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File metadata and controls

44 lines (29 loc) · 6.93 KB

Current functionality

For the current moment DSpace Connector implements the ExportRepository-interface (common methods which should be actual for different types of publication repositories) and has also some DSpace-specific methods.

The methods of ExportRepository interface are provided bellow. Please use these methods as a common interface for the DSpace Connector. For more information please see the file.

Method Return Type Return Value Description
isRepositoryAccessible() boolean true if repository is accessible and false otherwise Check if publication repository is accessible via some API
hasRegisteredCredentials() boolean true if credentials are registered and false otherwise Check if current authentication credentials (e.g. user/admin login and password (including also on-behalf-of option)) are registered in the repository
hasAssignedCredentials() boolean true if credentials are allowed to make an export into repository and false otherwise Check if current authentication credentials (e.g. user/admin login and password (including also on-behalf-of option)) are allowed to make an export (publication) into repository. Different credentials can have different access rights
getAvailableCollections() Map<String, String> or null in case of error Map of available collections
-- key = link to the collection
-- value = title of the collection (only collection title, WITHOUT subcommunities)
Get available for the current authentication credentials collections
exportNewEntryWithMetadata(String collectionUrl, Map<String, List> metadataMap) String or null in case of error String with the URL of the new created entry Export (create) a new entry with metadata only (without any file) in some collection, which should be available for the current authentication credentials
exportNewEntryWithMetadataAndFile(String collectionURL, Map<String, List> metadataMap, File file, boolean unpackFileIfArchive) String or null in case of error String with the URL of the new created entry Export (create) a new entry with a file and metadata in some collection, which should be available for the current authentication credentials

If more functionality is needed, DSpace Connector provides some other methods.

DSpaceRrepository interface extends the ExportRepository interface, for more information please see the DSpaceRepository interface:

Method Return Type Return Value Description
getCommunitiesForCollection(String collectionURL) List or null in case of error List<String> of communities for the collection (0 or more communities are possible) Get a list of communities for the provided collection
getAvailableCollectionsWithFullName(String fullNameSeparator) Map<String, String> or null in case of error Map<String, String>, where key = "collection full URL", value = "collection full name". The Map could be also empty if there are not available collections Get collections, which are available for the current authentication credentials, and show their full name (e.g. for DSpace-repository it means "community/subcommunity/collection", where "/" is the fullNameSeparator)

As a basic class the DSpaceSwordOnly is used, which implements DSpaceRepository interface. All methods here are realized with support of only SWORDv2 protocol. It means, that only activation of SWORDv2 for the repository is needed, plus extra configuration of service document, to provide a support of the "service" tag inside the "collection" tag (to list communities instead of collection in the service document).

Method Return Type Return Value Description
exportNewEntryWithFile(String collectionUrl, File file, boolean unpackFileIfArchive) String or null in case of error String with the URL of the new created entry Export (create) a new entry with a file in some collection, which should be available for the current authentication credentials
createEntryWithMetadata(String collectionURL, Map<String, List> metadataMap) String String with the entry URL which includes "/swordv2/edit/" substring inside. This URL could be used without changes for further update of the metadata. Method is used as a body for "exportNewEntryWithMetadata(String collectionUrl, Map<String, List> metadataMap)" - export the metadata only (without any file) to some collection, which should be available for the current authentication credentials
createEntryWithMetadataAndFile(String collectionURL, Map<String, List> metadataMap, File file, boolean unpackZip) String String with the entry URL which includes "/swordv2/edit/" substring inside. This URL could be used without changes for further update of the metadata. Method is used as a body for "exportNewEntryWithMetadataAndFile(String collectionURL, Map<String, List> metadataMap, File file, boolean unpackFileIfArchive)" - export a file together with the metadata to some collection, which should be available for the current authentication credentials
getCollectionEntries(String collectionUrl) Map<String, String> Map<String, String> with all collection entries, where key - entry URL, value - entry title Get all collection entries (publications inside the collection)

DSpace_v6 class extends the DSpaceSwordOnly class and realizes support of the REST-API. There are some specific for the REST interface methods, also some methods are rewritten to support both interfaces - SWORDv2 and REST. At first methods try to work only with SWORD interface, and when some problems appear (e.g. service document do not support "service" tag for the collections), the methods switch to the REST-API. The switch process happens automatically, that's why user should not care about it. REST-specific methods:

Method Return Type Return Value Description
isRestAccessible() boolean true if REST-interface is accessible and false otherwise Check if REST-interface is accessible
getCollectionHandle(String collectionURL) String String with the collection handle Get collection handle based on the colleciton URL