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File metadata and controls

202 lines (163 loc) · 26.9 KB


MtbImporter is a tool that eases the data integration, management and import of both clinical and mutational data into cBioPortal. It is tested and optimized to work with the core components of the MIRACUM UseCase 3 Support for Molecular Tumor Boards, which are available here:

To account for the huge variety of clinical source systems, this tool relies on csv files as input format and uses Metadata Repositories to store data model descriptions and their relations in a source code independent way.

If you want to consume FHIR resources, you will need to flatten them first to a csv based format using tools like FhirExtinguisher or fhircrackr.

Core features

  • Automatic detection of input data type
  • Supports the following MDRs
  • Annotation of data columns using metadata repository (MDR)
  • Code independent data transformation through MDR and Groovy scripts
  • Translation of ICD-O-3 classification to OncoTree using FHIR Terminology services
  • Further annotation of poorly described variants through VEP
  • Record linkage on clinical and mutation data
  • Studies are split by presentation date of the patient
  • Versioned data management
  • Composes a complete cBioPortal study, compatible to the default import format
  • Lineage of import process and restart afterwards
  • Runs native on JVM 17, Docker and Docker-Compose

Get started

General assumption: The tools relies on the fact that the mutation data uses the sample id as identifier and that the patient id can be resolved from a FHIR repository.

For a minimal data model description of cBioPortal that covers all attributes provided by the pipeline see here. We also provide a working test dataset for both clinical and mutational data here.

To get started, copy the settings.yaml.example file to settings.yaml. This avoids future conflicts within the git tree. You need to tailor the configuration parameters to fit your environment first. The following configuration parameters are available:

Parameter Description
portalUrl URL where MtbImporter can access cBioPortal
portalInfo Location where to look for the portalinfo on cBioPortal instances that have authentication enabled. If authentication is disabled, simply comment out this line.
importScriptPath If you don't run MtbImporter inside docker you should set here the absolute path to you script
inputFolders List of input folders
inputFolder.source Input folder that contains new files Destination where the processed files will be moved
cronIntervall Interval in ms how often the input folders are scanned for new files
studyFolder Folder where your cBioPortal studies are located
studyTemplate Folder where your main study is and new substudies will be derived from
mainStudyId Identifier for your main study
patientIdName Name for the Column that contains the patient id
urlBase Base URL to access the MIRACUM-Pipe reports. Note: This is written to the data_resource_sample.txt and must contain an URL that is accessible by the end users of cBioPortal!
resourceFolder Folder that contains all the PDF reports.
overrideWarnings Override warnings when importing study into cBioPortal (-o parameter on
restartAfterImport Restart cBioPortal after data import
restartCommand If you don't use docker enter here the required command to restart cBioPortal
ensemblUrl URL that points to the Ensembl REST API for further variant annotation
fhir Configuration for FHIR endpoints
fhir.clinicalDataServerUrl Base of a FHIR server that contains resources to resolve patient id from sample id
fhir.terminology Settings for a FHIR terminology server that is used to translate ICD-O-3 classifications to OncoTree codes
fhir.terminology.serverUrl Base of a FHIR terminology server
fhir.terminology.icdO3Url URI for ICD-O-3 CodeSystem
fhir.terminology.oncoTreeUrl URI for OncoTree CodeSystem
fhir.terminology.icdO3ToOncoTreeConcepMapUrl FHIR resource URL for the ConceptMap that translates ICD-O-3 to OncoTree
fhir.terminology.icdO3ToOncoTreeConcepMapId FHIR resource id for the ConceptMap that translates ICD-O-3 to OncoTree
regex Regular expressions to eliminate illegal characters from sample ids. Note: This conversion should be reversible!
regex.his Character that needs to be eliminated
regex.cbio Character that replaces the illegal character
mappingMethod Select how you want to map your data. Can be either groovy for Samply MDR or DataElementHub or cxx for Kairos CentraXX MDR
mdr Configuration for one ore more metadata repositories
mdr.samply Section for Samply MDR
mdr.samply.url URL to Samply MDR REST API
mdr.samply.sourceNamespace Namespace for data models of the source system (probaly HIS)
mdr.samply.targetNamespace Namespace for data models of the target system (cBioPortal)
mdr.samply.language Language that was assigned to the data elements
mdr.samply.mappingEnabled true/false whether this MDR is used only for annotation of cBioPortal clinical data columns or also actual mapping
mdr.dataelementhub Section for DataElementHub
mdr.dataelementhub.url URL to the DataElementHub REST API
mdr.dataelementhub.tokenUrl URL to the token provider that is configure in DataElementHub (e.g. Keycloak)
mdr.dataelementhub.username Your username for the DataElementHub
mdr.dataelementhub.password The password that that belongs to the account above
mdr.dataelementhub.clientId Your OpenID Connect client id
mdr.dataelementhub.clientSecret Your OpenID Connect client secret
mdr.dataelementhub.sourceNamespace Namespace for data models of the source system (probaly HIS)
mdr.dataelementhub.targetNamespace Namespace for data models of the target system (cBioPortal)
mdr.dataelementhub.language Currently not used! Language that was assigned to the data elements
mdr.dataelementhub.mappingEnabled true/false whether this MDR is used only for annotation of cBioPortal clinical data columns or also actual mapping
mdr.cxx Section for Kairos CentraXX MDR
mdr.cxx.url URL to CentraXX MDR REST API
mdr.cxx.username Your username for the CentraXX MDR
mdr.cxx.password The password that that belongs to the account above
mdr.cxx.basicUsername Your OpenID Connect client id
mdr.cxx.basicPassword Your OpenID Connect client secret
mdr.cxx.mappingEnabled true/false whether this MDR is used only for annotation of cBioPortal clinical data columns or also actual mapping
docker Section to configure import/restart of a cBioPortal instance running with Docker
docker.compose Use this if you want to handle the import and restart process through docker-compose. Note: This only works if MtbImporter is running locally on your system. If MtbImporter is running inside a Docker container, this is unavailable.
docker.compose.workdir Workdir where your docker-compose.yml for cBioPortal is located
docker.compose.serviceName Service name that you set for cBioPortal in you docker-compose.yml file
docker.studyFolder Folder where your study folder is mounted inside the Docker container
docker.imageName Specify the docker image that you use for cBioPortal (e.g.
docker.containerName Specify the full name of you cBioPortal container (required for restart)
docker.networkName Specify the network that the import container needs to attach to
docker.propertiesFile Absolute path on host filesystem to the config file of cBioPortal
docker.portalInfoVolume Specify the full name of your volume that stores the portal info data from cBioPortal
mapping Mappings from source to target systems. Detailed description here
mapping.source Identifier of the source data model. Detailed description here Identifier of the target data model. Detailed description here
mapping.modelClass Model class of cBioPortal that should be mapped to. Detailed description here

