- PROJECT: operational framework time-series
- APPS -- convert_grid_hmc2csv
- fix bugs related to the dumping of time-series (delimiter, no_data and formats for matching to the other ts methods)
- APPS -- convert_time_step_src2csv
- fix bugs related to time_start/time_end in realtime applications
- APPS -- sync_ts
- fix bugs related to unavailable point or datasets
- extend method to resample time-series with different frequency
- APPS -- analyze_ts
- fix bugs related to unavailable point or datasets
- add options to rescale methods to make the analysis only in the variable range
- APPS -- view_ts
- fix bugs related to unavailable point or datasets
- extend heatmaps features using the seaborn package
- PROJECT: operational framework soil moisture rescaled (obs/mod)
- APPS -- MAP: create_map_smr
- first release based on old soil moisture packages
- PROJECT: operational framework grid
- APPS -- TS: resample_grid_src2ref
- first release
- PROJECT: operational framework time-series
- APPS -- TS: convert_grid_ecmwf2csv, convert_grid_hmc2csv, convert_grid_ascat2csv, convert_grid_smap2csv, convert_grid_gldas2csv
- fix bugs related to the orientation of the reference domain (in tiff format)
- APPS -- TS: convert_grid_hmc2csv
- add format to read all hmc datasets (static and dynamics)
- PROJECT: operational framework soil moisture triple collocation
- APPS -- CELL: app_map_create_tc
- update codes to smooth the coasts areas to avoid artefacts
- update codes to organize domain datasets and metrics using the same resampling and filtering strategy (testing)
- update codes to correct the time selection based on tolerance period
. fix bugs in weight method (case: ref found, k1 not found and k2 found)
- PROJECT: operational framework soil moisture rescaled (obs/mod)
- APPS -- CELL: app_cell_swi
- first release to convert the ssm to swi time-series
- APPS -- CELL: app_cell_rzsm
- first release to convert the rszm layers to rzsm profile time-series
- APPS -- CELL: app_cell_scaling
- first release to scale the nrt time-series using a reference time-series dataset
- APPS -- CELL: app_cell_metrics
- first release to compute time-series metrics
- PROJECT: validation framework
- APPS -- CELL: app_img2cell_gldas
- fix bugs in geographical orientation
- APPS -- CELL: app_img2cell_ecmwf
- fix bugs in geographical orientation
- APPS -- CELL: app_img2cell_cci
- fix bugs in geographical orientation
- TOOLS -- VALIDATION HSAF: app_validation_main
- add bulk option in the reference dataset
- TOOLS -- VALIDATION HSAF: app_validation_publisher
- fix bugs related to the old datasets
- PROJECT: validation framework
- APPS -- CELL: app_img2cell_gldas
- update codes
- APPS -- CELL: app_img2cell_ecmwf
- update codes and add image_buffer option in the settings file (to manage nrt and dr applications)
- TOOLS -- VALIDATION HSAF: app_validation_main
- add options and logging features avaialable in the previous versions outside the recolour package
- TOOLS -- VALIDATION HSAF: app_validation_publisher
- update codes based on the previous versions (2017-2022) and adapt the scripts to different configurations
- PROJECT: validation framework
- APPS -- CELL: app_img2cell_gldas
- fix bug related to the georeference information in the reshuffle tool
- PROJECT: operational framework soil moisture rescaled (obs/mod)
- APPS -- MAP: convert_cell2grid_ascat
- first release (product h16 and h103)
- APPS -- MAP: convert_cell2grid_metrics
- first release (product ascat and ecmwf)
- PROJECT: validation framework
- APPS -- CELL: app_img2cell_cci
- update codes
- APPS -- CELL: app_img2cell_gldas
- update codes
- TOOLS -- VALIDATION HSAF: app_validation_main
- update codes and fix bugs
- TOOLS -- VALIDATION SM: app_validation_main
- update codes and fix bugs
- PROJECT: operational framework soil moisture rescaled (obs/mod)
- APPS -- MAP: convert_swath2cell
- fix bugs
- update code to product h16, h103, h104 and h105
- update code to manage tmp file (to check the long analysis)
- PROJECT: operational framework time-series
- APPS -- TS: join_ts, sync_ts, analyze_ts, view_ts
- first release and fix bugs
- PROJECT: utility framework
- TOOLS: transfer, validation, assimilation and xml
- first release and fix bugs
- PROJECT: viewer framework
- NOTEBOOK: notebook_recolour_sm_ts
- PROJECT: validation framework
- TOOLS -- VALIDATION SM: app_validation_main
- first release and fix bugs
- PROJECT: operational framework soil moisture triple collocation
- APPS: create_grid_tc
- add temporal periods to match available products (reference, k1 and k2)
- add resampling procedure to remap products k1 and k2 to the reference grid
- fix artetacts in k1 and k2 products (due to the generic grid reference)
- fix selection of time for reference, k1 and k2 products
- PROJECT: operational framework soil moisture triple collocation and time-series
- APPS: cell, maps and time-series
- TOOLS: converter, downloader, plot_validation, plot_timeseries, validation, xml
- NOTEBOOKS: time-series datasets and products
- Refactor project structure and codes
- Extend methods and functions of img2cell, swath2cell, ecmwf2ts, hmc2ts and smap2ts
- Fix bugs (for operational mode)
- PROJECT: beta framework
- APPS: maps and time-series
- TOOLS: validation, grid2ts, swath2ts, plotting, downloader, xml
- NOTEBOOKS: time-series
- PROJECT: first commit to open the repository and initialize the default settings