Widget item extension, that provides a webComponent with an editor, that allows to create JS or JSON code snippets.
Prepare the bootstrap of the extension
To install the package from NPM registry you should run
yarn add @capsulajs/capsulahub-widget-request-form
npm install @capsulajs/capsulahub-widget-request-form
You can get the default export from the link
"components": {
"layouts": {},
"items": {
"web-request-form": {
"componentName": "web-request-form",
"path": "https://capsulajs.s3.amazonaws.com/develop/capsulahub-widget-request-form/index.js",
"config": {}
Bootstrap function of the extension.
The public API of the extension.
The documentation about public API.
yarn doc
And open doc/index.html in browser.
Internally example prepares the widget almost in the same way as Workspace does it.
yarn start
It will use the local version of extension from local src.
The bundle is being loaded statically in order to provide watch mode.
yarn test
yarn test:debug
New commands have to be typed correctly in typescript.
For example:
Cypress.Commands.add('getHeading', () => {
return cy.get('h1');
declare namespace Cypress {
interface Chainable {
getHeading: () => Chainable;
CapsulaHub and related services are released under MIT Licence.