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Trainers Leadership Committee

Created: November 18, 2020 Updated: December 1, 2023

This is the first of two public documents detailing the role of the proposed Trainers Leadership Committee, as required in The Carpentries Committee Policy. See Powers and Responsibilities, below, for the second document.


  • Provide an inclusive, effective voice on behalf of and accountable to the trainer community.
  • Provide guidance and feedback as it relates to policies and procedures with respect to instructor training

Powers and Responsibilities

The authority and associated responsibilities proposed for this governing Committee, as distinct from the Trainers group as a whole and The Carpentries Core Team, are outlined in the Powers and Responsibilies document in the trainers repository.


  • Five (5) voting members, listed on the README of the trainers repo
    • Instructor Trainer with Active badge status
    • Carpentries Core Team members are not eligible
    • term is for one year
    • term limit of three (3) consecutive years
  • Chairperson
    • elected by the Committee members at the first meeting after elections
    • term is for one year, no limit beyond standard term limits
  • Secretary
    • elected by the Committee members at the first meeting after elections
    • term is for one year, no limit beyond standard term limits

Non-voting members

  • Carpentries Core Team liaison


  • scheduled for twice a month
    • second meeting optional if needed

Roles & Responsibilities


  • Leadership
  • Moderator of meetings
  • with secretary, set agendas and distribute min 24 hours before meetings
  • serve as representative to Executive Council meetings
  • compose written update to Executive Council every 6 months
  • create/update public-facing page with Committee information as described in The Carpentries Committee Policy


  • responsible for collecting and posting minutes of meetings (github)
    • prepare etherpad before meetings
    • identify scribe or recorder for each meeting
      • should rotate among committee members


  • attendance at meetings
    • set criteria
  • serve as members on subcommittees as needed
  • Help chairperson with report

Nominations and Elections

All Instructor Trainers with Active status who are not part of the Carpentries Core Team will be eligible to vote in elections.

New Members will be elected each year as vacancies occur. A general timeline for elections will occur annually as follows:

  • Mid November: The Core Team Liaison identifies a point of contact for the election. This person may be the Core Team Liaison or any Trainer not standing for election.
  • Early December: Elections announced, Self-nominations open
  • Late January: Self-nominations close, entries posted, dedicated Trainer meeting held to introduce candidates
  • Early February: Trainers vote
  • March 1: Responsibility transferred to new Members

If the seat of a Member becomes vacant after March 1 but before December 1, the Committee will attempt to fill the seat with a non-elected nominee from the most recent election, in the order of votes received. If this fails, the Committee may appoint any Active Trainer to fill the seat until the next election.

Elections will be conducted using a Single Transferable Vote (STV) preferential selection system. In the event that more than 15 eligible candidates self-nominate for election, a primary using the same system will be held first, with the top 10 candidates standing for final election.

Ratification and Governance

This document, once approved by The Carpentries Executive Council, will go into effect when a first election of leadership takes place.

Changes to Committee documentation may come from the Leadership or the Trainer community. To make changes:

  1. The trainer community should be notified one week prior to a regularly scheduled trainer meeting that the meeting topic will include changes to trainer governance. The notification must include the changes to be discussed and an asynchronous means for engagement.
  2. After the dedicated meeting, an additional one week to comment and propose revisions to the change.
  3. After the two week comment period, changes will be enacted if ratification is not required.
  4. If ratification is required, proposal moves to a vote among all Trainers.
  5. All documentation changes will be submitted to the Executive Council with regular required reports. Any requested changes will be processed as above.

A proposal is adopted with a quorum of 60% of Active badged Trainers voting (for,against, or abstain) and 75% of the votes in favor. New documentation goes into effect immediately upon approval.


If a Member consistently fails to meet the obligations outlined above, they may be removed by a unanimous vote of the other Members. A vote to remove a Member must be announced in writing (in the meeting agenda) to all Members at least ten days in advance to vote on the removal. A vacated seat will be filled following the procedure outlined in the Nominations and Elections section.