- Where: Zoom Video Call
- When: Nov 24th, 1pm-2pm Pacific Local Time
None required. The meeting is open to all members in our community.
- The meeting will be on a Zoom video conference.
- Etiquette dictates that you join with video enabled - although it is not explicitly required.
- Use Mute as a default. Press
space bar
to talk/unmute. - Use the chat window for dialog as much as possible.
- Ockam Community on GitHub Discussions
- Ockam Community - Code Of Conduct Covenant
- Community Calls will be recorded and will be made available as soon as possible in this repo.
- This meeting will have a hard stop at 2pm PDT.
- Opening, welcome and roll call
- Opening of the meeting by Matthew Gregory
- Introduction of attendees
- Find volunteers for note taking
- How to end-to-end encrypt all application layer communication - a dive into Ockam Inlets and Outlets
- Final comments and discussion
To be posted after the meeting
A video recording of the call will be published on Youtube after the call https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvIHPuSfG4-vpsNFHZZaI8Q/videos