I wrote Unblocker in order to get some experience in Swift programming, and also to discover what resources in time and memory are required to solve the Unblock Me puzzle. I have posted the code on GitHub because I thought other programmers might find it interesting. I have not submitted the app to the App Store.
In order to install the app:
- On the Unblocker home page click Clone or download, then Download ZIP.
- Download the file to an empty folder on your Mac and unZIP it.
- Open the resulting project in Xcode (version 8 or later).
- Build and run.
Unblock Me is a puzzle app by Kiragames. The puzzle consists of a “board” whose size is 6 units by 6 units. The board can be thought of as being divided into 36 squares or “tiles,” where each tile is 1 unit by 1 unit. On the board are some blocks. The size of each block, expressed as "width x height", is either 2x1 or 3x1 or 1x2 or 1x3. “Horizontal” blocks (2x1 or 3x1) can only move left or right, and “vertical” blocks (1x2 or 1x3) can only move up or down. A block can never overlap or pass through another block, and must stay completely on the board.
There is one special 2x1 block called the “prisoner” which is colored differently from the other blocks. The object of the puzzle is to move the prisoner to the “escape chute,” which is an opening in the board adjacent to one end of the prisoner’s row. When it reaches the escape chute, the prisoner escapes from the board.
Moving a block constitutes a move. For example, in the puzzle shown in Figure 1 the 1x3 block in the first column has two possible moves: down 1 tile or down 2 tiles. The red block (the "prisoner") has one possible move: left 1 tile. The 1x2 block in the fourth column has no possible moves.
The puzzles in Unblock Me are organized into four categories of difficulty, as determined by the minimum number of moves required to solve. The categories are:
- Beginner: 15-20 moves
- Intermediate: 21-25 moves
- Advanced: 26-30 moves
- Expert: 31 moves or more
There is also an "Original Free" category, which includes puzzles of several levels of difficulty.
Note: On July 7, 2017, Kiragames added a new kind of puzzle under the heading "Daily Puzzle Mode." All the Daily Puzzles so far have been in the Beginner or Intermediate category. These puzzles add two new features to the game:
- There are 1x1 blocks which are fixed, i.e., which cannot be moved.
- The escape chute is not necessarily on the right end of the third row.
Unblocker has been updated to handle the new features correctly.
The puzzles in each category are numbered sequentially starting at 1, so to identify a specific puzzle we give the first letter of the category and the number of the puzzle. For example, the puzzle shown in Figure 1 would be denoted "B-7764."
The game can be played in "Relax Mode" or "Challenge Mode". The puzzles are the same in both modes; the difference is that Challenge Mode displays the minimum number of moves required to solve the puzzle and the number of moves the player has made.
Unblock Me offers a choice of themes, which determine the appearance of the board and the blocks. There are six "wood" themes (Original 1, Original 2, Oak Wood, Pine Wood, Cherry Wood, and Maple Wood) and several "special" themes (Christmas, Valentine, etc.) Unblocker will work with any of the "wood" themes, but not with the others.
The procedure for using Unblocker to solve an Unblock Me puzzle is as follows;
- In Unblock Me set the theme to one of the "wood" themes, and bring up the puzzle to be solved. (It doesn't matter whether this is the Relax Mode or the Challenge Mode, although all the examples used in this Guide are displayed in Challenge Mode.)
- Make a screenshot by pressing the Home button and the Power button simultaneously.
- In Unblocker tap New puzzle and select the last image in the camera roll, which should be the screenshot from step 2.
- Tap solve.
- Use the buttons to play and stop the solution, single-step forward and back, and reset to the initial step.
The home screen shows some statistics about the solution, and of course there are more at the Additional stats tab. If you cannot recall the number of the puzzle you just solved, the Original image tab will show it to you.
The longest-running puzzle I have found is Puzzle I-4, with timings as shown below. Note that timings vary from one run to the next, so these numbers are approximate.
Device | Debug | Release |
iPad Air | 17.6 sec | 1.84 sec |
iPhone 6 | 21.5 sec | 2.53 sec |
iPhone SE | 8.5 sec | 0.93 sec |
The next four sections of this Guide go into the working of the program in some detail. While the code listings could have been truncated or eliminated in order to shorten this document, the convenience of having the code inline — as opposed to having to view the code in a different file — outweighed considerations of brevity. If the reader wants to skip the code, it is easy to scroll past it.
Note: In this Guide, instances of types are denoted by lowercasing the first letter of the type name. For example, we may use "blockView" to denote an instance of BlockView without saying so explicitly.
The Block struct represents a block at its current position.
Every instance of the Block struct has a fixed, unique id
The properties length
, isHorizontal
, isPrisoner
, and isFixed
are also fixed for a given
instance. In addition, there are three variable properties: col
, row
, and
The column and row define the position of the block in the board, which is represented by the position of the block's topmost or leftmost end.
The id
uniquely identifies a particular block regardless of its position.
