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527 lines (431 loc) · 17.7 KB

File metadata and controls

527 lines (431 loc) · 17.7 KB


Test Release Maven Central Apache License 2.0

graph-guard is an extensible Bolt proxy server, that's capable of performing realtime Cypher query validation, for Neo4j 5+ (compatible databases).


The Server proxies Bolt messages as displayed in the diagram below.


Proxied messages are intercepted by the Plugin, enabling the Server to dynamically transform the incoming and outgoing data.

Validator is a Plugin that performs realtime query validation by intercepting RUN requests then analyzing the Cypher (and parameters) for schema violations. If the intercepted query is determined to be invalid according to the schema, then a FAILURE response is sent to the client.

For example, validate movies queries align with the schema via the Server, using the graph-guard library.

/** Use the [driver] to run queries that violate the *movies* schema. */
fun runInvalidMoviesQueries(driver: Driver) {
  driver.session().use { session ->
    /** Run the invalid [query] and print the schema violation message. */
    fun run(query: String) {
      try {
        error("Expected schema violation for query '$query'")
      } catch (exception: DatabaseException) {
    run("CREATE (:TVShow {title: 'The Office', released: 2005})")
    run("MATCH (theMatrix:Movie {title: 'The Matrix'}) SET theMatrix.budget = 63000000")
    run("MERGE (:Person {name: 'Chris Fraser'})-[:WATCHED]->(:Movie {title: 'The Matrix'})")
    run("MATCH (:Person)-[produced:PRODUCED]->(:Movie {title: 'The Matrix'}) SET = 'Warner Bros.'")
    run("CREATE (Keanu:Person {name: 'Keanu Reeves', born: '09/02/1964'})")
val plugin = Validator(Schema(MOVIES_SCHEMA))
val server = Server(boltURI(), plugin, InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8787))
server.use {
  GraphDatabase.driver("bolt://localhost:8787", Config.builder().withoutEncryption().build())

The code above prints the following schema violation messages.

Unknown node TVShow
Unknown property 'budget' for node Movie
Unknown relationship WATCHED from Person to Movie
Unknown property 'studio' for relationship PRODUCED from Person to Movie
Invalid query value(s) '09/02/1964' for property 'born: Integer' on node Person


A schema describes the nodes and relationships in a graph. The schema is defined using a custom DSL language, demonstrated below for the movies graph.

graph Movies {
  node Person(name: String, born: Integer):
      ACTED_IN(roles: List<String>) -> Movie,
      DIRECTED -> Movie,
      PRODUCED -> Movie,
      WROTE -> Movie,
      REVIEWED(summary: String, rating: Integer) -> Movie;

  node Movie(title: String, released: Integer, tagline: String);


A graph contains node statements. A schema may include multiple interconnected graphs. To reference a node in another graph, qualify the node name with the graph name, as shown below.

graph Places {
  node Theater(name: String):
      SHOWING(times: List<Integer>) -> Movies.Movie;


A node must have a unique name, and may have properties and/or relationship definitions.


Relationships are defined relative to the source node. A relationship definition must have a name, direction (-> for directed, or -- for undirected), and target node. A relationship must have a unique (source)-[name]-(target), and may also have properties.


A node or relationship may have typed properties. The supported property types are listed below.

The types align with the supported Cypher values.

  • Any - a dynamically typed property
  • Boolean
  • Date - a date()
  • DateTime - a datetime()
  • Duration - a duration()
  • Float
  • Integer
  • List<T> - where T is another (un-parameterized) supported type
  • LocalDateTime - a localdatetime()
  • LocalTime - a localtime()
  • String
  • Time - a time()
  • String literal - any value enclosed in double quotation marks, e.g. "example"

A property can be designated as nullable by including the ? suffix on the type, for example String? and List<Any?>.

The omission of a type results in the usage of Any?, which effectively disables property value validation.

A property may specify multiple types of values with the union type syntax, as shown below.

graph G {
  node N(p: Boolean | "true" | "false");


A node, relationship, or property may have arbitrary metadata.

