. Additionally, a shared parent of position:relative should be present around the menu and it's anchor, because the default menu is positioned relative to the anchor element.

Menus also render menu items such as md-menu-item and handle keyboard navigation between md-menu-items as well as typeahead functionality. Additionally, md-menu interacts with md-menu-items to help you determine how a menu was closed. Listen for and inspect the close-menu custom event's details to determine what action and items closed the menu.

"Two filled buttons next to each other. The first one says set with idref and the other says set with element ref. There is an opened menu anchored to the bottom of the right button with the items: Apple, Banana, Cucumber."

<!-- Note the position: relative style -->
<span style="position: relative">
  <md-filled-button id="usage-anchor">Set with idref</md-filled-button>
  <md-menu id="usage-menu" anchor="usage-anchor">
      <div slot="headline">Apple</div>
      <div slot="headline">Banana</div>
      <div slot="headline">Cucumber</div>

<script type="module">
  // This example uses anchor as an ID reference
  const anchorEl = document.body.querySelector('#usage-anchor');
  const menuEl = document.body.querySelector('#usage-menu');

  anchorEl.addEventListener('click', () => { = !; });

<span style="position: relative">
  <md-filled-button id="usage-anchor-2">Set with element ref</md-filled-button>
  <md-menu id="usage-menu-2">
      <div slot="headline">Apple</div>
      <div slot="headline">Banana</div>
      <div slot="headline">Cucumber</div>

<script type="module">
  // This example uses MdMenu.prototype.anchorElement to set the anchor as an
  // HTMLElement reference.
  const anchorEl = document.body.querySelector('#usage-anchor-2');
  const menuEl = document.body.querySelector('#usage-menu-2');
  menuEl.anchorElement = anchorEl;

  anchorEl.addEventListener('click', () => { = !; });


You can compose <md-menu>s inside of an <md-sub-menu>'s menu slot, but first the has-overflow attribute must be set on the root <md-menu> to disable overflow scrolling and display the nested submenus.

"A filled button that says menu with submenus. There is a menu anchored to the bottom of it with the first item selected that says fruits with A followed by a right arrow. To the right is anchored a submenu with 3 items, Apricot, Avocado, Apples. The Apples item is selected and has a left arrow before the text and another submenu anchored to it on the left. That menu has three items, Fuji, Granny Smith, and Red Delicious."

<!-- Note the position: relative style -->
<span style="position: relative">
  <md-filled-button id="usage-submenu-anchor">
    Menu with Submenus
  <!-- Note the has-overflow attribute -->
  <md-menu has-overflow id="usage-submenu" anchor="usage-submenu-anchor">
      <md-menu-item slot="item">
      <div slot="headline">Fruits with A</div>
        <!-- Arrow icons are helpful affordances -->
        <md-icon slot="end">arrow_right</md-icon>
      <!-- Submenu must be slotted into sub-menu's menu slot -->
      <md-menu slot="menu">
          <div slot="headline">Apricot</div>
          <div slot="headline">Avocado</div>

        <!-- Nest as many as you want and control menu anchoring -->
          <md-menu-item slot="item">
            <div slot="headline">Apples</div>
            <!-- Arrow icons are helpful affordances -->
            <md-icon slot="start">
          <md-menu slot="menu">
              <div slot="headline">Fuji</div>
              <div slot="headline" style="white-space: nowrap;">Granny Smith</div>
              <div slot="headline" style="white-space: nowrap;">Red Delicious</div>


      <div slot="headline">Banana</div>
      <div slot="headline">Cucumber</div>

<script type="module">
  const anchorEl = document.body.querySelector('#usage-submenu-anchor');
  const menuEl = document.body.querySelector('#usage-submenu');

  anchorEl.addEventListener('click', () => { = !; });

Popover-positioned menus

Internally menu uses position: absolute by default. Though there are cases when the anchor and the node cannot share a common ancestor that is position: relative, or sometimes, menu will render below another item due to limitations with position: absolute.

Popover-positioned menus use the native Popover API to render above all other content. This may fix most issues where the default menu positioning (positioning="absolute") is not positioning as expected by rendering into the top layer.

Warning: Popover API support was added in Chrome 114 and Safari 17. At the time of writing, Firefox does not support the Popover API (see latest browser compatibility).

For browsers that do not support the Popover API, md-menu will fall back to using fixed-positioned menus.

"A filled button that says open popover menu. There is an open menu anchored to the bottom of the button with three items, Apple, Banana, and Cucumber."

<!-- Note the lack of position: relative parent. -->
<div style="margin: 16px;">
  <md-filled-button id="usage-popover-anchor">Open popover menu</md-filled-button>

<!-- popover menus do not require a common ancestor with the anchor. -->
<md-menu positioning="popover" id="usage-popover" anchor="usage-popover-anchor">
    <div slot="headline">Apple</div>
    <div slot="headline">Banana</div>
    <div slot="headline">Cucumber</div>

<script type="module">
  const anchorEl = document.body.querySelector('#usage-popover-anchor');
  const menuEl = document.body.querySelector('#usage-popover');

  anchorEl.addEventListener('click', () => { = !; });

Fixed-positioned menus

This is the fallback implementation of popover-positioned menus and uses position: fixed rather than the default position: absolute which calculates its position relative to the window rather than the element.