The property hashValue
uniquely identifies a particular block at a particular position
on the board. Thus hashValue
not only satisfies the definition of "hash
value" (if two blocks-with-position are equal then their hash values are
equal), but also can be used to define equality (if two blocks-with-position
have the same hashValue
then they are equal, i.e., their corresponding properties are
all equal).
struct Block: Hashable {
static var nextId = 0
static func ==(lhs: Block, rhs: Block) -> Bool {
return lhs.hashValue == rhs.hashValue
let id: Int
let length: Int
let isHorizontal: Bool
let isPrisoner: Bool
let isFixed: Bool
var col: Int
var row: Int
var hashValue: Int {
return id << 10 | col << 5 | row
init(col: Int, row: Int, length: Int, isHorizontal: Bool,
isPrisoner: Bool, isFixed: Bool) {
id = Block.nextId
Block.nextId += 1
self.col = col
self.row = row
self.length = length
self.isHorizontal = isHorizontal
self.isPrisoner = isPrisoner
self.isFixed = isFixed
The BlockView class is a UIView which represents the corresponding block on the screen.
A blockView
has a transparent background. On it is drawn an opaque
rounded rectangle which is slightly smaller than the bounds of the
view. The background of boardView
shows through the transparent
edges of the blockView
outside of the rounded rectangle, creating
a visual border separating adjacent blocks.
On the iPad, tileSize
can change if the device is rotated.
In that case, boardView
will set the tile size of blockView
and blockView
will redraw itself at the correct size and position.
class BlockView: UIView {
let id: Int // This is the ID of the corresponding Block
let color: UIColor
let width: Int
let height: Int
let isFixed: Bool
var col: Int
var row: Int
var tileSize: CGFloat {
didSet {
func layout() {
let origin = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(col)*tileSize, y: CGFloat(row)*tileSize)
let size = CGSize(width: CGFloat(width)*tileSize, height: CGFloat(height)*tileSize)
frame = CGRect(origin: origin, size: size)
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
let gap = tileSize * Const.gapRatio
let insetRect = rect.insetBy(dx: gap, dy: gap)
let path = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: insetRect, cornerRadius: 2*gap)
func rivet(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat, radius: CGFloat) {
// Draws a "rivet head" (filled circle with color Const.rivetColor)
// with the point (x, y) as center and with the given radius.
// The origin is the upper left corner of the visible block, i.e.,
// of the rectangle insetRect.
let center = CGPoint(x: insetRect.origin.x+x , y: insetRect.origin.y+y)
let path = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: center,
radius: radius,
startAngle: 0.0,
endAngle: 2*CGFloat.pi,
clockwise: false)
if isFixed { // Place rivets near the corners of the block
let width = insetRect.width
let height = insetRect.height
let offset = 2*gap
rivet(x: offset, y: offset, radius: gap)
rivet(x: width - offset, y: offset, radius: gap)
rivet(x: width - offset, y: height - offset, radius: gap)
rivet(x: offset, y: height - offset, radius: gap)
init(id: Int, color: UIColor, width: Int, height: Int, col: Int,
row: Int, tileSize: CGFloat, isFixed: Bool)
self.id = id
self.color = color
self.col = col
self.row = row
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.isFixed = isFixed
self.tileSize = tileSize
super.init(frame: CGRect.zero)
contentMode = .redraw
isOpaque = false
backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
Elements of a Set must be Hashable (hence also Equatable, by definition of Hashable).
Note that Block satisfies this requirement, so we can define a Board
be a Set
of Block
typealias Board = Set<Block>
The puzzle to be solved is represented by the struct Puzzle
, which includes the initial configuration of the board and the location of the escape chute.
enum Side {
case left
case right
struct Location {
let side: Side
let row: Int
struct Puzzle {
let initialBoard: Board
let escapeSite: Location
and borderView
are instantiated in Main.storyboard, with boardView
a subview of borderView
is a UIView which represents the playing board on the screen.
Every blockView
is a subview of the boardView
. When the dimensions of the board change, each
is updated with the new tileSize
class BoardView: UIView {
override func layoutSubviews() {
let tileSize = bounds.size.width / CGFloat(Const.cols)
let blockViews = subviews as! [BlockView]
for blockView in blockViews {
blockView.tileSize = tileSize
provides a border around the boardView
(which overlays it) and draws the "escape chute" in the correct position.
class borderView: UIView {
init() {
super.init(frame: CGRect.zero)
var puzzle: Puzzle? {
didSet {
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
guard puzzle != nil else {return}
let tileSize = (frame.width - 2 * Const.borderWidth) / CGFloat(Const.cols)
let escapeRow = CGFloat(puzzle!.escapeSite.row)
let escapeWidth: CGFloat = frame.width / 2
let escapeOriginX: CGFloat
// Draw escape chute
switch puzzle!.escapeSite.side {
case .left:
escapeOriginX = 0
case .right:
escapeOriginX = frame.width - escapeWidth
let path = UIBezierPath(rect: CGRect(x: escapeOriginX,
y: escapeRow * tileSize + Const.borderWidth ,
width: escapeWidth,
height: tileSize
In the Solver class, the dictionary lookupMoveForBoard(:)
the move which was applied to the previous board to arrive at the given
board. The move identifies the block which was moved and the position
of the block in the previous board.