Currently, the metadata is purely information, it isn't used in schema verification.

graph G {
  node @a N(@b("c") p: Any):
      @d R(@e("f") @g p: Any) -- N;

The metadata annotations can have any name, and may include a string literal value within parenthesis.


The Cypher query validation prevents the following schema violations.

  • "Unknown ${entity}" - a query has a node or relationship not defined in the schema
  • "Unknown property '${property}' for ${entity}" - a query has a property (on a node or relationship) not defined in the schema
  • "Invalid query value(s) '${values}' for property '${property}' on ${entity}" - a query has property value(s) (on a node or relationship) conflicting with the type defined in the schema


Refer to the (antlr4) grammar for an exact specification of the schema DSL.


The graph-guard* libraries are accessible via Maven Central and the graph-guard-cli application is published in the releases.

graph-guard requires Java 17+.

Server doesn't currently support TLS (because of ktor-network limitations). Use NGINX or a cloud load balancer to decrypt Bolt traffic for the proxy server.


Refer to the snippets below to see how to initialize and run a Server with the graph-guard library.


/** [] `this` [Server] in a [thread] then execute the [block]. */
fun Server.use(wait: Duration = 1.seconds, block: () -> Unit) {
  val server = thread(block = ::run) // run the server until the thread is interrupted
  Thread.sleep(wait.inWholeMilliseconds) // wait for the server to start in separate thread
  try {
    block() // execute a function interacting with the server
  } finally {
    server.interrupt() // interrupt the thread running the server to initiate a graceful shutdown
  plugin { // define plugin using DSL
    intercept { _, message -> message.also(::println) }
    observe { event -> println(event) }
  .use { TODO("interact with the running server") }


Server.Plugin plugin = // implement async plugin; can't utilize Kotlin coroutines plugin interface in Java
    new Server.Plugin.Async() {
      public CompletableFuture<Message> interceptAsync(
              @NotNull String session, @NotNull Bolt.Message message) {
        return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(
                () -> {
                  return message;

      public CompletableFuture<Void> observeAsync(@NotNull Server.Event event) {
        return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(
                () -> {
                  return null;
Thread server = new Thread(new Server(boltURI(), plugin));
server.start(); // run the server until the thread is interrupted
Thread.sleep(1_000); // wait for the server to start in separate thread
/* TODO: interact with the running server */
server.interrupt(); // interrupt the thread running the server to initiate a graceful shutdown


Refer to the graph-guard website.


Download and run the graph-guard-cli application.

curl -OL
mkdir graph-guard-cli
tar -xvf graph-guard-cli.tar --strip-components=1 -C graph-guard-cli
./graph-guard-cli/bin/graph-guard-cli --help

Refer to the demo (and source script).


The following graph-guard-* libraries provide types and/or implementations to facilitate augmenting Server functionality.


graph-guard-validate defines Rule, which is the basis for query validation, through the Validator plugin. Schema is the Rule that evaluates whether a Cypher query contains schema violations. Refer to Patterns for additional Cypher Rule implementations.


Script.evaluate enables plugins to be compiled and loaded from a Kotlin script. The Script.Context exposes a DSL to build plugins.

For example, use a plugin script with the Server.

val script = """

import io.github.resilience4j.kotlin.ratelimiter.RateLimiterConfig
import io.github.resilience4j.kotlin.ratelimiter.executeSuspendFunction
import io.github.resilience4j.ratelimiter.RateLimiter
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger

plugin {
  val rateLimiter = RateLimiter.of("message-limiter", RateLimiterConfig {})
  intercept { _, message -> rateLimiter.executeSuspendFunction { message } }

plugin { 
  val messages = AtomicInteger()
  intercept { _, message ->
    if (messages.getAndIncrement() == 0) println(message::class.simpleName)
val plugin = Script.evaluate(script)
val server = Server(boltURI(), plugin)
server.use(wait = 10.seconds) { server.driver.use(block = ::runMoviesQueries) }

Script compilation and evaluation takes longer, thus the 10 second wait.

The code above prints the following message.



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