React Native Brownfield provides first-class support for Objective-C.
The library is meant to work with auto linking. In case you can't use this feature, please check out the following options:
react-native link
Run the following command in your terminal: react-native link @callstack/react-native-brownfield
Add the following line to your `Podfile`: pod 'ReactNativeBrownfield', :path => '../node_modules/@callstack/react-native-brownfield'
Manually link the library on iOS
Drag ReactNativeBrownfield.xcodeproj
to your project on Xcode (usually under the Libraries group on Xcode):
Click on your main project file (the one that represents the .xcodeproj
) select Build Phases
and drag the static library from the Products
folder inside the Library you are importing to Link Binary With Libraries
(or use the +
sign and choose library from the list):
You can import the object from:
#import <ReactNativeBrownfield/ReactNativeBrownfield.h>
A singleton that keeps an instance of ReactNativeBrownfield object.
[ReactNativeBrownfield shared]
Property | Type | Default | Description |
bridge | RCTBridge | nil | Launch options, typically passed from AppDelegate. |
entryFile | NSString | index | Path to JavaScript root. |
fallbackResource | NSString | nil | Path to bundle fallback resource. |
bundlePath | NSString | main.jsbundle | Path to bundle fallback resource. |
Starts React Native, produces an instance of a bridge. You can use it to initialize React Native in your app.
Param | Required | Type | Description |
onBundleLoaded | No | void(^)(void) | Callback invoked after JS bundle is fully loaded. |
launchOptions | No | NSDictionary | Launch options, typically passed from AppDelegate. |
[[ReactNativeBrownfield shared] startReactNative];
[[ReactNativeBrownfield shared] startReactNative:^(void){
NSLog(@"React Native started");
[[ReactNativeBrownfield shared] startReactNative:^(void){
NSLog(@"React Native started");
}, launchOptions];
A view controller that's rendering RCTRootView
within its bounds. It automatically uses an instance of a bridge created in startReactNative
method. It works well with exposed JavaScript module. It's the simplest way to embed React Native into your navigation stack.
You can import it from:
#import <ReactNativeBrownfield/ReactNativeViewController.h>
[ReactNativeViewController initWithModuleName:moduleName andInitialProperties:initialProps]
Param | Required | Type | Description |
moduleName | Yes | NSString | Name of React Native component registered to AppRegistry . |
initialProperties | No | NSString | Initial properties to be passed to React Native component. |
[[ReactNativeViewController alloc] initWithModuleName:@"ReactNative"]
[[ReactNativeViewController alloc] initWithModuleName:@"ReactNative" andInitialProperties:@{@"score": 12}]
You can find an example app here.