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Carnaval Radio Frontend

This is the frontend of, built with Next.JS

Netlify Status


Getting Started

  • Create .env.local in the root
  • Copy the .env.example file into the .env.local file.

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!

Backlog (Now):

  • On articles when you hover the cursor is pointer for the full article, but only the button is clickable
    • Please check full site for this unwanted behaviour
    • Only show cursor pointer on things that are actually clickable
  • Social links not working in menu and footer (make configurable somewhere, no duplicate config in two places)
  • The links in the menu are no actual links, but javascript push actions. We would like them to be actual links for SEO purposes.
  • Add google analytics (example: Bundeling)

Backlog (Upcoming)

  • Twitch integration, on certain moments, it should be possible to replace the slider with Twitch
  • Heavy caching issue on sponsors page, sometimes it shows latests, but sometimes it goes back to using old version. This could be due to vercel, cloudflare or next configuration
  • The old news should be displayed below the news from strapi. There is a JS file called allNewsArticles.js in projectData containing all the old news.
    • Detail pages for old news articles
  • Slides on the homepage are not loaded from Strapi, but are hard-coded. It would be nice if we could get them from strapi and fallback to hardcoded data, when not in strapi
  • It should be supported to load HTML (for example scripts and iframes) that are set in Strapi HTML blocks
  • Make a detail page for Limburg24 nieuws, inside the detail page it should then link to Limburg24 instead of directly
  • Save all played songs to a storage somewhere (cron job every 10 min or something, probably not in NextJS)
    • Then display all played songs instead of just 10
  • Make a detail page for Social nieuws, inside the detail page it should then link to the social instead of directly
  • Refactor so that all news overview pages and social post pages share more code
  • Generate a sitemap.xml from the full website content, including pages and articles
  • The player still has the refresh issue, when going to sponsoren and then to home, but also going to a working page and then going to 'Over ons' for example (
  • Change logo to old logo everywhere, it is decided we are not going to use the new one yet (available on request)
  • Make a page for Tickets. This is an Iframe loaded from a ticket organisation. Preferably this is set in Strapi, but if not possible, let's make a hard coded page with the iframe.
  • Limburg24 Niews should have a title
  • Limburg24 dates should be in the dutch format
  • Styling of pages and articles that have basic HTML elements in strapi are not displayed correctly (perhaps see Bundeling as an example, here it works)
  • Bug: There is a bug in the menu, the menu is not loading the latest state of what I have configured in Strapi for some reason
  • Bug: Sponsoren display doesn't look very nice, they should be a bit bigger, always centered and same height
    • In slider
    • On sponsor page
  • Bug/Feature: Articles are not sorted on any date. When the Date field is filled it should use that as the date, if it's not filled it should use publishedAt. On the combination of those two fields it should order all the custom news descending
  • Sponsors should be ordered based on the sponsors types it's order. So sponsors from type Prins should display first and Nar last.
  • When a song has no image configured (e.g the image is nocover.png) it should display a randomly colored block with the initials of the artist in it
    • The color should be selected from a preconfigured hard-coded list of colors
    • E.g Frans Theunisz should be FT, Big Benny should be BB, Kelly van de Lump should be KL, Beppie should be B. Spik en Span should be SS
    • The code should be in a way that it uses the same code for every place where the recent song image is shown
    • This technique is often used for account avatars, there might be a library for it even
    • Other rules, for example nocover.png and artist is should come first
    • Nice to have: the same artist should always have the same color (this can be done by not making it not fully random but by using the artist initials in the random function)
  • UI issues with menu items
  • The website sometimes seem to crash and then you have to wait very long for that everything is loaded
  • The sidebar player is not yet working
  • Not all news articles are equal in height, they should be per row I think, at least the first 3
  • The differentation in color between the player and the rest of the site is not good enough, perhaps we need more contrast there
  • Make sidebar SEO friendly and just use links for items
  • Add correct page titles to every page
  • Re-use components where applicable
    • Recent songs components, is exactly the same, except for displaying 10 or 4 songs. Not acceptable to duplicate code
  • Sponsoren do not auto play, which gives more attention to the first sponsors then the others, they should get equal attention. Loading randomly an other tab each time would also work.
  • Sliders/Banners from the CMS should autoplay
  • The news from Limburg24 is not yet loaded
  • Social media integration needs to be included
    • Overview of latest intagram posts
    • Overview of latest facebook posts
    • Preferably mixed in between each other
    • Somewhere on the website it should be possible to chat via facebook integration
    • A like and follow button needs to be added
  • Using theme colors does not work