struct Move {
let blockID: Int
let col: Int
let row: Int
Once a solution has been found, the Solver class will construct an array
of type [SolutionMove]
. The UnblockerViewController class will use the array
to animate moves in both the forward and backward directions. For details about the properties of SolutionMove
see the comment at the end of func updateSolution()
in Solver.swift.
struct SolutionMove {
let blockID: Int
let colFwd: Int
let rowFwd: Int
let colBack: Int
let rowBack: Int
The Scanner class is responsible for converting an image of an Unblock Me puzzle into a representation
of the puzzle within the domain model.
invokes an instance of UIImagePickerController to pick
an image from the photo library, and then passes the image to scanner.generatePuzzle()
. Scanner makes use of two structs, Pixel
and Pixels
, to represent an image. These structs were taken almost verbatim from
A pixel is a 32-bit value which is the concatenation of four 8-bit values representing RGB plus Alpha.
private struct Pixel {
var value: UInt32
var red: UInt8 {
get { return UInt8(value & 0xFF) }
set { value = UInt32(newValue) | (value & 0xFFFFFF00) }
var green: UInt8 {
get { return UInt8((value >> 8) & 0xFF) }
set { value = (UInt32(newValue) << 8) | (value & 0xFFFF00FF) }
var blue: UInt8 {
get { return UInt8((value >> 16) & 0xFF) }
set { value = (UInt32(newValue) << 16) | (value & 0xFF00FFFF) }
var alpha: UInt8 {
get { return UInt8((value >> 24) & 0xFF) }
set { value = (UInt32(newValue) << 24) | (value & 0x00FFFFFF) }
An instance of Pixels is effectively a 2-dimensional array, each element of which is a pixel, representing a UIImage image which is passed in the initializer.
private struct Pixels {
var data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Pixel>
var imgWidth: Int
var imgHeight: Int
// (boardOriginX, boardOriginY) will be upper left corner of
// playing board image.
var boardOriginX: Int
var boardOriginY: Int
init?(image: UIImage) {
guard let cgImage = image.cgImage else { return nil }
imgWidth = Int(image.size.width)
imgHeight = Int(image.size.height)
boardOriginX = 0
boardOriginY = 0
let bitsPerComponent = 8
let bytesPerPixel = 4
let bytesPerRow = imgWidth * bytesPerPixel
data = UnsafeMutablePointer<Pixel>.allocate(capacity: imgWidth * imgHeight)
let colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()
var bitmapInfo: UInt32 = CGBitmapInfo.byteOrder32Big.rawValue
bitmapInfo |= CGImageAlphaInfo.premultipliedLast.rawValue &
guard let imageContext = CGContext(
data: data,
width: imgWidth,
height: imgHeight,
bitsPerComponent: bitsPerComponent,
bytesPerRow: bytesPerRow,
space: colorSpace,
bitmapInfo: bitmapInfo)
else { return nil }
imageContext.draw(cgImage, in: CGRect(
origin: CGPoint.zero,
size: image.size
// pixels[0,0] is upper left corner of playing board image.
subscript(x: Int, y:Int) -> Pixel {
get {return data[boardOriginX + x + (boardOriginY + y) * imgWidth]}
set {data[boardOriginX + x + (boardOriginY + y) * imgWidth] = newValue}
Method findEscape()
in class Scanner locates the escape chute by scanning a given column of pixels in the image, and returns the y-coordinates of the top and bottom of the chute.
private func findEscape(inColumn column:Int, forConvertedImage pixels: Pixels) -> (top: Int, bottom: Int)? {
var y = Const.imageTruncation
var pixel:Pixel!
var topOfEscape: Int?
var bottomOfEscape: Int?
while y < pixels.imgHeight - Const.imageTruncation {
pixel = pixels[column, y]
if pixel.red < Const.startEscapeRedHiThreshold {
topOfEscape = y
while pixel.red < Const.endEscapeRedLoThreshold && y < pixels.imgHeight - Const.imageTruncation {
y += 1
pixel = pixels[column, y]
if y < pixels.imgHeight - Const.imageTruncation {
bottomOfEscape = y
y += 1
if topOfEscape == nil || bottomOfEscape == nil {
return nil
} else {
return (topOfEscape!, bottomOfEscape!)
