I developed this challenge for the Bootcamp GoStack course as described
RN Challenge.
However I put some features like, apply dislik and also delete the card from the repository.
I even got excited to do other interactions in the app, but I decided to save energy for another more elaborate development!
“Always running in search of the goals!”
🛸 Thechnologies | 🤔 How to use | ☎ Contact section
- Jest
- axios
- Express
- NodeJS
- Supertest
- nodemon
- React Native
- VS Code and ESLint
- React Native Vector Icons
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git, Node.js, Yarn installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Back-end
# Clone the remote backend repository
$ git clone https://github.com/caiohenrique-developer/desafio-conceitos-node
# Go to local repository
$ cd desafio-conceitos-node
# Run command...
$ yarn install
# Or
$ npm install
# Start the backend server
$ yarn dev
# App mobile
# Clone the remote app RN repository
$ git clone https://github.com/caiohenrique-developer/desafio-conceitos-react-native
# Go to local repository
$ cd desafio-conceitos-react-native
# Run command...
$ yarn install
# Or
$ npm install
# If you want to run the project on a simulador, start the react-native server as it is
$ react-native start
# On another terminal, install the app on your simulator
# Use the command below for iOS devices
$ react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone XS Max"
# Use the command below for Android devices
$ react-native run-android
# If you want to run the project on your smartphone, change the baseURL on src/services/api.js to your machine's ethernet adapter IP. Use the ethernet adapter IP if you're on a cable connection or the WiFi adapter IP if you're on a wireless connection.
# After changing the baseURL, start the react-native server
$ react-native start
# On another terminal, install the app on your smartphone
# Use the command below for iOS devices
$ react-native run-ios
# Use the command below for Android devices
$ react-native run-android
- In: Caio Henrique
- E-mail: caiohenrique.developer@gmail.com
- Personal contact: Message me!
Done with ♥ by myself 🙏