Note: Fixed menu positions are positioned relative to the window and not the document. This means that the menu will not scroll with the anchor as the page is scrolled.

"A filled button that says open fixed menu. There is an open menu anchored to the bottom of the button with three items, Apple, Banana, and Cucumber."

<!-- Note the lack of position: relative parent. -->
<div style="margin: 16px;">
  <md-filled-button id="usage-fixed-anchor">Open fixed menu</md-filled-button>

<!-- Fixed menus do not require a common ancestor with the anchor. -->
<md-menu positioning="fixed" id="usage-fixed" anchor="usage-fixed-anchor">
    <div slot="headline">Apple</div>
    <div slot="headline">Banana</div>
    <div slot="headline">Cucumber</div>

<script type="module">
  const anchorEl = document.body.querySelector('#usage-fixed-anchor');
  const menuEl = document.body.querySelector('#usage-fixed');

  anchorEl.addEventListener('click', () => { = !; });

Document-positioned menus

When set to positioning="document", md-menu will position itself relative to the document as opposed to the element or the window from "absolute" and "fixed" values respectively.

Document level positioning is useful for the following cases:

  • There are no ancestor elements that produce a relative positioning context.
    • position: relative
    • position: absolute
    • position: fixed
    • transform: translate(x, y)
    • etc.
  • The menu is hoisted to the top of the DOM
  • The same md-menu is being reused and the contents and anchors are being dynamically changed

"A filled button that says open document menu. There is an open menu anchored to the bottom of the button with three items, Apple, Banana, and Cucumber."

<!-- Note the lack of position: relative parent. -->
<div style="margin: 16px;">
  <md-filled-button id="usage-document-anchor">Open document menu</md-filled-button>

<!-- document menus do not require a common ancestor with the anchor. -->
<md-menu positioning="document" id="usage-document" anchor="usage-document-anchor">
    <div slot="headline">Apple</div>
    <div slot="headline">Banana</div>
    <div slot="headline">Cucumber</div>

<script type="module">
  const anchorEl = document.body.querySelector('#usage-document-anchor');
  const menuEl = document.body.querySelector('#usage-document');

  anchorEl.addEventListener('click', () => { = !; });


By default Menu is set up to function as a role="menu" with children as role="menuitem". A common use case for this is the menu button example, where you would need to add keyboard interactions to the button to open the menu (see W3C example).

Menu can also be adapted for other use cases.

The role of the md-list inside the menu can be set with the type attribute. The role of each individual md-menu-item can also be set with the type attribute. Anything else slotted into the menu that is not a list item in most cases should be set to role="none", and md-divider should have role="separator" and tabindex="-1".

  A simplified example of an autocomplete component – missing javascript logic for interaction.
  <md-menu-item type="option" id="0">
    <div slot="headline">Alabama</div>
  <md-divider role="separator" tabindex="-1"></md-divider>
  <md-menu-item type="option" id="1" selected aria-selected="true">
    <div slot="headline">Alabama</div>


Menus support Material theming and can be customized in terms of color. Additionally, md-menu composes md-list, and each menu item extends md-list-item (see theming documentation), so most the tokens for those components can also be used for Menu.

Menu Tokens

Token Default value
--md-menu-container-color --md-sys-color-surface-container
--md-menu-container-shape 4px
--md-menu-item-container-color --md-sys-color-surface-container
--md-menu-item-selected-container-color --md-sys-color-secondary-container


A filled button with the text Themed menu. Attached is a 3 item menu with the items Apple, Banana, and Cucumber. They are both in a green hue and the menu has a sharp 0px border radius.

  :root {
    background-color: #f4fbfa;
    --md-menu-container-color: #f4fbfa;
    --md-menu-container-shape: 0px;
    --md-sys-color-on-surface: #161d1d;
    --md-sys-typescale-body-large-font: system-ui;
  md-menu-item {
    border-radius: 28px;
  md-menu-item::part(focus-ring) {
    border-radius: 28px;
  /* Styles for button and not relevant to menu */
  md-filled-button {
    --md-sys-color-primary: #006a6a;
    --md-sys-color-on-primary: #ffffff;

<span style="position: relative">
  <md-filled-button id="theming-anchor">Themed menu</md-filled-button>
  <md-menu id="theming-menu" anchor="theming-anchor">
      <div slot="headline">Apple</div>
      <div slot="headline">Banana</div>
      <div slot="headline">Cucumber</div>

<script type="module">
  const anchorEl = document.body.querySelector("#theming-anchor");
  const menuEl = document.body.querySelector("#theming-menu");

  anchorEl.addEventListener("click", () => {;


