Lets take a look at the structure of this template:
├── Containerfile # The file to build a container using buildah or docker
├── CONTRIBUTING.md # Onboarding instructions for new contributors
├── docs # Documentation site (add more .md files here)
│ └── index.md # The index page for the docs site
├── .github # Github metadata for repository
│ ├── release_message.sh # A script to generate a release message
│ └── workflows # The CI pipeline for Github Actions
├── .gitignore # A list of files to ignore when pushing to Github
├── HISTORY.md # Auto generated list of changes to the project
├── LICENSE # The license for the project
├── Makefile # A collection of utilities to manage the project
├── MANIFEST.in # A list of files to include in a package
├── mkdocs.yml # Configuration for documentation site
├── scdataloader # The main python package for the project
│ ├── base.py # The base module for the project
│ ├── __init__.py # This tells Python that this is a package
│ ├── __main__.py # The entry point for the project
│ └── VERSION # The version for the project is kept in a static file
├── README.md # The main readme for the project
├── setup.py # The setup.py file for installing and packaging the project
├── requirements.txt # An empty file to hold the requirements for the project
├── requirements-test.txt # List of requirements for testing and devlopment
├── setup.py # The setup.py file for installing and packaging the project
└── tests # Unit tests for the project (add mote tests files here)
├── conftest.py # Configuration, hooks and fixtures for pytest
├── __init__.py # This tells Python that this is a test package
└── test_base.py # The base test case for the project
file is used to include the files in the release, once the
project is released to PyPI all the files listed on MANIFEST.in will be included
even if the files are static or not related to Python.
Some build systems such as RPM, DEB, AUR for some Linux distributions, and also internal repackaging systems tends to run the tests before the packaging is performed.
The Containerfile can be useful to provide a safer execution environment for the project when running on a testing environment.
I added those files to make it easier for packaging in different formats.
All the utilities for the template and project are on the Makefile
❯ make
Usage: make <target>
help: ## Show the help.
install: ## Install the project in dev mode.
fmt: ## Format code using black & isort.
lint: ## Run pep8, black, mypy linters.
test: lint ## Run tests and generate coverage report.
watch: ## Run tests on every change.
clean: ## Clean unused files.
virtualenv: ## Create a virtual environment.
release: ## Create a new tag for release.
docs: ## Build the documentation.
switch-to-poetry: ## Switch to poetry package manager.
init: ## Initialize the project based on an application template.