Method getBoardImage()
in class Scanner determines the position of the playing board and the size of the tiles. First, it calls findEscape()
twice to locate the escape chute on the left or right side of the image, and sets tileSize
equal to the height of the escape chute. Method getBoardImage()
then calls the method findNextBlackLine()
twice to find the second horizontal black line in the image, which is the top of the board's image within the overall image. The board's origin is on this line, and three tiles to the left of the horizontal center of the image. Note that the method findNextBlackLine()
, which is in the file Scanner.swift, is not shown here; it is very similar to the method findEscape()
shown above.
private func getBoardImage(fromImage image: UIImage) -> (Pixels, Location)? {
let optPixels = Pixels(image: image)
guard var pixels = optPixels else {return nil}
let leftEscape = findEscape(inColumn: 0, forConvertedImage: pixels)
let rightEscape = findEscape(inColumn: pixels.imgWidth-1, forConvertedImage: pixels)
// ^^ is XOR (Exclusive Or) operator defined in "Extensions & generics.swift"
guard leftEscape == nil ^^ rightEscape == nil else {return nil}
let escape = leftEscape == nil ? rightEscape : leftEscape
let topOfEscape = escape!.top
let bottomOfEscape = escape!.bottom
tileSize = bottomOfEscape - topOfEscape
guard tileSize > 4 else {return nil}
let firstLine = findNextBlackLine(startRow: Const.imageTruncation, forConvertedImage: pixels)
guard firstLine != nil else {return nil}
let secondLine = findNextBlackLine(startRow: firstLine!.bottom, forConvertedImage: pixels)
guard secondLine != nil else {return nil}
let topOfBoard = secondLine!.top
let escapeRow = Int(round(Double(topOfEscape - topOfBoard)/Double(tileSize)))
let escapeSite = leftEscape == nil ? Location(side: .right, row: escapeRow) : Location(side: .left, row: escapeRow)
let centerX = pixels.imgWidth / 2
// Set origin to upper left corner of board image
pixels.boardOriginX = centerX - 3 * tileSize
pixels.boardOriginY = topOfBoard
// Consistency check
guard pixels.boardOriginX > 0
&& pixels.boardOriginX + Const.cols * tileSize < pixels.imgWidth
&& pixels.boardOriginY > 0
&& pixels.boardOriginY + Const.rows * tileSize < pixels.imgHeight
else {return nil }
return (pixels, escapeSite)
is a method to convert row or col to a coordinate of a pixel at (or near) the center of a tile.
private func convertTile(_ coordinate: Int) -> Int {
return coordinate*tileSize + tileSize/2
Method generatePuzzle()
uses the array of pixels returned by getBoardImage()
and returns an optional Puzzle?
. If the presumed initial board does not follow the rules of the game, the method returns nil.
In generatePuzzle()
and getBoardImage()
, the values used to test colors of pixels were determined by experiment, using the cherry wood theme. Serendipitously the same values work for all the "wood" themes.
func generatePuzzle(fromImage image:UIImage) -> Puzzle? {
guard let (pixels, escapeSite) = getBoardImage(fromImage: image) else {return nil}
var board = Board()
Block.nextId = 0
// MARK: Main loop for func generatePuzzle
for row in 0..<Const.rows {
for col in 0..<Const.cols {
// If tile is empty, mark as visited
if pixels[convertTile(col),convertTile(row)].red < Const.emptyRedHiThreshold {
wasVisited[col, row] = true
// If tile was previously visited, skip to next col.
if wasVisited[col,row] {continue}
// Note that findBlockWidth() and findBlockHeight() both set
// wasVisited[]
let blockWidth = findBlockWidth(col: col, row: row, pixels: pixels)
let blockHeight = findBlockHeight(col: col, row: row, pixels: pixels)
guard blockWidth==1 || blockHeight==1 else {return nil}
let block = Block(
col: col,
row: row,
length: max(blockWidth, blockHeight),
isHorizontal: blockWidth > 1,
isPrisoner: pixels[convertTile(col),convertTile(row)].green <
isFixed: blockWidth == 1 && blockHeight == 1
// There must be exactly 1 prisoner, and it must be a horizontal block of
// length 2 in the escape row.
// Otherwise return nil.
let prisoners = board.filter({$0.isPrisoner})
if prisoners.count == 1 {
let prisoner = prisoners.first!
if prisoner.isHorizontal && prisoner.length == 2 && prisoner.row == escapeSite.row {
return Puzzle(initialBoard: board, escapeSite: escapeSite)
return nil
findBlockwidth(col: row: pixels:)
returns the width of the block at [col, row] and sets wasVisited = true
for every tile in row number row
which is covered by the block. The code for
findBlockheight(col: row: pixels:)
is similar but returns the height of the block.
private func findBlockWidth(col:Int, row:Int, pixels: Pixels) -> Int {
var width = 1
let y = convertTile(row)
var c = col
while true {
wasVisited[c,row] = true
// If we are in the last column, stop here
if c == Const.cols - 1 {
return width
// Otherwise keep going:
// Check if there is an edge between this tile
// and the next.
for x in convertTile(c)..<convertTile(c+1) {
if pixels[x,y].red < Const.edgeRedHiThreshold {
// Found right edge of block, so return width
return width
// Did not find right edge of block, so increment width
width += 1
// Next column
c += 1
The Solver class is responsible for finding a solution. solve(puzzle:)
takes an argument of type Puzzle
and returns a result of optional type Solution?
struct Solution {
var timeInterval: TimeInterval = 0.0
var numMoves = 0
var initialBoard: Board = []
var winningBoard: Board = []
var numBoardsExamined: Int = 0
var numBoardsEnqueued: Int = 0
var finalQSize: Int = 0
var maxQSize: Int = 0
var numBoardsExaminedAtLevel: [Int] = []
var numBoardsEnqueuedAtLevel: [Int] = []
var boardAtLevel: [Board] = []
var moves: [SolutionMove] = []
var isUnsolvable = false
We define a "level" of a board as the number of moves taken to reach that board, starting from the initial board. As we shall see in a moment, in Unblocker the level is in fact the minimum number of moves required to reach the given board from the initial board, so it makes sense to talk about the level of a board.