MdMenu <md-menu>


Property Attribute Type Default Description
anchor anchor string '' The ID of the element in the same root node in which the menu should align to. Overrides setting anchorElement = elementReference.
NOTE: anchor or anchorElement must either be an HTMLElement or resolve to an HTMLElement in order for menu to open.
positioning positioning string 'absolute' Whether the positioning algorithim should calculate relative to the parent of the anchor element (absolute) or relative to the window (fixed).
Examples for position = 'fixed':
- If there is no position:relative in the given parent tree and the surface is position:absolute - If the surface is position:fixed - If the surface is in the "top layer" - The anchor and the surface do not share a common position:relative ancestor
When using positioning = fixed, in most cases, the menu should position itself above most other position:absolute or position:fixed elements when placed inside of them. e.g. using a menu inside of an md-dialog.
NOTE: Fixed menus will not scroll with the page and will be fixed to the window instead.
quick quick boolean false Skips the opening and closing animations.
hasOverflow has-overflow boolean false Displays overflow content like a submenu.
NOTE: This may cause adverse effects if you set md-menu {max-height:...} and have items overflowing items in the "y" direction.
open open boolean false Opens the menu and makes it visible. Alternative to the .show() and .close() methods
xOffset x-offset number 0 Offsets the menu's inline alignment from the anchor by the given number in pixels. This value is direction aware and will follow the LTR / RTL direction.
e.g. LTR: positive -> right, negative -> left RTL: positive -> left, negative -> right
yOffset y-offset number 0 Offsets the menu's block alignment from the anchor by the given number in pixels.
e.g. positive -> down, negative -> up
typeaheadDelay typeahead-delay number 200 The max time between the keystrokes of the typeahead menu behavior before it clears the typeahead buffer.
anchorCorner anchor-corner string Corner.END_START The corner of the anchor which to align the menu in the standard logical property style of - e.g. 'end-start'.
NOTE: This value may not be respected by the menu positioning algorithm if the menu would render outisde the viewport.
menuCorner menu-corner string Corner.START_START The corner of the menu which to align the anchor in the standard logical property style of - e.g. 'start-start'.
NOTE: This value may not be respected by the menu positioning algorithm if the menu would render outisde the viewport.
stayOpenOnOutsideClick stay-open-on-outside-click boolean false Keeps the user clicks outside the menu.
NOTE: clicking outside may still cause focusout to close the menu so see stayOpenOnFocusout.
stayOpenOnFocusout stay-open-on-focusout boolean false Keeps the menu open when focus leaves the menu's composed subtree.
NOTE: Focusout behavior will stop propagation of the focusout event. Set this property to true to opt-out of menu's focuout handling altogether.
skipRestoreFocus skip-restore-focus boolean false After closing, does not restore focus to the last focused element before the menu was opened.
defaultFocus default-focus string FocusState.FIRST_ITEM The element that should be focused by default once opened.
NOTE: When setting default focus to 'LIST_ROOT', remember to change tabindex to 0 and change md-menu's display to something other than display: contents when necessary.
isSubmenu boolean false Whether or not the current menu is a submenu and should not handle specific navigation keys.
typeaheadController TypeaheadController function { ... } Handles typeahead navigation through the menu.
anchorElement HTMLElement & Partial<SurfacePositionTarget> undefined
items MenuItem[] undefined


Method Parameters Returns Description
close None void
show None void
activateNextItem None MenuItem Activates the next item in the menu. If at the end of the menu, the first item will be activated.
activatePreviousItem None MenuItem Activates the previous item in the menu. If at the start of the menu, the last item will be activated.


Event Description
opening Fired before the opening animation begins
opened Fired once the menu is open, after any animations
closing Fired before the closing animation begins
closed Fired once the menu is closed, after any animations

MdMenuItem <md-menu-item>


Property Attribute Type Default Description
disabled disabled boolean false Disables the item and makes it non-selectable and non-interactive.
type type string 'menuitem' Sets the behavior and role of the menu item, defaults to "menuitem".
href href string '' Sets the underlying HTMLAnchorElement's href resource attribute.
target target string '' Sets the underlying HTMLAnchorElement's target attribute when href is set.
keepOpen keep-open boolean false Keeps the menu open if clicked or keyboard selected.
selected selected boolean false Sets the item in the selected visual state when a submenu is opened.
typeaheadText string undefined


Event Description

MdSubMenu <md-sub-menu>


Property Attribute Type Default Description
anchorCorner anchor-corner string Corner.START_END The anchorCorner to set on the submenu.
menuCorner menu-corner string Corner.START_START The menuCorner to set on the submenu.
hoverOpenDelay hover-open-delay number 400 The delay between mouseenter and submenu opening.
hoverCloseDelay hover-close-delay number 400 The delay between ponterleave and the submenu closing.
isSubMenu md-sub-menu boolean true READONLY: self-identifies as a menu item and sets its identifying attribute
item MenuItem undefined
menu Menu undefined


Method Parameters Returns Description
show None Promise<void> Shows the submenu.
close None Promise<void> Closes the submenu.


Event Description
deactivate-items Requests the parent menu to deselect other items when a submenu opens
request-activation Requests the parent make the slotted item focusable and focuses the item.
deactivate-typeahead Requests the parent menu to deactivate the typeahead functionality when a submenu opens
activate-typeahead Requests the parent menu to activate the typeahead functionality when a submenu closes