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de novo Transposon identification

#TEdenovo using REPET v2 #============================================================================== from REPET v2 WORKS with phyton2:

#module load python/2.7.15

#You can run TEdenovo using the sequence provided as example "DmelChr4.fa", or replace with your fasta file (assembly) of interest.

#RENAME the project name in the configuration file TEdenovo.cfg #[project] #project_name: DmelChr4

#Edit TEdenovo.cfg and ./runTEdenovo in order to adapt it to your personal situation. More in

#The output is a MCL-filtered library of TEs located in {NAME}_Blaster_GrpRecPil_Struct_Map_TEclassif_Filtered_MCL


On the FASTA files you use: * There is a 15-character limit on the name of the file (and the project name) * Make sure there is a line break at least once every 60 bases * Make sure there are no illegal characters in the FASTA headers

##LINE BREAK ( seqkit seq -w 60 Sp.fasta > Sp.fna

##RENAME fasta headers awk '/^>/{print ">Sp_ctg" ++i; next}{print}' < Sp.fna > Sp.fst

##ALL CAPITAL LETTERS awk 'BEGIN{FS=" "}{if(!/>/){print toupper($0)}else{print $1}}' Sp.fst > Sp.fa