We will need two constructs to hold data, a queue q = Queue<(board: Board, level: Int)>()
, where the generic type Queue
is defined in the file Extensions & generics.swift, and a dictionary lookupMoveForBoard: [Board : Move]
. For a given board, lookupMoveForBoard[board]
returns the move which
was applied to the previous board to arrive at the given board. The move identifies the block which was moved and its position in the previous board.
The puzzle is solved with a breadth-first search. Each node of q is a tuple consisting of a board and a level. To start with, q has just one entry, initialBoard at level 0. As the solution progresses, boards and their levels are removed from the top of q, and other boards and their levels are added to the bottom of q. Since the added boards are in non-decreasing order of level, every possible board at level n is dequeued and examined before any board at level n+1. Therefore a solution, if it exists, will eventually be found (provided there is enough time and memory available), and there will be no solution at any lower level. In fact, every board in q is inserted into q at the lowest possible level for that board.
Here is the procedure in more detail.
- Starting with an empty queue, enqueue (initialBoard, 0)
- While queue is not empty and no solution has been found
- Dequeue (currentBoard, currentLevel)
- For every newBoard which can be derived from currentBoard by moving one block
- If newBoard is in dictionary it was found at a lower level, so skip to next newBoard
- Otherwise calculate move from currentBoard to newBoard
- Add [newBoard : move] to dictionary
- Enqueue (newBoard, currentLevel+1)
- If newBoard has prisoner adjacent to escape chute then newBoard is a winner; mark solution solved and break out of both loops
- If q is empty and no solution has been found, mark solution unsolvable
- Return solution
Because it may take a significant amount of time to run, solve()
runs in a GCD queue which is not the main queue, i.e., it runs in a separate thread. In order to terminate solve()
while it is running, UnblockerViewController sets abortingSolve = true
func solve(puzzle aPuzzle: Puzzle) -> Solution? {
puzzle = aPuzzle
initialBoard = puzzle.initialBoard
if initialBoard.isEmpty {return nil}
if abortingSolve {return nil}
solution = Solution()
solution.initialBoard = initialBoard
switch puzzle.escapeSite.side {
case .left:
winColumn = 0
offstageColumn = -3
case .right:
winColumn = 4
offstageColumn = 7
startTime = Date()
var allDone = false
lookupMoveForBoard = [:]
// Set blockID to -1 as sentinel
lookupMoveForBoard[initialBoard] = Move(blockID: -1, col:0, row:0)
solution.maxQSize = q.size
// MARK: Outer loop
while !q.isEmpty && !allDone {
let node = q.deQueue()!
let currentBoard = node.board
currentLevel = node.level
var isOccupied = Matrix<Bool>(cols: Const.cols, rows: Const.rows, defaultElement: false)
// Mark occupied tiles
for block in currentBoard {
let width = block.isHorizontal ? block.length : 1
let height = block.isHorizontal ? 1 : block.length
for col in block.col..<block.col+width {
for row in block.row..<block.row+height {
isOccupied[col, row] = true
// MARK: Inner loop
// may be executed tens of thousands of times
for block in currentBoard where !block.isFixed{
let length = block.length
if block.isHorizontal {
// Check tiles to left of block until encountering an
// occupied tile or the left edge of the board.
var col = block.col - 1
while col >= 0 && !isOccupied[col, block.row] && !allDone {
allDone = registerBoard(currentBoard,
block: block,
col: col,
row: block.row,
level: currentLevel+1)
col -= 1
// Check tiles to right of block until encountering an
// occupied tile or the right edge of the board.
col = block.col + length
while col < Const.cols && !isOccupied[col, block.row] && !allDone {
allDone = registerBoard(currentBoard,
block: block,
col: col-length+1,
row: block.row,
level: currentLevel+1)
col += 1
} else { // Block is vertical
// Check tiles above block until encountering an
// occupied tile or the top edge of the board.
var row = block.row - 1
while row >= 0 && !isOccupied[block.col, row] && !allDone {
allDone = registerBoard(currentBoard,
block: block,
col: block.col,
row: row,
level: currentLevel+1)
row -= 1
// Check tiles below block until encountering an
// occupied tile or the bottom edge of the board.
row = block.row + length
while row < Const.rows && !isOccupied[block.col, row] && !allDone {
allDone = registerBoard(currentBoard,
block: block,
col: block.col,
row: row-length+1,
level: currentLevel+1)
row += 1
if allDone {break}
} // for block in currentBoard (Inner loop)
} // while !q.isEmpty && !allDone (Outer loop)
if abortingSolve {
abortingSolve = false
return nil
if q.isEmpty && !allDone {
updateSolution(forWinningLevel: currentLevel, winningBoard: [], isUnsolvable: true)
return solution
The solve()
method calls registerBoard()
, which moves a given block to a given position in a given board, and if the result has not been seen before adds the board to the dictionary and the queue.
private func registerBoard(
_ board: Board,
block: Block,
level:Int) -> Bool {
// Any board is only enqueued once. When dequeuing
// there is no need to check whether the board
// has already been visited.
