Releases: calcitem/Sanmill
Releases · calcitem/Sanmill
Sanmill v1.0.7
- Support standard notation
Sanmill v1.0.6
- Improve stability.
Sanmill v1.0.5
- Indicate white pieces as player 1 and black as player 2
- Change text 'Hint' to 'Info'
- Fix typo
We have modified the location of the configuration file, considering that this is Beta version, so it is not backward compatible.
So we strongly recommend you restore to default settings after upgrading to v1.0.5.
We apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused you.
Sanmill v1.0.4
A Mill Game which supports many rule variants.
- A player who aligns three of his pieces on a board line has a mill and may remove his opponent's piece(s).
- Any player reduces to two pieces and has no option to form new mills and thus loses the game.
- A player can also lose with more than three pieces, if his opponent blocks them so that they cannot be moved.
- Support many rule variants, such as Nine Men's Morris and Twelve Men's Morris, "Fly" Rule or no "Fly" Rule
- Play against the AI, or play both sides
- Adjustable playing strength
- Highly configurable
- Color themes
Sanmill version 0.17.0
- First Flutter App release.
- 行棋阶段当双方棋子数量较多时增加搜索深度;
- 行棋阶段如果双方子力相差悬殊则降低深度;
- 摆棋阶段倒数第4着深度改回17, 为了避免走棋没多久就被闷杀;
- 以上总体降低自对弈计算效率约1/4.
提速 2/3
- 摆子阶段最后一着如果成三则先吃子再进入走棋阶段;
- 将内外圈十字架视为地位相等;
- depth: 调高第5/6级深度到13/14
- 解决一处缓冲区溢出问题。
- 迭代深度步进由2改回1;
- 调高第4和第5级深度到12;
- 部分解决吃子很快时网络对战时容易卡住的问题;
- 允许当游戏结束时自动重新开始;
- 哈希内存占用由512MB缩减到384MB;
- 调低第4和第5回合的深度 (棋力有一定下降,胜率由90%下降到80%)