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This workshop explores the powerful combination of Quarto and RStudio to author scientific publications. Our aim is to enhance researchers' adoption of open and reproducible practices while improving their project and data management skills. This workshop is structured into three modules. The modular format encourages instructors to view the workshop as a comprehensive but flexible curriculum, allowing them to focus on specific areas of interest. Recognizing variations in proficiency levels and familiarity with RStudio among learners, we have designed this workshop to be flexible, allowing for the abbreviation or skipping of episodes to cater to specific needs:
Module 1 - Reproducibility and Project Organization: This module consists of two episodes introducing learners to reproducible research and project management fundamentals. It lays the groundwork for a robust and transparent workflow, ensuring that all participants, whether beginners or those seeking a refresher, are on the same page before delving into the specifics of Quarto and RStudio Posit.
Module 2 - Quarto and RStudio: This module focuses on Quarto and its features for creating dynamic and reproducible documents. We guide learners through the ins and outs of Quarto, helping them harness this authoring framework and tool potential to create visually appealing, easily reproducible, and shareable documents.
Module 3 - Collaboration: This module shifts the focus to collaboration and publishing. It explores effective collaboration with others, using version control within RStudio, pushing local changes to a remote repository, managing dependencies for R/Quarto projects, and sharing reproducible research with a wider audience.
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Experience in R/RStudio is recommended but not required. Experience, if not familiarity, with using your Unix Shell Terminal, and Version Control with Git is required. You will need a GitHub Account to fork and pull the example repo. {: .prereq}
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