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NIPY Changelog

NIPY is not only a module for neuroimaing analysis but an umbrella for other Python neuroimaging-related projects -- see and for more information about their releases.

'Close gh-' statements refer to GitHub issues that are available at:

The full VCS changelog is available here:


Abbreviated authors are:

  • MB - Matthew Brett
  • BT - Bertrand Thirion
  • AR - Alexis Roche
  • GV - Gaël Varoquaux
  • YH - Yarik Halchenko
  • 0.3.0 (Saturday 2 February 2013)
    • Bugfix, refactoring and compatibility release
    • Addition of EM algorithm for mixed effects analysis (BT)
    • New high-level GLM class interface (BT)
    • nipy diagnostic scripts save PCA and tsdifana vectors to npz file
    • Python 3 compatibility through 3.3 (MB)
    • Fixes for compatibility with upcoming Numpy 1.7
    • Fixes to background and axis specification in visualization tools (GV, BT)
    • Fixes and tests for installed nipy scripts (MB)
    • Fix to optimization parameters for Realign4D - thanks to bpinsard
    • Fix 0 in affine diagonal for TR=0 in affines by default (MB)
    • Allow saving of nipy images loaded from nifti files that lack explicit affine (MB)
    • Allow slice_order=None to FmriRealign4D when not doing time interpolation (AR); check for valid slice order specification (YR)
    • Refactoring of quantile routine to move code out of C library (AR)
    • Fix bug in resampling of unsigned int images (AR)
    • Custom doctest machinery to work round differences of dtype repr on different platforms, and to skip doctests with optional dependencies (MB)
    • Script to run examples for testing (MB)
    • Fix for accidental integer division of frametimes in design matrix generation (Fabian Pedregosa)
    • Various other fixes and refactorings with thanks from (AR, BT, MB, YR, Yannick Schwartz, Virgile Fritsch)
  • 0.2.0 (Sunday 22 July 2012)
    • The first ever official release
      • > 30 contributors
      • > 6 years in development
      • 192 issues closed on github