// Create new board by moving a block
if abortingSolve {return true}
var newBoard = board
var newBlock = newBoard.remove(block)!
newBlock.col = col
newBlock.row = row
// Bump counter
if level == solution.numBoardsExaminedAtLevel.count {
solution.numBoardsExaminedAtLevel[level] += 1
// If newBoard was already enqueued, ignore it
if lookupMoveForBoard[newBoard] != nil {return false}
// Bump other counter
if level == solution.numBoardsEnqueuedAtLevel.count {
solution.numBoardsEnqueuedAtLevel[level] += 1
// Compute move from board to newBoard, update dictionary and queue
let move = Move(blockID: block.id, col: block.col, row: block.row)
lookupMoveForBoard[newBoard] = move
if solution.maxQSize < q.size {solution.maxQSize = q.size}
// If newBoard is a winning board, wrap it up;
// otherwise keep on truckin'.
if newBlock.isPrisoner && newBlock.col == winColumn {
updateSolution(forWinningLevel: level, winningBoard: newBoard, isUnsolvable: false)
return true
} else {
return false
The updateSolution()
method assigns values to the solution
private func updateSolution(forWinningLevel level:Int,
winningBoard board:Board,
isUnsolvable: Bool) {
solution.numBoardsEnqueued = 0
solution.numBoardsExamined = 0
for index in 0...level {
solution.numBoardsEnqueued += solution.numBoardsEnqueuedAtLevel[index]
solution.numBoardsExamined += solution.numBoardsExaminedAtLevel[index]
// Set properties which were not set previously
solution.winningBoard = board
solution.numMoves = level
solution.finalQSize = q.size
solution.timeInterval = Date().timeIntervalSince(startTime)
solution.isUnsolvable = isUnsolvable
if isUnsolvable {return}
// Change winning board to have prisoner block offstage
// Get last move
var board = solution.winningBoard
let move = lookupMoveForBoard[board]!
// Delete old winning board from dictionary
lookupMoveForBoard[board] = nil
// Get last block moved
let block = board.first(where: {$0.id == move.blockID})!
// Last block moved must be prisoner
// Move prisoner "offstage"
var newBlock = board.remove(block)!
newBlock.col = offstageColumn
// Add new winning board to dictionary
lookupMoveForBoard[board] = move
solution.winningBoard = board
// Populate arrays solution.moves and solution.boardAtLevel
while true { // "infinite" loop will exit when blockID = -1
// We traverse the solution "backwards", i.e., from the final (winning)
// board to the initial board.
// Insert board at beginning of solution.boardAtLevel
solution.boardAtLevel.insert(board, at: 0)
// Compute solutionMove and insert it at beginning of solution.moves
let move = lookupMoveForBoard[board]!
if move.blockID == -1 {break} // -1 blockID is sentinel
// Get the block which moves
let block = board.first(where: {$0.id == move.blockID})!
// Remove it from the board
var newBlock = board.remove(block)!
// Update its position
newBlock.col = move.col
newBlock.row = move.row
// Put it back in the board, ready for the next pass through the loop
// Although we can think of 'newBlock' as "the same block as 'block,'
// but in a different position," they are in fact two distinct
// elements of 'board,' which is just a set of blocks. That is why we
// remove 'block' from the board and put 'newBlock' in.
// Generate the corresponding 'solutionMove'
let solutionMove = SolutionMove(
blockID: block.id,
colFwd: block.col,
rowFwd: block.row,
colBack: newBlock.col,
rowBack: newBlock.row
solution.moves.insert(solutionMove, at: 0)
} // while true
// moves[n].blockID identifies the sole block whose position in
// boardAtLevel[n] differs from its position in boardAtLevel[n+1]. That
// block's coordinates in boardAtLevel[n] are (moves[n].colBack, moves[n].rowBack),
// and its coordinates in boardAtLevel[n+1] are (moves[n].colFwd, moves[n].rowFwd).
} // private func updateSolution
Most of the user interface is in Main.storyboard and UnblockerViewController.swift. Classes BlockView and BoardView are also important pieces of the UI; they are in the file Domain & UI models.swift.
The top-level UI element is a tab bar controller with three tabs:
- The "Unblocker" tab is the default tab. It invokes UnblockerViewController, which is the primary view controller (over 600 lines of code, including comments).
