- The
function throw explicit error messages when generating a document fails. - Update dev dependencies
- Update documentation & examples
- Updated default version of Carbone API from
- Added method
to add custom headers, headers will be added automatically to HTTP requests, usage:_carboneSDK.setApiHeaders({ "carbone-template-delete-after": "86400", "carbone-webhook-url": "https://..." });
- Updated esbuilt from
- Update packages
- generates a CJS module
- Update documentation, license and lint code
- Update documentation
- Update documentation
- Update documentation
- Fix project name & update documentation
- Turn the SDK into a javascript module. The build script creates an ESM file. Instead of accessing the SDK globally through the "window.carboneRenderSDK", it is possible to import it through:
import carboneRenderSDK from "carbone-sdk-js"
- Update the default value of "version", so that, it requests the latest version 3 of Carbone
- Update comments and examples on the doc folder
- It is possible to interact with the Carbone Render API with the following methods:
- addTemplate: upload a template and return a templateId
- getTemplate: return an uploaded template from a templateId
- deleteTemplate: delete a template from a templateId
- render: render a report from a templateId
- generateTemplateId: Pre compute the templateId