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File metadata and controls

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excel to archimate

This repository has some helper files to convert data from excel to archimate. It mainly uses other tools to convert the intermediate states


convert excel to rdf

use excel2rdf

excel2rdf instances/import.xlsx import.ttl

convert archimate to rdf

Makes use of ontmalizer wrapper xsd2owl some small modifications could be found in resources folder (

This workflow expects a model.xml in an instances folder together with the xsd (archimate3_Model.xsd).

java -jar xsd2owl/target/xsd2owl-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

this produce a file called result.n3 and result.owl, the instances ant ontology respectivly.

construct new instances and join the files

Use comunica-sparql-file to join the excel instatance with archimate instances. Each sparql file is could be seen as a rule based inference query

comunica-sparql-file output/result.ttl output/import-1.ttl -f ../queries/1.sparql > output/export-1.ttl 
comunica-sparql-file output/result.ttl output/import-1.ttl -f ../queries/2.sparql > output/export-2.ttl 
comunica-sparql-file output/result.ttl output/import-2.ttl -f ../queries/3.sparql > output/export-3.ttl 
comunica-sparql-file output/result.ttl output/import-2.ttl -f ../queries/4.sparql > output/export-4.ttl 
comunica-sparql-file output/*.ttl "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }" -t 'application/sparql-results+xml' > output/binding.xml

convert back to archimate

time xsltproc sparql2archimate.xslt binding.xml | tee archimate.xml