- The "Additional stats" tab invokes TextViewController, which presents statistics about the puzzle solution. The text containing the statistics is provided by UnblockerViewController.
- The "Original image" tab invokes ImageViewControllelr, which presents an image of the Unblock Me screenshot. The image is provided by UnblockerViewController.
UnblockerViewController, in its ViewDidLoad() method, assigns itself as delegate for the other two view controllers.
Enum ProgramState
represents eight possible (and mutually exclusive) states of the program, and enum ProgramOperation
represents six operations corresponding to six buttons on the main screen.
private enum ProgramState {
case boardEmpty
case notSolved
case solutionInProgress
case solutionPlaying
case atFirstStep
case atLastStep
case atOtherStep
case noSolutionExists
private enum ProgramOperation {
case solve
case playAll
case reset
case stepForward
case stepBack
case newImage
The function
isOperation(_ operation: ProgramOperation, ValidForState state: ProgramState) -> Bool
returns true
if operation
is a valid operation when the program is in the state state
, and returns false
The remainder of this User Interface section describes methods in the UnblockerViewController class. Some, but not all, of the code is shown here. All of the code is in UnblockerViewController.swift.
A note on terminolgy: As used in Unblocker, the terms level, step, and move number are synonyms. The usage of these terms is somewhat inconsistent, but in general depends on the context.
The label messageLabel
overlays the board display with an information or error message when appropriate.
Methods to manage program state:
private var state: ProgramState = .boardEmpty {
didSet {
borderView.puzzle = state == .boardEmpty ? nil : puzzle
setButtons(ForState: state)
setMessageLabel(ForState: state)
private func setButtons(ForState state: ProgramState) {
if state == .solutionInProgress {
solveButton.isHidden = true
} else {
solveButton.isHidden = false
if state == .solutionPlaying {
playAllButton.setTitle("Stop", for: UIControlState())
} else {
playAllButton.setTitle("Play", for: UIControlState())
solveButton.isEnabled = isOperation(.solve, ValidForState: state)
playAllButton.isEnabled = isOperation(.playAll, ValidForState: state)
resetButton.isEnabled = isOperation(.reset, ValidForState: state)
stepForwardButton.isEnabled = isOperation(.stepForward, ValidForState: state)
stepBackButton.isEnabled = isOperation(.stepBack, ValidForState: state)
newImageButton.isEnabled = isOperation(.newImage, ValidForState: state)
private func setMessageLabel(ForState state: ProgramState) {
messageLabel.backgroundColor = Const.emptyBackgroundColor
if originalImage == nil {
messageLabel.textColor = Const.normalMessageLabelColor
messageLabel.text = noImageMessage
} else if state == .boardEmpty {
messageLabel.textColor = Const.urgentMessageLabelColor
messageLabel.text = invalidImageMessage
} else if state == .noSolutionExists {
let fullMessage = "\n \(noSolutionExistsMessage) \n"
+ " Halted at level \(solution.numMoves).\n"
messageLabel.textColor = Const.urgentMessageLabelColor
messageLabel.text = fullMessage
} else {
messageLabel.text = nil
Method newImage()
presents UIImagePickerController()
to allow the user to select an image from the Photos Library. The returned image is converted, if possible, by the Scanner class into a Puzzle
sutiable for solution by the Solver class; if the image cannot be so converted, an error message is displayed.
Method solve()
dispatches a serial GCD queue to invoke the solve()
method of the Solver class.
Instance variables imageToShow
and textToShow
, and method statsText()
, provide data to the other view controllers referenced by the tab bar controller.
A valid solution consists of a sequence of boards and a sequence of moves, with both sequences indexed by the instance variable step
The boards are elements of the array solution.boardAtLevel
, with solution.boardAtLevel[step]
being equal to the initial board when step == 0
and to the winning board when step == solution.numMoves
The moves are elements of the array solution.moves
, with solution.moves[step]
being the move which takes solution.boardAtLevel[step]
to solution.boardAtLevel[step+1]
The four buttons in the UI which control the display of the solution are Step forward, Step back, Play, and Reset. When a solution is playing, the Play button becomes the Stop button.
Note that the stopPlaying()
and resetBoard()
methods can interrupt a running animation. Both methods call displayBoardAtStep(_:)
, which clears the board view (thereby stoping the animation, since all the animated blocks are deleted) and then re-displays the board at step
. The class UIViewPropertyAnimator, which was introduced in iOS 10, has the ability to cancel a running animation, but Unblocker was originally written for iOS 9. At any rate, using UIViewPropertyAnimator would not result in code any simpler than that used here.
Method stepForward()
animates the transition from the current step to the next step, and Method stepBack()
animates the transition from the current step to the previous step.