Configure mapping

Mapping is done using a source data model and a target data model and a correspondig (JVM) class of the cBioPortal data model. The corresponcdig section in your settings.yaml file may look like this:

    source: orbis_l-tumorboard-molekular
    target: cbioportal_patient
    modelClass: de.uzl.lied.mtbimporter.model.ClinicalPatient

The following model classes are availabe:

  • de.uzl.lied.mtbimporter.model.ClinicalPatient
  • de.uzl.lied.mtbimporter.model.ClinicalSample
  • de.uzl.lied.mtbimporter.model.Cna
  • de.uzl.lied.mtbimporter.model.ContinuousCna
  • de.uzl.lied.mtbimporter.model.GenePanelMatrix
  • de.uzl.lied.mtbimporter.model.Maf
  • de.uzl.lied.mtbimporter.model.SampleResource
  • de.uzl.lied.mtbimporter.model.Timeline
  • de.uzl.lied.mtbimporter.model.TimelineImaging
  • de.uzl.lied.mtbimporter.model.TimelineLabtest
  • de.uzl.lied.mtbimporter.model.TimelineSpecimen
  • de.uzl.lied.mtbimporter.model.TimelineStatus
  • de.uzl.lied.mtbimporter.model.TimelineTreatment

There are two special fields for clinical data, that can be used as a mapping target: ICD_O_3_SITE and ICD_O_3_HISTOLOGY if these attributes are present MtbImporter will try to map the ICD-O-3 classification to OncoTree resulting in the additional columns ONCOTREE_CODE and CANCER_TYPE.


Each file go through a preparation process. This will generate Map, indexed by the patient id. It can be used to cache information that might be relevant for the whole mapping process. In this example the year and month of first diagnosis is stored. Later it can be used to calculate relative timestamps in timelines or survival times.

Mapping using Kairos CentraXX MDR

Source and target are forms/profiles/itemsets defined in your CXX MDR. To do an actual data conversion you also have to define Relations between the definitions in source and target.

Here Element A was selected form the source system, while Element B belongs to the target system.

By clicking on the Transformation A -> B you'll be able to define a Groovy script that transforms the element from data model A to data model B.

Mapping using Samply MDR

Values other than equal will be mapped on the fly using Groovy scripts. Those have to be stored in the mappers folder within a subfolder for each dataelementgroup. The currently processed variable is accessible as src, all other variables are accessible using their identifier in the csv file, but with an underscore as prefix.

Example: You want to map the attribute NACHNAME from your source system to the attribute PATIENT_DISPLAY_NAME for a patient in cBioPortal. Your Concepts section for the dataelement NACHNAME within Samply MDR will look like this:

Your mapping script will be located at the following path and look like this: mappers/cbioportal_patient/nachname.groovy

_VORNAME + " " + src

Mapping using DataElementHub

Values other than equal will be mapped on the fly using Groovy scripts. Those have to be stored in the mappers folder within a subfolder for each dataelementgroup. The currently processed variable is accessible as src, all other variables are accessible using their identifier in the csv file, but with an underscore as prefix.

Example: You want to map the attribute NACHNAME from your source system to the attribute PATIENT_DISPLAY_NAME for a patient in cBioPortal. Your Concepts section for the dataelement NACHNAME within DataElementHub will look like this:

Your mapping script will be located at the following path and look like this: mappers/cbioportal_patient/nachname.groovy

_VORNAME + " " + src




GNU Affero General Public License v3 (AGPL-3.0)


This work is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), grant id 01ZZ1802Z (HiGHmed). We acknowledge the support through both HiGHmed and MIRACUM consortia as part of the Medical Informatics Initiative Germany.