Linux: Docker engine
Install FIWARE and cygnus microserices
Open a command terminal in the folder docker-fiware
Run the following command in the terminal
sudo docker-compose up -d
Open postman
Import the collection SR001-Subscriptions.postman_collection.json
Execute the three subscriptions of the collection
To check that the installation is OK execute
sudo docker exec -it mongo bash
In the mongo terminal introduce mongo and pulse enter
Introduce show dbs, the following should appear:
Intall Robot Program Manager microservices
Open the dev.env file to configure the enviroment variables
Open a command terminal in the same folder docker-robotProgramManager
Run the following command in the terminal
sudo docker-compose up -d
To check if the application has started correctly:
Open the link http://localhost:81/ on a webwroser
The Robot Program Manager application should open:
Install Process Data Adquisition microservices
Open the dev.env file to configure the enviroment variables
Open a command terminal in the same folder docker-elfin_robotreporter
Run the following command in the terminal
sudo docker-compose up -d
To check if the application has started correctly:
Open the link http://localhost:4200/ on a webwroser
The CrateDB inferface should open: