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Voting Verification App

Application Description

Application to be used by the community / voters to independently verify and check vote proofs.

Vote Verification

The Vote Verification application allows users to autonomously verify their vote is on correctly persisted on-chain.

In order to run the Vote Verification app, it is required to run three components:

  1. ledger-follower-app
  2. voting-verification-app
  3. verification-ui

Ledger Follower App

The Ledger Follower app is a service the crawls the blockchain looking for relevant information. In this case votes and voting events.

Voting Verification App

The Voting Verification app is a service that leverages the Ledger Follower app to verify votes for a particular voting event.

Verification UI

The verification UI is a user-friendly front end app that allows users to quickly verify their vote receipts.

Running the Vote Verification app

There are multiple ways of running the Vote Verification stack, but the quickest and more concise one is definitely via docker compose

You can install docker compose here

In order to run the stack is sufficient to check-out the github project and execute:

docker compose -f docker-compose-vote-verification.yml up -d

It is possible to quickly visualise the services status by running

docker ps -a

And it should look something similar to:

docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                                                                                                    COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS         PORTS                            NAMES
6049aee2f6db   cf-voting-app-verification-ui                                                                                                            "/docker-entrypoint.…"   10 seconds ago   Up 9 seconds   80/tcp,>8080/tcp   cf-voting-app-verification-ui-1
a0528218c570   "java -jar app.jar"      10 seconds ago   Up 9 seconds                                    cf-voting-app-follower-api-1
f43fd3af49db      "/docker-entrypoint.…"   10 seconds ago   Up 9 seconds   80/tcp,>9092/tcp   cf-voting-app-verification-app-1

Logs can be checked by running:

docker logs -f <container_nam>

An example is

docker logs -f cf-voting-app-follower-api-1

Accessing the UI

Now that everything is running, you can access the voting app in your browser by visiting http://localhost:8080

Event Specific Configuring

It is possible to customise the Vote Verification app with a specific event by configuring the following parameters.

Event specific values will be disclosed by the team close to the start of the voting event.

  • CARDANO_NETWORK=PREPROD the network on which the event is setup, it can be MAIN, PREPROD or PREVIEW
  • ORGANISER_STAKE_ADDRESS it's the stake address of the admin wallet used to setup and run the event.
  • A preprod example is stake_test1uqwcz0754wwpuhm6xhdpda6u9enyahaj5ynlc9ay5l4mlms4pyqyg
  • BIND_ON_EVENT_IDS it's the id of the event. Some preprod events are CF_SUMMIT_2023_025E or CIP-1694_Pre_Ratification_3316
  • CARDANO_NODE_PROTOCOL_MAGIC it's a network specific id required to ensure follower app is connected to the right network
  • YACI_STORE_CARDANO_SYNC_START_BLOCK_HASH it's the hash of the block from when the follower should start syncing. Preprod eg. 3337e297121fda1262372c28de3d917bd2a60bb1e3c6326e3b7e832eb8017615
  • YACI_STORE_CARDANO_SYNC_START_SLOT it's the slot number of the block at point above. Eg. 38748711