@IBAction func stepForward() {
guard isOperation(.stepForward, ValidForState: state) else {return}
assert (step < solution.moves.count)
moveBlock(index: step,
duration: Const.blockViewAnimationDuration,
delay: 0.0,
isBack: false)
step += 1
if step == solution.moves.count {
state = .atLastStep
} else {
state = .atOtherStep
@IBAction func stepBack() {
guard isOperation(.stepBack, ValidForState: state) else {return}
step -= 1
moveBlock(index: step,
duration: Const.blockViewAnimationDuration,
delay: 0.0,
isBack: true)
if step == 0 {
state = .atFirstStep
} else {
state = .atOtherStep
Method playSolution()
animates successive transitions starting with the current step, unless an animation is already playing, in which case it is stopped.
@IBAction func playSolution() {
guard isOperation(.playAll, ValidForState: state) else {return}
if state == .solutionPlaying {
state = .solutionPlaying
var delay = 0.0
for index in step..<solution.numMoves {
moveBlock(index: index,
duration: Const.blockViewAnimationDuration,
delay: delay,
isBack: false)
delay += Const.blockViewAnimationDelay
Method resetBoard()
animates a transition from the currently displayed board to the initial board (step 0) unless a solution is currently in process of being computed, in which case the computation is aborted.
@IBAction func resetBoard() {
guard isOperation(.reset, ValidForState: state) else {return}
if solution == nil {
state = .notSolved
solver.abortingSolve = true
for blockView in boardView.subviews as! [BlockView] {
// Find block in initial board corresponding to blockView
let block = solution.initialBoard.first(where: {$0.id == blockView.id})!
withDuration: Const.boardViewResetAnimationDuration,
delay: 0.0,
options: [],
animations: {
blockView.col = block.col
blockView.row = block.row
blockView.layout() },
completion: nil
step = 0
state = .atFirstStep
Supporting methods for displaying boards:
func moveBlock(index:Int, duration: Double, delay: Double, isBack: Bool) {
// Note that here move is of type SolutionMove and moves is of type
// [SolutionMove]
let moves = solution.moves
let move = moves[index]
let col = isBack ? move.colBack : move.colFwd
let row = isBack ? move.rowBack : move.rowFwd
// Find the blockView to be moved
let blockView = (boardView.subviews as! [BlockView])
.first(where: {$0.id == move.blockID})!
withDuration: duration,
delay: delay,
options: [.curveEaseInOut],
animations: {
blockView.col = col
blockView.row = row
blockView.layout() },
completion: {[unowned self] done in
if done && self.state == .solutionPlaying {
self.step = index + 1
if self.step < self.solution.numMoves {
self.setStepLabel(self.step + 1)
if index == self.solution.numMoves - 1 {
self.state = .atLastStep
func stopPlaying() {
if step < solution.numMoves {
step += 1
func displayBoardAtStep(_ step: Int) {
let board = solution.boardAtLevel[step]
self.step = step
switch step {
case 0:
state = .atFirstStep
case solution.moves.count:
state = .atLastStep
state = .atOtherStep
func displayBoard(_ board: Board){
numBlocks = board.count
tiles = 0
boardView.backgroundColor = Const.boardBackgroundColor
// displayEscape()
for block in board {
tiles += block.length
let blockColor = block.isPrisoner ? Const.prisonerBlockColor : Const.normalBlockColor
let width = block.isHorizontal ? block.length : 1
let height = block.isHorizontal ? 1 : block.length
let blockView = BlockView(
id: block.id,
color: blockColor,
width: width,
height: height,
col: block.col,
row: block.row,
tileSize: tileSize,
isFixed: block.isFixed
func clearBoard() {
solution = nil
initialBoard = []
state = .boardEmpty
// If an animation is running, clearBoardView will terminate it, since it
// deletes all the animated blocks.
func clearBoardView() {
for view in boardView.subviews {
blocksLabel.text = "--"
tilesLabel.text = "--"
boardView.backgroundColor = Const.emptyBackgroundColor
The solver uses a pure brute force approach, unlike human players, who would be hard put to solve a puzzle if they had to consider thousands of possibilities, as Unblocker does. The human solver uses heuristics which quickly eliminate most of the possibilities. We could try to implement some sort of heuristic in Unblocker; I will leave that as an exercise for the reader! (Note that the brute force approach guarantees that the solution which is found is minimal, in the sense that there is no other solution with a smaller number of moves. Any heuristic approach would also have to produce a minimal solution in order to be acceptable.)
There does not seem to be much correlation between the number of moves required for a solution with the amount of time the solving takes. To date, the longest solve time has been Puzzle I-4, which has a 23-move solution and requires examining 522,541 boards (40,919 different boards). Puzzle E-535, on the other hand, requires 51 moves, but only 22,622 boards (3,025 different boards) need to be examined. Incidentally, I believe E-535 requires the greatest number of moves of all the puzzles in the Kiragames selection.
I used Photoshop Elements to create a couple of unsolvable puzzles, and include them here in case you want to try them out. (The first one started life as B-5572, but it has been altered.)
I have a couple of ideas for extending the program, which I may or may not get around to implementing.
- Allow the user to edit a board, or create one from scratch.
- Create a database of puzzles and solutions, which could be used to look for patterns.