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This is a Céu API for RabbitMQ. Follow the instructions below to get it up and running on your machine.

Install RabbitMQ

Run the following commands:

sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server

RabbitMQ should now be installed on your machine. To run it, do:

sudo rabbitmq-server start

Note: it's possible that after installation the server will already be running, which is fine. Upon trying to start it you'll be notified if this is the case.

Test RabbitMQ (with examples in Python)

In order to make sure the serving is working, let's use two basic examples from the official Python tutorial on RabbitMQ.

Before, we must install pip, a Python package manager, and pika, an AMQP library for Python applications:

sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install pika

Now, run the following commands to download the and scripts:


Now, start rabbitmq-server if you haven't already, and start in it's own tab on the terminal.

Finally, run


After doing this, you should see the message 'Hello World!' show up on the tab. If you wanna change the message sent, modify line 13 in

 [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C
 [x] Received 'Hello World!'

Install rabbitmq-c

Now, let's install the C API for AQMP.

First, clone the GitHub repository for rabbitmq-c:

git clone

Now, we must build the library. To do so, just run the following commands:

cd rabbitmq-c
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .

Note: if you do not have libssl installed, pass the argument -DENABLE_SSL_SUPPORT=OFF to cmake above as part of the build process.

Now, to install the library do:

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ..
cmake --build . --target install

If all goes well, examples can be found in build/examples.

Note: More detailed instructions can be found on library's GitHub repository.

Run the examples

Let's run two simple examples: a publisher and a listener. First, start the listener in its own tab:

./examples/amqp_listen localhost 5672 test
# Usage: amqp_listen <host> <port> <exchange name> <binding key>

Here, we're setting the listener to talk to the RabbitMQ server on localhost through port 5672, and consume messages whose routing key is test from the default direct exchange

Now, we'll send a simple message through amqp_sendstring.c:

./examples/amqp_sendstring localhost 5672 test "hello world"
# Usage: amqp_sendstring <host> <port> <exchange name> <binding key> <message body>

The first parameters are the same as the ones above. The last one is the body of the message to be sent.

If all goes well, you should see an output similar to the following:

Delivery 1, exchange routingkey test
Content-type: text/plain
00000000: 68 65 6C 6C 6F 20 77 6F : 72 6C 64                 hello world

Also try to send a message using amqp_sendstring to the Python consumer. In order to do this quickly, just change the routing key passed to amqp_sendstring above to hello and the exchange name to '' (the default exchange):

./examples/amqp_sendstring localhost 5672 '' hello "Hello world sent from C!"

Setting the routing key to hello must be done due to no binding key having been set in, hence it's set by default to the queue name. Moreover, the default exchange must be used as its the exchange to which the queue is bound to.

You should get the following output:

 [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C
 [x] Received 'Hello world sent from C!'

Install ceu-rabbitmq

To do this, just clone this repository:

git clone

Now, learn by example! Using the provided Makefile check out examples, which follow the official RabbitMQ tutorials. This is the best way to learn the API.

$ make example SAMPLE=<example folder name> TARGET=<script name>


  • Run from the top-level directory of ceu-rabbitmq.
  • Do not prepend the example folder name with src/.
  • Do not append the script name with .ceu.

To get your application going, just copy all the library modules to its folder and prepare a Makefile accordingly. Make sure to remove the handler.ceu file that comes included and make your own! This file is only found here so the channel.ceu test passes.